Wisconsin Juvenile Justice Network
Friday, February 24, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Dane County Neighborhood Intervention Program
1227 North Sherman Avenue,
Madison, WI
Meeting Minutes
☒ / Mandy Bisek, La Crosse – by phone / ☒ / Stacy Ledvina, Manitowoc – by phone☒ / Becky Bogen-Marek, Marathon - by phone / ☐ / Brian McBride, Milwaukee
☒ / Michelle Buehl, DJC / ☐ / Kelly Pethke, Milwaukee
☐ / Nic Dibble, DPI / ☒ / Mark Mertens, Milwaukee
☐ / Cindy Ebsen, MJTC / ☒ / Jim Moeser, WCCF
☐ / Bryn Martyna, DCF / ☐ / Jodi Peterson, Portage
☒ / Nina Emerson, DOJ / ☐ / Linda Schmitz, DOJ
☐ / Rob Fadness, Eau Claire / ☒ / Carol Pulkrabek, Eau Claire by phone
☒ / Jessie Godek, Jefferson / ☒ / Ragen Shapiro, DCF
☒ / Wendy Henderson, DCF / ☒ / Fred Garcia, Waukesha
☐ / Rhonda Voigt, Dane / ☒ / Shelby McCulley, DJC
☒ / Lance Horozewski, Rock / ☒ / Cindy Waller, WJCIA by phone
☐ / Debra Vieaux, Dane / ☐ / Heather Yaeger, WAFCA (LSS)
☒ / Chad Knutson, Polk – by phone / ☒ / Reisha Mitchell, DOJ
☒ / Andre Johnson, Dane / ☐ /
Guest Speaker:
- Introductions and brief updates
- Fred Garcia: Pete Slesar retired, new manager of the Adolescent and Family Division - Dr. Ron Pupp. Wisconsin Family Based Services Association will host a conference April 26-28 – 16 CEUs, addressing social problems to promote family safety (
- Andre Johnson: Save the date for the Youth Subcultures Conference November 6th in Madison at American Family Insurance. Judge Teske will be the key note with about fifteen other breakout sessions – more info to come.
- Wendy Henderson: Youth Services Conference May 1 & 2 in the Dells, registration in March ( ), there will be a juvenile justice track. Child Welfare and the Courts Conference October 18-20 in Elkhart Lake ( )
Youth Leadership Teams are up and running, youth are looking for opportunities to present/talk, the Campaign for Youth Justice Curricula is being used with these youth, perhaps have some youth come talk at a future WJJN meeting.
- Lance Horozewski: Crisis intervention for youth training for law enforcement, brought CIYT to Rock county, arrest diversion training for law enforcement, continuing to work on trauma informed court (e.g. the JJ worker no longer sits next to the DA) and trying to make hearings more family focused(e.g. day care provided for families).
- Mark Mertens: Halfway through the probation system review with RFK, working on internal policy and practice, expanding to stakeholders and trust building within the court process. Working to develop more clinical services in detention, including trauma screening. Hoping to develop comprehensive treatment program/model for MCAP, working with consultant out of Seattle. Will be taking over their own aftercare as of July 1st, 2017.
- Stacy Ledvina: By the end of 2016, they had twenty-six Kids at Hope community members trained. Kids at Hope shifts from looking at kids at risk to kids at hope – believe in all kids, connect kids with meaningful and sustainable relationships, and time travel with kids. Rick Miller is the founder of Kids at Hope and will be one of the speakers at the Child Welfare & the Courts. Kids at Hope
- Jim Moeser: Working with Dance County in the Connect the Dots movement. Andre agreed it has been a good work process, learned through surveys and meetings what was/wasn’t going well so they could move forward. Mark M has been very helpful getting Dane County started and throughout the process.
- Nina Emerson: Reisha Mitchell joined the staff at DOJ in the Justice Program Section as Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC) Coordinator. DMC is one of the core requirements under the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA). Reisha will be working on DMC issues in the criminal and juvenile justice systems. She is involved with the Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee (CJCC) and the Governor’s Juvenile Justice Commission (GJJC). She is responsible for the development of the DMC Report, which is submitted with Wisconsin’s Annual Compliance Report to OJJDP. The OJJDP changed the reporting period for compliance from the calendar year to the federal fiscal year, which changed the report due date. The 2017 Compliance Report is due February 28, 2017, reporting on data from 10/1/15-9/30/16. Reisha obtained a one-month extension to submit the DMC Report to March 31, 2017. That extension includes the Compliance Report. The two reports must be submitted together. Reisha has requested Training and Technical Assistance from OJJDP on DMC, which will be provided by the Development Services Group (DSG). DSG will conduct an on-site, all-day DMC Coordinators Training in March, a Researchers Training, and a SAG (State Advisory Group) Training for the GJJC at the May 9, 2017 GJJC Meeting.
