July 20 2016

The Board of Commissioners of Lorain County, Ohio met this day in a regular meeting, in the J. Grant Keys Administration Building,

226 Middle Avenue, Elyria, Ohio, at 9:31 a.m. with the following members present: Commissioner Matt Lundy, President, Commissioner Ted

Kalo, Vice-President and Commissioner Lori Kokoski, Member and Clerk Theresa L. Upton.


Commissioners said the Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Lundy gave an inspiration word from Proverb

Commissioner Kokoski presented a male puppy, hound mix, available tomorrow or chose from 31 other dogs

The following business was transacted ______

a.1 RESOLUTION NO. 16- 452

In the matter of confirming Investments as procured by the )

Lorain County Treasurer ) July 20 2016

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby confirm Investments as procured by the Lorain

County Treasurer.

1 / 7/13/2016 / INT EARNED / $68.15 / June 1-30, 2016 / STAR OH / 62106
2 / 7/13/2016 / INT EARNED / $2,551.35 / "June 1-30, 2016 / STAR OH / 15132
3 / 7/13/2016 / INT PAYMENT / $3,750.00 / Federal Home Loan Mortgage, PO#14-0012 / 3137EADN6 / US BANK / 001050976260
4 / 7/13/2016 / INT PAYMENT / $3,500.00 / Federal Farm Credit Bank, PO#14-0025 / 3133EDNC2 / US BANK / 001050976260

Motion by Lundy, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all.

Motion carried. ______

a.2 RESOLUTION NO. 16-453

In the matter of authorizing various appropriations)

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various appropriations.

$ 5,174.63 to be appropriated to: reimburse from nbi for ot worked in april 2016/sheriff gf

$ 5,174.63 to 1000-0000-550-000-03-5000-5005

$ 100,000.00 to be appropriated to: increase contractual/purchased serv cover new po common ground and el centro/jfs

$ 100,000.00 to 2280-0000-260-264-06-6200-0000

$ 455,000.00 to be appropriated to: additional exp summer youth prog/wda

$ 2,500.00 to 2300-0000-260-260-06-6000-6009

$ 2,500.00 to 2300-0000-260-260-06-6050-0000

$ 300,000.00 to 2300-0000-260-260-06-6200-0000

$ 150,000.00 to 2300-0000-260-260-06-6200-6226

$ 209,000.00 to be appropriated to pers exp for courts stepping stone prog/dr reclaim

$ 135,000.00 to 2700-0000-400-418-06-5000-5000

4 20,000.00 to 2700-0000-400-418-06-5040-0000

$ 2,000.00 to 2700-0000-400-418-06-5060-0000

$ 52,000.00 to 2700-0000-400-418-06-5080-5080

$ 15,000.00 to be appropriated to: training conf and travel 2016/probate court indigent guardianship

$ 5,000.00 to 2800-0000-500-000-02-7200-7200

$ 10,000.00 to 2800-0000-500-000-02-7200-0000

$ 410,674.00 to be appropriated to: rev and exp for hud grant/cmhb mental health

$ 410,674.00 to 3340-a100-600-h17-05-6200-0000

$ 9,182.69 to be appropriated to: equip & contract serv for new ups battery backup and electrician for servers/sheriff jail const

$ 6,843.00 to 5700.cons.550-000-10-6050-0000

$ 2,339.69 to 5700.cons.550-000-10-6200-0000

$ 3,775.00 to be appropriated to: computers & equipment/comm. cffc

$ 3,300.00 to 8100-fy17-100-000-14-6050-0000

Motion by Lundy, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all.

Motion carried. ______

a.3 RESOLUTION NO. 16-454

In the matter of authorizing various account & fund transfers)

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various account & fund transfers.

$ 3,000.00 from 1000-0000-100-116-01-6200-0000 membership dues to neoscc/comm. dev gf

To 1000-0000-100-116-01-7070-7070

$ 200.00 from 2500-2501-210-000-01-6000-0000 purchase updated software/treasurer dretac

To 2500-2501-210-000-01-6000-6009

$ 1,600.00 from 5000-5002-100-000-10-6380-6381 prof sev to cover moving crime lab to admin bldg/comm. q const

To 5000-5002-100-000-10-6200-6218

Motion by Lundy, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all.

