September 8, 2015
The Board of Education of the County of Grant
Regular Meeting
September 8, 2015, at 5:30 p.m.
Central Office Conference Room
II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Superintendent’s Designee
V. SCHOOL STATUS REPORT – Superintendent Bolton
The superintendent makes the following recommendations:
A. Approval of Minutes Attachment VI.A
August 25, 2015 Regular Meeting Minutes
B. Curriculum & Instruction
1. Trip Request(s)
Petersburg High School Athletics, 18 students to a Varsity/JV Volleyball game at Ravenswood, WV on September 18th through 19th, 2015.
Petersburg High School Athletics, 18 students to a Varsity/JV Volleyball game at Clear Springs, MD on September 28, 2015.
Petersburg High School Athletics, 18 students to a Varsity/JV Volleyball game at Bishop Walsh High, MD on October 19, 2015.
Petersburg High School Athletics, 17 students to a Varsity Girls Soccer game at Bishop Walsh High, MD on October 6, 2015.
Union Educational Complex Athletics, 4 students to Golf matches at Southern, MD on September 3rd, and September 10th, 2015.
2. 2015-16 Fall Sports Schedules Attachment VI.B.2
Petersburg High School and Union Educational Complex have submitted their 2015-16 Fall Sports Schedules.
3. Student Transfer Request(s)
The following 2015-16 Student Transfer Requests are being submitted for approval:
Out-of-County to In-County Attendance
2 Students from Hardy County to Petersburg Elementary School
1 Student from Pendleton County to Petersburg High School
In-County to Out-of-County Attendance
2 Students to Hardy County Schools
In-County to Out-of-Zone Attendance
2 Students from Maysville Elementary to Petersburg Elementary School
4. School Visitor(s)
Billy Byrd from Alderson Broaddus University will be visiting the 11th and 12th graders at Petersburg High School on September 11, 2015 for a question and answer session about the university.
Michelle Zumpano from West Virginia University will be visiting the 11th and 12th graders at Petersburg High School on September 23, 2015 for a question and answer session about the university.
5. Fund Raiser(s)
Petersburg High School
FFA – Dues – August 2015 through March 2016
FFA – Designing and Selling FFA Shirts – September through Dec. 2015
FFA – Hog Slaughter – September through December 2015
FFA – Selling Fruit, Nuts, & That’s My Pan items – Oct. through Dec. 2015
FFA – Greenhouse Flower and Vegetable Sale – January through June 2016
FFA – Ham, Bacon, & Egg Sale – March 2016
Football – Selling Viking Nation Window Decals – 2015-16
Union Educational Complex
11th Grade – Elite Pro Wrestling – September 19, 2015
Sophomore Class – Selling Little Caesars to the community – Sept. 8 to 22, 2015
C. Personnel Approval Attachment VI.C
The attached personnel business is being submitted for approval.
D. Budget and Finance
1. Bills (Beginning Ck# 23288 - Ending Ck# 23347) Attachment VI.D.1
The bills to be paid are being submitted for approval.
2. 2015-16 Contracts/Agreements Attachment VI.D.2
SearchSoft Solutions Agreement
E. Facilities
1. Building Use Request(s)
Louie Alt with the Grant County Parks and Recreation is requesting the use of the gyms at Petersburg High School, Maysville Elementary School, and Petersburg Elementary School from August 2015 through March 2016 for Little League Football and Basketball.
Union Educational Complex’s Eleventh Grade Class is requesting the use of the school’s gym for an Elite Pro Wrestling event on September 19, 2015.
Grant County Youth Volleyball League is requesting the use of the gym at Petersburg Elementary School for September and October 2015 for practice and games.
VII. Items for Consideration and/or Possible Action
A. Communications
1. WVDE FY14 Audit Correspondence Attachment VII.A.1
2. Individual School Newsletters Attachment VII.A.2
The next regular meeting of the Grant County Board of Education will be on Tuesday, September 22, 2015, at 5:30 p.m. at Union Educational Complex with their LSIC presentation at 5:45 p.m.
WV Code 6-9A-4, Sub Paragraph 2A - Personnel
WV Code 6-9A-4, Sub Paragraph 3 – Student Hearing