Approve Minutes from November 11, 2016
- Forgot to approve the Minutes, will wait and approve at the May meeting.
- DCF Bureau of Youth Services Presentation and Discussion of feedback (review) and Strategic Plan (looking ahead)
- Presentation by Wendy Henderson and Ragen Shapiro. Provided two handouts – Wisconsin’s Community-Based Juvenile Justice System: Summary of Input Gathered and Visions for the future of Youth Justice and Youth Justice (YJ) Vision and Strategic Plan.
- WJJN Website and Practice Model Updates
Website Update:
- Looked at News page and highlighted some of the more recent posts provided by various members.
- Carol is working to send an email out via mail chimp to notify those on the email list of news updates.
- For any upcoming trainings or conferences, send links to Jim so he can add to calendar/events page.
- Jim will be retiring soon and would like to phase out his participation the end of April.
- Nina is working on the WJJN Facebook page and twitter, but needs direction in moving both forward.
- Cindy should continue to keep on members for articles to post.
Practice Model Update:
- No updates, waiting for DCF to present strategic plan.
- Work Planning for 2017
Membership update and outreach:
- Referenced handout with experts from 11/6/15 meeting minutes related to 2016 Goals and Workplan.
- Reviewed membership list, those on original list were contacted to gauge continued interest. Some stated that even if they cannot attend all meetings, still want to be on membership list and receive info. Handout provided with names and status.
- Discussion on who may be good counties or agencies to add representatives from and the process for adding new members.
- Discussion on adding youth and families to the leadership team or not, based on network goals. Concerns about expanding too much and getting away from original focus.
- Originally agreed to 10-14 county representatives, but nothing says that cannot change and no need to worry about rotating members on/off team at this time. Can address if numbers get to high.
- Discussion on inviting a tribal representative – DCF will reach out and gauge interest.
- Looked at what who we have as members, compare to what we said we wanted originally, and see if there are gaps.
- Discussion on adding a few more county representatives to get counties from different regions and sizes.
- Lance will reach out to Grant County, Nina will reach out to Oneida County, Ragen will reach out to Shawano County, Mandy will reach out to Waupaca County, Mark will reach out to Outagamie County and Nina will reach out to John Bauman from Dane County Courts.
- Someone will need to step up to the Executive Leadership team with Jim stepping down.
- With Jim leaving, someone will need to take the lead on posting new articles/News. Both DCF and DJC voiced they do not have the staff resources to take on this responsibility.
- An intern maybe a short term solution, Jim will talk with WCCF to see if they have the staff resources and will continue to host/pay for the website.
- All Facebook items should go to Nina.
Workgroup Members: Jim, Nina, Cindy, Rob, Carol, Jessie (website maintenance and social media maintenance)
Practice Model:
- Currently on hold, waiting for DCF to present strategic plan.
- Once Dane County is done with their “Connect the Dots” process, they will work on providing information to share on what they did and how, to include the surveys they used, data collection and their starting points.
- Will have a future focus to dive deeper into parts or sections of the Practice Model (e.g. use of detention)
- DCF will have someone from the Practice Model workgroup participate in the Intake Training workgroup.
Workgroup Members: Bryn, Lance, Chad, Jessie, Mark, Carol, Rhonda and Debbie
Other Goals for 2017
- Discussion on diving deeper into specific topics/issues for this year (based on what DCF has identified and the Practice Model)
- Ideas: graduated responses/approaches, court orders, rules of supervision, outcome based conditions, case planning (all of these topics are tied together, where to start?)
- The group agreed to start with case planning, with consideration to youth needs, court orders and rules of supervision. This will be the main topic for the May meeting and may be discussed for several meetings.
- Memberships should bring information on how they currently do case planning, while considering youth needs, court orders and rules of supervision.
- Set Meeting Date/Tentative Locations for 2017 & Wrap-up/Items for Next Meeting
Meeting times 10am – 2pm
- Friday, May 19 - Eau Claire
- Friday, August 18 (location TBD)
- Friday, November 17 – La Crosse
Shelby will schedule the next call.
Wendy will facilitate the next meeting.
Our mission is to promote, support and advance effective practice in working with youth and their families who are in or at risk of involvement in the juvenile justice system.