Motion carried. ______


There were no advances/repayments for this day. ______

a.5 RESOULTION NO. 16-455

In the matter of authorizing the purchase of supplies and)

Services for various county departments ) July 20 2016

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize the purchase of supplies and services for various County departments.

956 / 9-1-1 Agency / 3480 / Software Maintenance Licensing for 9-1-1 / Sungard Public Sector / 7,366.68
957 / Domestic Rel. / 2140 / Psychological Testing Materials / NCS Pearson, Inc. / 1,173.60
958 / Drug Task Force / 3440 / Closeout/Reimbursement of Grant Balance / Office of Criminal Justice / 3,885.45
959 / Drug Task Force / 3440 / Consultation & Support for Computers, PEN / HEM Integrations / 12,897.87
960 / Engineer’s / 2580 / Mood Pencils – Orange to Yellow Imprinted / Promotions on Time / 1,100.00
961 / Engineer’s / 2580 / Sealant including Supershot with Compressor / DJL Material & Supply, Inc. / 15,000.00
962 / Law Library / 3110 / Law Books-US Code Service Annual Update / Matthew Bender & Co.,Inc. / 3,277.18
963 / Maintenance / 5000 / Move Lab Equipment and Furniture / Superior Mobility Services / 1,500.00
964 / Sanitary Eng. / 7100 / SBPO June-Dec 2016 Electric Supplier / MidAmerican Energy Co. / 5,000.00
965 / Solid Waste / 2260 / Additional Dock Plate and Door at Coll. Ctr. / Timbers Kovar Company / 17,771.00
966 / Treasurer / 2500 / Microsoft Office 2016 Standard License / MNJ Technologies Direct / 2,096.00
967 / Domestic Rel. / 2700 / Pooled Agency Funding Commitment / L.C. Bd of Mental Health / 57,865.50
968 / Sheriff’s / 5700 / UPS W/Internal Battery Kit and Service / LTI Power Systems / 6,843.00

Motion by Lundy, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. #959 was stricken from commissioners approval/meg request/purchasing. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as. Ayes: all.

Motion carried. ______


There were no travel expenses for this day. ______

a.7 RESOLUTION NO. 16-456


BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby approve the following bills for payment, which have been signed by two or more Commissioners:

