July 23, 2014
The Board of Commissioners of Lorain County, Ohio met this day in a regular meeting, in the J. Grant Keys Administration Building,
226 Middle Avenue, Elyria, Ohio, at 9:30 a.m. with the following members present: Commissioner Ted Kalo, President, Commissioner Lori
Kokoski, Vice-President and Commissioner Tom Williams, Member and Secretary Janice Mokosh, Clerk Theresa L. Upton was on vacation.
Commissioners said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Beverly Beidleman said a prayer.
Commissioner Kokoski presented a 9-month Shiatsu mix that was found on G Street and is available for adoption on July 24, 2014. There is currently a 95% capacity of dogs at the Dog Kennel.
The following business was transacted ______
a .1 RESOLUTION NO. 14-489
In the matter of confirming Investments as procured by the )
Lorain County Treasurer ) July 23, 2014
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby confirm Investments as procured by the Lorain
County Treasurer.
DATE / DESCRIPTION / AMOUNT / INTEREST EARNED / ON / cusip / INV WITH / ACCT #1 / 7/14/2014 / IN TPAYMENT / $1,250.00 / Federal Home Loan Bank, PO#13-0020 / 313381H24 / US BANK / 001050976260
2 / 7/14/2014 / IN TPAYMENT / $2,625.00 / Federal Home Loan Mortgage, PO#14-0012 / 3137EADN6 / US BANK / 001050976260
3 / 7/14/2014 / IN TPAYMENT / $583.33 / Federal Farm Credit Bank, PO#14-0025 / 3133EDNC2 / US BANK / 001050976260
4 / 7/15/2014 / IN TPAYMENT / $2,983.33 / Federal Farm Credit Bank, pO#12-0068 / 3133EC6U3 / US BANK / 001050976260
Motion by Kalo, seconded by Kokoski to approve the resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: All.
Motion carried. ______
a.2 RESOLUTION NO. 14-490
In the matter of authorizing various appropriations) July 23, 2014
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various appropriations.
$ 9,899.00 to be appropriated to: ohio sec of state re: hhs grant fund for polling place accessibility/boe
$ 9,899.00 to 1000-0000-540-000-01-6380-6381
$ 2,898.75 to be appropriated to: disbursement of federal equitable sharing to dep into correct act/sheriff gf
$ 2,898.75 to 1000-0000-550-000-03-7000-0000
$ 955,000.00 to be appropriated to; amend for additional spending in transportation and supplies other accts/lcdjfs
$ 610,000.00 to 2280-0000-260-264-06-6200-6220
$ 25,000.00 to 2280-0000-260-264-06-6000-0000
$ 320,000.00 to 2280-0000-260-264-06-7070-0000
$ 13,000.00 to be appropriated to: supplies and contract serv exp for courts drug court prog/dr
$ 5,000.00 to 2620-0000-400-452-03-6000-0000
$ 8,000.00 to 2620-0000-400-452-03-6200-0000
$ 100,000.00 to be appropriated to: payment of legal settlement/crime lab
$ 100,000.00 to 3460-0000-100-000-03-7070-0000
Motion by Kalo, seconded by Kokoski to approve the resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: All.
Motion carried. ______
a.3 RESOLUTION NO. 14-491
In the matter of authorizing various account transfers) July 23, 2014
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various account transfers.
$ 5,000.00 from 1000-0000-100-104-01-6200-0000 proj exp/building and grounds gf
To 1000-0000-100-104-01-6380-0000
$ 5,000.00 from 1000-0000-100-104-01-6380-6381
To 1000-0000-100-104-01-6380-0000
$ 10,000.00 from 1000-0000-100-110-01-7070-0000
To 1000-0000-100-104-01-6380-0000
$ 3,300.00 from 1000-0000-100-142-01-7300-7308 reallocate funds to reimburse acct exp was charged/comm. gf
To 1000-0000-100-142-01-7070-0000
$ 3,402.84 from 1000-0000-540-000-01-6000-0000 exp to lyon financial serv dba us bank for copy machine lease/boe
To 1000-0000-540-000-01-6050-6050
$ 20.00 from 1000-0000-540-000-01-7070-7070
To 1000-0000-540-000-01-6050-6050
$ 187.70 from 1000-0000-540-000-01-7200-0000
To 1000-0000-540-000-01-6050-6050
$ 100,000.00 from 1000-0000-999-000-01-9900-9900 temp adv to crime lab/comm. gf
To 1000-0000-999-000-01-9900-9901
$ 15,000.00 from 2260-0000-100-000-05-7070-7081 exp for remainder of yr/solid waste
To 2260-0000-100-000-05-7220-0000
Resolution No. 14-491 cont. July 23, 2014
$ 560.00 from 2560-2563-280-280-03-5080-5080 hospitalization to furniture fixtures proj exp/adult prob jail case mgr
To 2560-2563-280-280-03-6050-6059
$ 1,700.00 from 7100-7100-300-304-11-5100-0000 ad/print and supply needs/sanitary
To 7100-7100-300-304-11-7220-0000
$ 2,000.00 from 7100-7100-300-304-11-6050-6054
To 7100-7100-300-304-11-6000-0000
Motion by Kalo, seconded by Kokoski to approve the resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: All.
Motion carried. ______
a.4 RESOLUTION NO. 14-492
In the matter of authorizing various advances/repayments) July 23, 2014
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various advances/repayments.
$ 100,000.00 from 1000-0000-999-000-01-9900-9901 temp gf adv to crime lab to pay for legal settlement/gf
To 3460-0000-999-000-03-4900-4901
Motion by Kalo, seconded by Kokoski to approve the resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: All.
Motion carried. ______
a.5 RESOULTION NO. 14-493
In the matter of authorizing the purchase of supplies and)
Services for various county departments ) July 23, 2014
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize the purchase of supplies and services for various County departments.
LOG # / DEPARTMENT / FUND / DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASE / VENDOR / AMOUNT988 / 9-1-1 Agency / 3480 / Meals for 9-1-1 classes / Lorain County Treasurer / 1,023.64
989 / Auditor / 2480 / Property appraisal & consulting, Case 2013-6007 / Buckholz, Caldwell & Assoc / 2,000.00
990 / Auditor / 2480 / Property appraisal & consulting, Case 2013-5010 / Buckholz, Caldwell & Assoc / 1,400.00
991 / Auditor / 2480 / Property appraisal & consulting, Cases 2013-5293, -5385 / Buckholz, Caldwell & Assoc / 3,500.00
992 / Auditor / 2480 / Property appraisal & consulting, Cases 2013-6032 / Buckholz, Caldwell & Assoc / 2,500.00
993 / Auditor / 2480 / Property appraisal & consulting, Case 2013-5046 / Barry Ankney, Inc / 1,125.00
994 / Auditor / 2480 / Property appraisal & consulting, Cases 2013-5969, -5970 / Barry Ankney, Inc / 1,250.00
995 / Board of Elections / 1000 / HHS Grant funds for polling place accessibility / Action Door Company / 2,849.00
996 / Board of Elections / 1000 / Rental of AVOS Unit, freight / Dominion Voting Systems / 3,870.00
997 / CBCF / 8300 / BPO Jul-Dec 2014, managed IT services / Great Lakes Computer / 5,250.00
998 / Chas. Berry Bridge / 2640 / BPO Jul-Dec 2014, diesel fuel, tacky OGL EP2, etc / Varouh Oil / 4,000.00
999 / Chas. Berry Bridge / 2640 / Carboline Carbothane 134HG safety yellow paint, freight / Chas. E Phipps Co / 3,293.16
1000 / Clerk of Courts / 2520 / Install voice outlets for new title office in Lorain / Excel Management Sys / 1,251.43
1001 / Commissioners / 1000 / Monthly computer maintenance contract - May 2014 / Great Lakes Computer / 3,066.00
1002 / Commissioners / 1000 / SBPO Jun-Dec 2014, electric services, various facilities / MidAmerican Energy Co / 150,000.00
1003 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend. SBPO, Jan-Dec 2014 gas services, Justice Ctr / Columbia Gas of Ohio / 5,000.00
1004 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend. SBPO, Jan-Dec 2014 gas services, Agric. Ctr / Columbia Gas of Ohio / 3,500.00
1005 / Community Dev / 3412 / ArcGIS for desktop basic single-use license / Environmental Sys Rsch / 1,224.00
1006 / Domestic Relations / 2680 / Testing evaluations / Professional Online Testing / 1,194.00
1007 / Domestic Relations / 1000 / Commercial-grade washer for Juvenile Detention Facility / Belenky, Inc / 9,605.00
1008 / Engineer / 2580 / BPO Jan-Dec 2014, reorder 2014 Lorain County maps / Seegar Map Co / 4,669.00
1009 / Engineer / 2580 / BPO Jan-Dec 2014, fuel / Ports Petroleum Co Inc / 250,000.00
1010 / Golden Acres / 3420 / 120-gal water storage tank / Advantage Equipment / 4,493.70
1011 / Golden Acres / 3420 / SBPO Jul-Dec 2014, indirect costs / Lorain County Treasurer / 161,826.00
1012 / Maintenance / 1000 / Amend to SBPO, Jan-Dec 2014, keys, locks, hardware / Young Security Services / 4,000.00
1013 / Maintenance / 5000 / Design plans & specs for Third Street replacement proj / KS Associates / 10,000.00
1014 / Maintenance / 1000 / Oil return system for Administration Bldg elevators / Kone Inc / 3,398.00
1015 / Maintenance / 1000 / Installation of electronic flow switch on Admin Bldg chiller / Daiken Applied / 1,372.00
1016 / Sheriff / 3610 / Amend SBPO May-Oct 2014, reimburse marine patrol / Lorain County Sheriff / 5,000.00
1017 / Sheriff / 3610 / Amend SBPO May-Oct 2014, reimburse D James salary / Lorain County Drug Task / 3,500.00
1018 / Solid Waste / 2260 / Ink pens from recycled water bottles / Moos Printing & Advertising / 4,860.00
1019 / Solid Waste / 2260 / Tent graphics setup, art charge, shipping, carrying case / International E-Z Up Inc / 1,888.32
1020 / Solid Waste / 2240 / Grant for "We Care We Share" paint / Sherwin Williams / 2,500.00
1021 / Transit / 7200 / Bridgestone tires, mount, balance / Belle Tire / 1,719.89
Motion by Kalo, seconded by Kokoski to approve the resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: All.
Motion carried. ______
a.6 RESOLUTION NO. 14-494
In the matter of authorizing Travel Expenses to various )
personnel to attend meetings of interest to their departments) July 23, 2014
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize travel expenses to various personnel to attend meeting of interest to their departments.
LOG # / DEPARTMENT / NAME / EVENT / LOCATION / DATE / AMOUNT not to exceed164 / 9-1-1 Agency / Scarbrough, Russell / 2014 Ohio Alerts Conference / Columbus, OH / 8/14/14 / 60.00
165 / Job & Family Svcs / Eckstein, Ann / Attorney Networking / Canton, OH / 8/1/14 / 113.00
166 / Solid Waste / Gardner, Beverly / Ohio EPA Dist Coordinator Training / Westerville, OH / 8/7/14 / - 0 -
167 / Solid Waste / Bailey, Keith / Ohio EPA Dist Coordinator Training / Westerville, OH / 8/8/14 / 15.00
168 / Solid Waste / Tiffany Barker / Ohio EPA Dist Coordinator Training / Westerville, OH / 8/7/14 / 15.00
169 / Transit / Novak, Pamela / Second Opinion Exam / Westlake, OH / 6/24/14 / 19.24
Motion by Kalo, seconded by Kokoski to approve the resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: All.
Motion carried. ______
a.7 RESOLUTION NO. 14-495
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby approve the following bills for payment, which have been signed by two or more Commissioners:
American Legion Auxiliary 118 / Memorial Day 2014 / 1000 0000 100 142 01 7070 7088 / $100.00
American Legion Post 12 / Memorial Day 2014 / 1000 0000 100 142 01 7070 7088 / $336.40
American Legion Post 118 / Memorial Day 2014 / 1000 0000 100 142 01 7070 7088 / $500.00
American Legion Post 197 / Memorial Day 2014 / 1000 0000 100 142 01 7070 7088 / $233.66
American Legion Post 211 / Memorial Day 2014 / 1000 0000 100 142 01 7070 7088 / $500.00
Amvets Post 162 - Cottrell Memorial / Memorial Day 2014 / 1000 0000 100 142 01 7070 7088 / $247.93
Bailey Communications Inc / Professional services / 1000 0000 100 108 01 6200 6218 / $150.00
Belden Historical Society / Memorial Day 2014 / 1000 0000 100 142 01 7070 7088 / $100.00
Bobel's / Supplies / 1000 0000 100 108 01 6000 0000 / $31.54
Brighton Township Post 463 / Memorial Day 2014 / 1000 0000 100 142 01 7070 7088 / $100.00
Chronicle Telegram / Employment ad / 1000 0000 100 142 01 7220 0000 / $104.25
Chronicle Telegram / Legal notice / 1000 0000 100 142 01 7220 0000 / $426.78
Disabled American Veterans Chapter 20 / Memorial Day 2014 / 1000 0000 100 142 01 7070 7088 / $500.00
Disabled American Veterans Chap 20, Ladies Aux / Memorial Day 2014 / 1000 0000 100 142 01 7070 7088 / $56.95
Disabled American Veterans Chapter 49 / Memorial Day 2014 / 1000 0000 100 142 01 7070 7088 / $498.26
E. M. Service Inc / Repairs / 1000 0000 100 104 01 6380 0000 / $225.19
Elyria Public Utilities / Utility services / 1000 0000 100 112 01 6200 6202 / $32.08
GovDeals / Online auction fees / 1000 0000 100 142 01 6200 6218 / $5.00
Isaac, Arleen / Parking refund / 1000 0000 100 142 01 7070 7089 / $10.00
Italian American Veterans-Auxiliary / Memorial Day 2014 / 1000 0000 100 142 01 7070 7088 / $50.00
KWVA Western Ohio Lake Erie 71 / Memorial Day 2014 / 1000 0000 100 142 01 7070 7088 / $191.61
Kipton/Camden Memorial Day Committee / Memorial Day 2014 / 1000 0000 100 142 01 7070 7088 / $100.00
Koricke, Deborah & Associates / Interviews, testing / 1000 0000 100 142 01 6200 6218 / $770.00
L J Heating and Cooling / Furnace parts / 1000 0000 100 104 01 6380 0000 / $269.19
LTI Power Systems Inc / Supplies / 1000 0000 100 108 01 6000 0000 / $552.00
Life Safety Technologies / Professional services / 1000 0000 100 104 01 6200 6218 / $693.28
MT Business Technologies / Equipment lease / 1000 0000 100 000 01 6050 6050 / $203.03
MT Business Technologies / Equipment lease / 1000 0000 100 000 01 6050 6050 / $279.79
MT Business Technologies / Copy overages / 1000 0000 100 000 01 6000 0000 / $12.71