should adjust the proposed budget to reflect $16,650 instead of the $17,770.00. Jackie Littleton pointed out that a proposed budget was a ’projection’ anyway and could be adjusted as needed to reflect the actual income if necessary after it had been adopted.
MOTION: Jackie Littleton moved: If the questions raised during the discussion have been answered, I move that we adopt the proposed 2013 budget as presented by Inés García. Second: Lucy Barrington. The motion was unanimously approved by those present. (In addition to those present, Stephany Compton, Elizabeth Newell and Mary Ann Huslig voted by email that the proposed budget be adopted.)
MOTION: Rosemarie Herrmann moved that Inés García have a Proposed Budget for 2014 to present, discuss and approve at the March 23, 2013 Board Meeting in Austin. Second: Jackie Littleton The motion was unanimously approved by those present.
The Board Meeting adjourned at <time>.
Post Board Meeting Discussion:
Jeannie Best asked members in attendance to discuss the overall quality and benefit of using GoToMeeting for some of the State Board meetings and committee meetings. Overall comments were positive and it was suggested we have a ‘training session’ at our March, 2013, Board meeting in Austin to work out technical bugs. It was also suggested that we might look at other companies that offer this service. The monthly cost for unlimited meets per month with no more than 26 attendees per meeting is $50.00 and may be canceled at anytime. Discussion followed regarding the creation of a budget item under “Executive Expenses.” Currently Jeannie Best set up this GoToMeeting as a personal account during our ‘experimental phase’ and is paying the costs of these services.
Note: (Meeting was recorded and archived. Anyone may request a copy of the meeting by asking the Board President for a copy. Minutes were taken from the recording)
Respectfully Submitted,
Elizabeth Newell
MOTION 1: Jackie Littleton moved: If the questions raised during the discussion have been answered, I move that we adopt the proposed 2013 budget as presented by Inés García. Second: Lucy Barrington. The motion was unanimously approved by those present. (In addition to those present, Stephany Compton, Elizabeth Newell and Mary Ann Huslig voted by email that the proposed budget be adopted.)
MOTION 2: Rosemarie Herrmann moved that Inés García have a Proposed Budget for 2014 to present, discuss and approve at the March 23, 2013 Board Meeting in Austin. Second: Jackie Littleton. The motion was unanimously approved by those present.
ACTION 1: Pricilla Mowinkel will revive the “Membership Projection” document developed between 2006-2010 for use by the Board.
ACTION 2: Jeannie Best will consider suggestions 1) to have training session on use of GoToMeeting at the March Board Meeting and will 2) to look at other companies that provide Internet/virtual meeting services.