General Fund
21st Century Media Newspaper dba Morning / Public Notice / 1000 0000 100 142 01 7220 0000 / $307.80
Chronicle Telegram / Public Notice / 1000 0000 100 142 01 7220 0000 / $138.01
City of Oberlin / 3rd Qtr 2016 / 1000 0000 530 000 02 5080 5080 / $3,940.34
City of Vermilion / 2nd Qtr 2016 / 1000 0000 530 000 02 7070 0000 / $4,891.24
Cleveland Hearing & Speech / Professional Services / 1000 0000 100 142 01 6200 6218 / $70.00
Friends Service Co, Inc dba Friends Office / Supplies / 1000 0000 100 100 01 6000 0000 / $113.76
Friends Service Co, Inc dba Friends Office / Supplies / 1000 0000 100 100 01 6000 0000 / $35.23
Friends Service Co, Inc dba Friends Office / Supplies / 1000 0000 100 100 01 6000 0000 / $90.39
GovDeals / Online Auction Fees / 1000 0000 100 142 01 7000 0000 / $386.24
Grafton Village / Refunds / 1000 0000 100 142 01 7070 7089 / $287.75
Janine M Myers & Associates dba Myers & Assoc. / Court Reporting Services / 1000 0000 100 142 01 7000 7004 / $750.00
Office Products dba MT Business Technologies / Equipment Lease / 1000 0000 100 000 01 6050 6050 / $279.79
Office Products dba MT Business Technologies / Copy Overages / 1000 0000 100 000 01 6000 0000 / $29.48
Ohio Secure LLC dba All Ohio Secure Shred / Contract Services / 1000 0000 100 100 01 6200 0000 / $701.40
Time Warner Cable / Utility Services / 1000 0000 100 112 01 6200 6202 / $144.99
Time Warner Cable / Utility Services / 1000 0000 100 112 01 6200 6202 / $181.03
Warwick Communications, Inc. / Services / 1000 0000 100 108 01 6200 0000 / $21.87
Zachary Simonoff, Attorney-at-Law / Defense of Indigent Case / 1000 0000 500 000 02 7070 0000 / $150.00
TOTAL / $12,519.32
Community Development
Columbia Gas / Contract Services / 2061 2063 100 116 07 6200 0000 / $27.63
Lorain Quickprint / Business Cards / 2060 FY15 100 116 07 6000 0000 / $255.00
TOTAL / $282.63
Dog Kennel
Brulin & Company, Inc. / Equipment / 2220 0000 100 000 05 6050 0000 / $99.99
Brulin & Company, Inc. / Supplies / 2220 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 / $395.45
Cintas Corporation / Uniform Rental / 2220 0000 100 000 05 6600 6602 / $143.73
Cintas Corporation / Mat Rental / 2220 0000 100 000 05 6600 6603 / $96.72
Columbia Gas of Ohio / Utility Services / 2220 0000 100 000 05 6200 6202 / $94.71
Elyria Hardware / Supplies / 2220 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 / $14.94
Elyria Public Utilities / Utility Services / 2220 0000 100 000 05 6200 6202 / $200.44
John Deere Financial / Equipment / 2220 0000 100 000 05 6050 0000 / $99.99
John Deere Financial / Supplies / 2220 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 / $46.83
Kayline / Supplies / 2220 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 / $89.44
Lorain Animal Clinic / Professional Services / 2220 2220 100 000 05 6200 6218 / $423.00
Mariotti Printing Company / Receipts / 2220 0000 100 000 05 7220 0000 / $574.00
Office Products dba MT Business / Copier / 2220 0000 100 000 05 6200 0000 / $29.18
Ohio Edison / Utility Services / 2220 0000 100 000 05 6200 6202 / $145.70
Rakich & Rakich, Inc. / Boots / 2220 0000 100 000 05 6200 0000 / $181.98
Spok, Inc. / Shipping Charges / 2220 0000 100 000 05 7070 0000 / $9.99
WOBL / Advertising / 2220 0000 100 000 05 7220 0000 / $200.00
TOTAL / $2,846.09
Solid Waste
Linden's Propane / Supplies / 2260 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 / $65.40
Lorain County Chamber of Commerce / Sponsorship / 2260 0000 100 000 05 7220 7220 / $250.00
RET3 Job Corp / Desktops / 2260 0000 100 000 05 6700 6702 / $500.00
SWANA / Membership Dues / 2260 0000 100 000 05 7070 7070 / $257.00
Windstream Corporation dba Windstream / Telephone Services / 2260 0000 100 000 05 6200 6202 / $90.69
Windstream Corporation dba Windstream / Internet Services / 2260 0000 100 000 05 6200 6222 / $54.99
