University of KentuckyInclusive Excellence Recognition Award

Purpose: The University of Kentucky Inclusive Excellence Recognition Award recognizes the accomplishments of individuals and their teams that demonstrate a sustained commitment to diversity and inclusion through campus and community involvement and exemplary leadership. Recipients should exhibit such efforts through diversity and multicultural programming, culturally competent instruction, research and/or outreach efforts.

Criteria for Selection: Nominations should be based on exemplary demonstrated leadership in one or more of the following:

  • Builds awareness, understanding, and relationships in the name of diversity and inclusion
  • Creates leadership opportunities, teams, organizations and support systems that promote a diverse and inclusive environment
  • Sponsors or actively promotes programs, initiatives, or projects in the area of diversity and inclusion
  • Collaborates with others in the sponsorship, development and implementation of innovative projects and/or programs
  • Acknowledges and rewards exemplary individual and team behaviors that promote diversity and inclusion
  • Secures funding to promote and sustain programs in response to challenges that can affect the fostering of a diverse and inclusive cultural climate

Awards: A maximum of four awards;recipients* will be chosen by an Award SelectionCommittee based on the following categories: (1) Student (Undergraduate and Graduate); (2) Staff; (3) Faculty, and; (4) Academic** or Professional unitsAward. Award recipients will be honored at the Provost Award Ceremony. If nominations do not meet the expectations as presented in the criteria above, the Selection Committee reserves the right not to make an award or awards.

Award winners will receive a monetary award, a plaque, and other accolades.

Student: _____ Undergraduate _____ Graduate _____ Staff_____ Faculty
_____Academic or Professional Unit

*The award may be given to an exemplary individual or to a group whose collaborative work meets the spirit of the award (in which case the lead nominee must meet all criteria above).

**If an Academic or Professional Unit is recognized as a recipient for their exemplary efforts, the monetary prize will be presented to the appropriate administrator to further enhance diversity & inclusion efforts.

Instructions and Checklist for Submitting Nominations:

Use a separate nomination form (attached) for each nomination.Make sure the nominee contact information is accurate, complete and includes the two (2) page nomination statement requested (see below). Self-nominations are allowed. Incomplete nominations will not be considered.

A minimum of Two (2) letters of support should be sent from individuals/organizations connected to the work of the individual being nominated. If an academic professional unit is being nominated, one of the letters should be submitted by an administrator (for example, if a department or unit is nominated, then an Assistant Dean, Associate Dean or Dean of the College should submit a support letter; if a college is nominated, then a vice president or associate provost should submit a support letter, etc.).

A nomination statement should be included (along with theNomination Form) in the form of a narrative that describes the significance of the nominee’s contributions to the campus and within the community and how this work meets the criteria for selection. Nomination statements should not exceed two pages(1” margins, 12-point font size, double-spaced). The nomination statement should specifically identify the nominee’s contributions, accomplishments, and medium or long-term impact in accordance with the criteria for selection outlined above.

All nominations must be filed electronically via email. Confirmation of receipt will be sent to nominators.

Award recipients will be announced at the: UK Faculty Awards Ceremony

April 19th, 2018


209 Main Building (Lexmark Room)

Completed nominationpackets are due byMarch 9, 2018 5:00 PM,and should be submitted electronicallyto:

For more information, contact:Lori Mobley at


University of Kentucky Inclusive Excellence Award

(to be included with nomination statement)

Nominations are due: 5:00 p.m. on March 9, 2018
and should be submitted electronically to:

Check which Nomination Category and provide the information requested:

Individual Nomination

Name of Nominee:______

  • Student
  • Undergraduate
  • Graduate
  • Staff
  • Faculty
  • Department/Unit/College

Title & Academic or Professional Unit: ______

Mailing Address: ______

Daytime Telephone: ______

E-mail address: ______

Nominations are due by5:00 p.m. on March 9, 2018, and should be submitted electronically to:

Name of Nominator: ______

Relationship to Nominee: (Supervisor, Colleague, etc.): ______

Title & Organization/Dept./Unit Affiliation: ______

Mailing Address: ______

DaytimeTelephone: ______

E-mail Address: ______

If selected, the award check should be made payable to: ______


Completed nomination packets are due by 5:00 p.m. March 9, 2018, and should be submitted electronically to: