Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on

13th May 2013

7pm, Dickleburgh and Rushall Village Centre, Dickleburgh

PRESENT: Cllrs Terry Clarkson (Chair), Terence Blacker, Chris Davy, Julie Munnings, Keith Ambrose, John Adlam, Keith Moore, Paula Mason.

IN ATTENDANCE: Ann Baker (Clerk),

Members of the Public: Ian Reilly (SNPlanning Officer), Pete Strange, Trevor Leeder, Carolyn Crosby

Trevor Leeder - regarding the proposal at Mount Pleasant, Trevor stated that support had come from the Parish Council & villagers against the proposal. The plans had been rejected in 2003 due to conservation reasons, the listed buildings will be closer then previously and another site has been offered for affordable homes which is more suitable

Ian Reilly (Senior Planning Officer) - replied that he was aware of the Parish Council’s position and had received 30 objections; the proposal had been taken through the planning committee - it was for the members make the decision, based on evidence submitted. However since that happened it has come to his attention that English Heritage had not been consulted. Therefore the decision is on hold until English Heritage returns its report (approx 21days)

When questioned as to ‘what is affordable’ means – Mr. Reilly said that a section 106 would need to be signed, a landlord sought or the site to be managed by a housing association or with a mix of tenures.

This has presented an opportunity for the Parish Council and/or a partner to submit an outline plan for the site, as a material fact, it would have to be considered in a future planning meeting ;

Pete Strange – the previous plans were more remote than the proposed development, there would be far more immediate impact on a grade 1 church, buildings & the open fields surrounding, within this conservation area, there were grave concerns about the way the planners had considered the application. Birketts have been requested to investigate the situation, several householders have already contributed to create a fund so far of £1,000 - would the PC be prepared to contribute towards the costs?

The members of the public were thanked for their contributions which would be considered by the Parish Council

The business of the Council meeting then followed:

25.  To elect a Chairperson of the Council

·  Keith Ambrose was nominated by Cllr Clarkson, seconded by Cllr Moore and duly elected as Chairman of DRPC

·  The Parish Council extended their thanks to Cllr Clarkson

26.  To consider accepting apologies for absence

Cllr Martin Wilby - accepted

27.  To approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 15th April 2013 - approved

28.  To receive any declarations of pecuniary and other interests from members on any item to be discussed

·  None

29 - To review terms of reference and membership for committees and working groups

·  Committees and working groups were confirmed as follows:-

Planning Committee

·  Terms of Reference;

o  To respond to any planning applications whose consultation period falls between subsequent meetings of the full Parish Council through advertised and open meetings.

o  To deal with any other planning and development matters as required by the full Parish Council

·  Membership – to include 4 members of the Parish Council with attendance by the Clerk to take minutes.

·  Quorum – 3 councillors

·  2012/13 membership – Terence Blacker, Chris Davy, Julie Munnings and Keith Moore

Finance Working Group

·  Terms of Reference;

o  To prepare and propose the annual budget to the full Parish Council.

o  To assess and update the financial risk assessment on an annual basis.

o  To deal with any other financial matters as required by the full Parish Council.

·  Membership – to include the RFO and 3 members of the Parish Council

·  2012/13 membership – Chris Davy, Terry Clarkson, Paula Mason and John Adlam

Property Working Group

·  Terms of Reference;

o  To meet and report twice yearly (November and May) to the full Parish Council on issues relating to the property of the Parish Council, especially of maintenance and health and safety.

o  To maintain and update a list of the Parish Council property and asset register on an annual basis.

o  To serve as the communication link between the current and future allotment holders and the Parish Council.

·  Membership – to include 3 members of the Parish Council (amended from 4)

·  2011/12 membership – John Adlam, Julie Munnings, Keith Ambrose

Parish Development Working Group

·  It was agreed that it was unnecessary to continue this group at present

Village Centre Management Committee

·  The following terms of reference for the Village Centre Committee were approved;

o  To manage the Village Centre in line with Parish Council and Charitable Law.

o  To manage the Village Centre for the benefit of the community.

·  Membership – 3 Councillors and the Parish Clerk. Three members from the community will be invited to join the committee once the initial set up period is over.

·  Quorum – 3 councillors

·  2012/13 membership – Chris Davy, Terry Clarkson, Julie Munnings , Keith Moore and Ann Baker(Clerk).

Employment Committee

·  The following terms of reference for the Employment Committee were approved;

o  To have delegated responsibility for overseeing management of the Clerk and Village Caretaker for the following employment issues - sickness absence, maternity/paternity/adoption leave, pensions, grievance and disciplinary procedures, annual appraisals, health and safety of employees, working at home, flexible working, annual leave and recruitment of new staff.

·  Any decisions requiring additional spend must be put to the full council.

·  Membership - The Clerk (as main advisor to the committee) and 4 councillors.

·  Quorum – 3 councillors

·  2012/13 membership – Chris Davy, Terry Clarkson, Terence Blacker and Keith Ambrose.

·  Independent advice on employment issues should be obtained from Norfolk Association of Local Councils.

30 - To consider other roles and responsibilities:

·  Roles and responsibilities were confirmed as follows;

Role/Responsibility / 2013/14 holder
Internal Auditor / Auditing Solutions (up to and including audit 2013)
Internal Verifier / Paula Mason and Julie Munnings
Rushall / Terry Clarkson and Terence Blacker
Young People ) / Julie Munnings
School and Pre-School Liaison )
Website and village newsletter / The Clerk
Press and Public Relations / Keith Moore
Allotments / John Adlam
Electoral Register / John Adlam and Clerk
St. Clements/ Langmere / Terence Blacker
PROW / Keith Ambrose and Terence Blacker

31 - To consider the quotes for the playing field treatments:-

Queries were made regarding the application of the herbicide would the field need to be out of bounds, taped off after it had been sprayed? What sort of H & S measures are included? John Adlam to talk with him. As Robert Ransome is not VAT registered, the seed & fertilizer could be bought by the Parish Council & the VAT claimed back. Clerk to mail Mr Ransome with the queries, do we need to supply sand for verti drain?

Norse still have the contract for cutting, it would seem better care is being taken when mowing.

32.  To review a number of policies:-

a.  DRPC complaints procedure - approved

b.  DRPC publications scheme - approved

c.  DRPC equal opportunities - approved

The only changes made were to the Clerk’s names and details

33.  To receive the Monthly Financial Report from the RFO including notification of payments over the last month

a.  Report submitted and approved

b.  Cllr Davy reported that the Parish Council now have access to Youth account – there is £17,028 in the account

c.  To retrospectively approve the precept set for 2013/2014 financial year £36,451.00 (£32,122.00 + Grant from SNC £4,329.00). Percentage increase/decrease that will show on Council Tax Bills as 0.0%. Precept has arrived, more that half has arrived (all grant included) Agreed and approved

d.  Attendance at the NALC Regional Conference at Carrow Road on Thurs. 4th July, cost £45 per delegate, Cllr Moore and the Clerk are to attend - approved

34.  To discuss matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting – for information purposes only including:

a.  Update regarding the litter pick – a successful litter pick in Rushall took place, 18 turned up, 27 bags collected – 11 of which were on the Pulham Market road. The bags & pickers have been collected by SNC. Cllrs Ambrose & Blacker will compose and send a letter to Kappa Smurfitt

b.  Update on the Youth Club – Cllr Davy has received confirmation of the new signatories. The Clerk has spoken with Dilys who suggested leaving the meeting with Momentum for a later date; there was a request for the collection of sensitive papers from Amanda. Cllr Munnings to contact Dilys

c.  Update on broadband/WiSpire - Cllr Moore presented the article for Parish News and encouraged the Parish Council to sign up. A date been arranged for WiSpire to make a presentation on the 10th July, at 7.30. Clerk to send to Parish Magazine for June entry

d.  Trees at Enfin – one of the trees has had permission granted, second tree is an ash, it was agreed to oppose the reduction of the tree – Clerk to inform Mr. Lilly

35.  To receive and discuss the Clerk’s Report where appropriate

·  E-mails relating to: Church Hill Surgery; Mount Pleasant planning decision; acknowledgement of Parish Partnership bid; stainless steel CPAD order; quotes from R. Ransome & Norse for the playing field; Amendment to preferred options site specific allocations & preferred options development management policies; war memorials survey; village signs;

·  Letter - SN Planning – 2012/2053 – an appeal against refusal regarding the non illuminated roundabout sponsorship signs. Should the Parish Council wish to withdraw, modify or reiterate earlier comments 3 copies should be sent to Bristol within three weeks from the start date 02/05/13 - by the 23rd May – Clerk to acknowledge letter

·  SN Handyman’s services + poster; Norse fencing & landscaping services; Glasdon’s litter & dog bins

·  CPRE – request for Cllrs who may be interested in meeting local MP’s to discuss inappropriate housing developments

·  Deep clean sweep to happen on Wed 16th/Thurs17th May, a skip has been positioned on the Village Centre car park

36.  Planning Applications as received from South Norfolk Council, incl:

a.  Planning application 2013/0540 – 80 Rectory Road, Dickleburgh – to re-pollard a lime tree down to 20feet - approved

  1. Planning Application 2013/0547 & 0548 - Orchard Farm, Norwich Road, Dickleburgh - change of use of redundant agricultural barn to form a single detached dwelling house with associated alterations - approved
  2. Planning Application 2013/0613 - 31 Beech Drive, Dickleburgh - a single storey extension - approved
  3. Planning application 2013/0576 - 127 Rectory Road, Dickleburgh - single storey front extension - approved
  4. Planning Application 2013/0725 - Land East of Semere Green Road (forming part of Upper Vaunces Farm), Pulham Market and Dickleburgh (with new access from the A140) - erection of three wind turbines ( max. 126m in height) and associated development for a period of 25 years, including control building, electricity transformers, underground cabling, access tracks, crane hardstandings and vehicular access. Agreed unanimously against this proposal – Cllrs Ambrose, Moore, Mason, Munnings and Blacker will compose the objections. Cllr Blacker is meeting with Lucy Melrose and will contact the other Cllrs. Clerk to contact Gary Hancox to request an extension

37.  To receive consultees reports of planning decisions made by SNC:

·  None to report

38.  To receive an update on the progress of Church Hill Surgery:- Dr Wisdom is in touch with Cllr Clarkson, NHS England have taken the file, timeline & points of a action to present to the scrutiny committee which meets at the end of month; Cllr Clarkson met with Richard Bacon MP – a letter was sent to Dr Wisdom from MP; it looked as if a meeting might be imminent with Dr Wisdom, but due to significant events at surgery he is unable to devote time to our matter. Agreed that Cllr Clarkson should continue with this matter

39.  To receive information relating to Mount Pleasant – The parishioners requested whether the Parish Council would be prepared to support the case financially, with a limited cap, match funding of £1,000 was proposed. Alternatively the Parish Council could submit a planning application; a request for information from Saffron will be sent by Cllr. Ambrose with the idea that the alternative site would be a viable proposition. Further clarification is required

40.  To receive matters of information from Councillors:-

·  Cllr Blacker stated the notice board at St. Clements required attention; there is a meeting with Ben Potterton on 22nd May 1.30;

·  Cllr Adlam reminded the Parish Council that in two years the Church will run out of burial ground; the proposal is to clear around the top end for re-burial, this will involve every grave being mapped, before the headstones can be moved to the edge

·  Cllr Davy – requested that the caretaker be asked to spray weed killer round the Village Centre; the wire rope on the toddler swing needs attention – Clerk to contact Joy Playgrounds for repair and quote for the zip wire

·  Cllr Clarkson mentioned the speeding issue on Semere Green road, which was raised at the Annual Meeting along with the need for a safe trod/footpath to the pre-school - Clerk had contacted Highways and will investigate the options for the pathway

41.  To receive items for the next agenda and confirm the date of the next meeting:

Monday 10th June, 7pm at Rushall Church

There being no further business the meeting ended at 22.14