TOTAL / $1,218.08
Medically Handicapped Children
Treasurer, State of Ohio / Other Expenses / 2740 0000 580 000 06 7070 0000 / $40,888.97
TOTAL / $40,888.97
Fligner, KEL dba Fligner Enterprises Inc. / Conference Services / 3000 0000 100 122 03 7070 7072 / $210.95
TOTAL / $210.95
Law Library
Office Products dba MT Business Technologies / Contract Services / 3110 0000 650 000 02 6200 0000 / $38.32
Windstream Corporation dba Windstream / Telephone Services / 3110 0000 650 000 02 6200 6202 / $35.45
TOTAL / $73.77
Golden Acres
AA Fire Protection / Building Maintenance / 3424 0000 100 000 05 6380 6381 / $19.00
Amherst Utilities / Utility Services / 3424 0000 100 000 05 6200 6202 / $2,032.37
Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless / Cell Phone Services / 3424 0000 100 000 05 6200 6202 / $52.02
TOTAL / $2,103.39
9-1-1 Agency
Lorain County Commissioner - Crime Lab / Professional Services / 3480 0000 100 000 03 6200 6218 / $100.00
TOTAL / $100.00
Bess-Schneider, Lisa c/o LC Job & Family Serv. / Hosp. Refund / 7000 7000 100 000 12 5080 5084 / $93.28
Motsch, Melissa c/o LC Job & Family Services / Hosp. Refund / 7000 7000 100 000 12 5080 5084 / $93.28
Nicola, Arveta c/o LC Job & Family Services / Hosp. Refund / 7000 7000 100 000 12 5080 5084 / $37.20
Reliastar Life Insurance Company / Life Insurance / 1030 0000 100 000 01 5080 5086 / $18.40
Szucs, lldiko c/o Lorain County Common Pleas / Hosp. Refund / 7000 7000 100 000 12 5080 5084 / $37.20
Velez, Rachel c/o Lorain County Common Pleas / Hosp. Refund / 7000 7000 100 000 12 5080 5084 / $37.20
Wolf, Bryan c/o Lorain County 911 / Hosp. Refund / 7000 7000 100 000 12 5080 5084 / $186.56
TOTAL / $503.12
Sanitary Engineer's
Norweco / Supplies / 7100 7100 300 304 11 6000 0000 / $261.30
Norweco / Other Expenses / 7100 7100 300 304 11 7070 0000 / $79.18
Pinkerton, David s. dba Abel Sanitary Service / Contract Services / 7100 7100 300 304 11 6200 0000 / $780.00
Sherwin Williams Company / Supplies / 7100 7100 300 304 11 6000 0000 / $230.10
TOTAL / $1,350.58
21st Century Media Newspaper LLC / Public Notice -DBE Goals / 7200 0000 100 000 11 7220 7221 / $124.90
Chronicle Telegram / Legal Notice- DBE Goals / 7200 0000 100 000 11 7220 7221 / $58.84
One Park Landing Condominium / Assoc. Dues / 7200 0000 100 000 11 7070 7070 / $793.00
One Park Landing Condominium / Utility Services / 7200 0000 100 000 11 6200 6202 / $172.08
One Park Landing Condominium / Building Maintenance / 7200 0000 100 000 11 6380 6381 / $237.90
TOTAL / $1,386.72
Transportation Center
Strnad Foods, Inc dba Dale's Market & Deli / Food for Event / 7200 7200 100 150 11 6000 0000 / $126.62
Torres, Yvette / Deposit Refund / 7200 7200 100 150 11 7070 7089 / $500.00
TOTAL / $626.62
Blue Globes, LLC / Supplies / 7300 0000 100 000 11 6000 0000 / $513.50
Burrere, Stephen & Kimberly dba Bobs Tire Serv / Repairs / 7300 0000 100 000 11 6380 0000 / $230.52
City of Lorain- Utilities / Utility Services / 7300 0000 100 000 11 6200 6202 / $210.35
Fisher Auto Parts / Supplies / 7300 0000 100 000 11 6000 0000 / $189.18
Krystowski Tractor Sales / Supplies / 7300 0000 100 000 11 6000 0000 / $522.06
Krystowski Tractor Sales / Equipment / 7300 0000 100 000 11 6050 0000 / $175.06
MRK Aviation, Inc. / Repairs / 7300 0000 100 000 11 6380 0000 / $550.00
Ohio Edison / Utility Services / 7300 0000 100 000 11 6200 6202 / $145.96
Polen Implement / Supplies / 7300 0000 100 000 11 6000 0000 / $396.94
TOTAL / $2,933.57
Children and Family Council
Rafter, Alison / Tutoring / 8280 8288 100 000 14 6200 6219 / $270.00
Rafter, Alison / Tutoring / 8280 8288 100 000 14 6200 6219 / $30.00
Treasurer State of Ohio / IPA Quality Review / 8240 FY16 100 000 14 6200 6218 / $82.00
TOTAL / $382.00

Job & Family Services: