Tina Dykesteen Nilsen

Born: 17th June 1975, Trondheim.



School of Mission and Theology

Misjonsmarka 12

4024 Stavanger



Current position

Research fellow and PhD-student at the School of Mission and Theology (Stavanger), employed for the period August 2011-July 2015. Teaching biblical Hebrew.

Third level education

2009-2011:Practical-pedagogical education at the University of Stavanger. Marks: A and B.

2004:Licentia in Sacra Scriptura, the Pontifical Biblical Commission, Rome. Title of dissertation:Yahweh, Unique Maker of Light and Darkness, Peace and Evil: An Analysis of Isaiah 45:6c-7. Total mark: summa cum laude.

2002:Baccalaureatus in Sacra Scriptura, the Pontifical Biblical Commission, Rome. Total mark:summa cum laude.

2002:Education thus far acknowledged by the Faculty of Theology at the University of Oslo as equivalent to cand.theol. (letter dated 25th of February 2004).

2001-2002:Élève titulaire de l’École Biblique et Archéologique Française, Jerusalem. Title of dissertation: Light and Darkness, Peace and Evil; I, YHWH, Do All These: An Analysis of Isaiah 45:6c-7. Supervisor: Prof. Francolino Gonçalves. Mark: bien. Courses on biblical literature and history, archaeology, the topography of Jerusalem, biblical geography, biblical Hebrew and Aramaic.

1998-2001:Bachelor of Divinity, The Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy, Dublin. Mark: First Class Honours.

1997-1998:One-year study of theology at the School of Mission and Theology,Stavanger. Mark:laudabilis.

1996-1997:First year of Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Theology, The Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy, Dublin. Mark: Second Class Honours, Grade One.

Spring 1996:Pastoral care, University College Stavanger (now University of Stavanger). Mark:laudabilis prae ceteris.

1995-1996:First year of medical nursing, University College Stavanger (now University of Stavanger). Marks: laudabilis prae ceteris andlaudabilis.

Autumn 1994:Examen philosophicum, University College Stavanger (now University of Stavanger). Mark:laudabilis.

Participation at courses, conferences, seminars

4-9 Aug. 2013:IOSOT, München.

6-7 Dec. 2012:National PhD-seminar for theology students, MF Norwegian School of Theology.

22Sep. 2012:Hellig krig i Bibelen, Oslo, Norsk Gammeltestamentlig Selskap (Norwegian Old Testament Society).

17-20 Sep. 2012:OTSEM, Oxford.

6-7Aug. 2012:Violence and Ethics in the Bible, Kristiansand, Norwegian Summer Academy for Biblical Studies.

23 May 2012:Scripture and Cult in the Second Temple Period, Oslo, MF Norwegian School of Theology.

7-8 Oct. 2011:Continuity and Discontinuity in Isaiah 40-66, Aberdeen, Edinburgh Prophecy Network

19Nov. 2010:The Basics of Bullying by L. Åsbrink; Rogaland Skolemøte.

4 Nov. 2010: Seminar on ethics and researchby Forskningsetiske komiteer; University of Stavanger.

17 Sep. 2008:Seminar with J. Barton; MHS.

15-16 Sep. 2008:CRISS-project: teaching students how to learn, Sandnes, by Gand vgs. and Rogaland kurs- og kompetansesenter.

3 June 2005:Il contributo dell cristianesimo all futuro dell Europa with T. Radcliffe et al;Bologna, Fondazione per le scienze religiose Giovanni XXIII.

11-12 Dec. 2003:Preparativi per un bilancio dell scienze religiose nell ‘900 with N. Tanner et al;Assisi, Fondazione per le scienze religiose Giovanni XXIII.

23 April 2001:Jesus and History: Pertinence and Impertinence with L.T. Johnson; Dublin, the Milltown Institute.

20 April 2001:Isaiah the Evangelist with L.T. Johnson; Dublin, AGM of the Irish Biblical Association.

12 March 2001:Jesus and Jewish Messianism in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls with J.J. Collins; Dublin, St. Patrick’s College Maynooth.

21 Feb. 2001:Conference on the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification;Dublin, Irish Biblical Association and Irish Theological Association.

2-3 Dec. 2000:The Word and Its Beginning: Conference on the Origin of the Fourfold Gospel with B. Aland, Gamble, Hengel, Horton, Hurtado, McNamara, Peterson, Robinson, Stanton; Dublin, Chester Beatty Library.

5-8 Nov. 2000: The Millenium Conference: Christian Origins with E. Schüssler-Fiorenza, Barker, Hurtado, O’Loughlin, Murphy-O’Connor, Tuckett, Taylor, Freyne, Maher, O’Mahony;Dublin, the Milltown Institute and the Irish Biblical Association.

April 2000:The Sources of the Old Testament Quotation in Matt 2:23 with M. Menken;Dublin, AGM of the Irish Biblical Association.

12 Nov. 1998:Jewish/Christian Dialogue after Auschwitz withJ. Moltmann;Dublin, TrinityCollege.

Previous work experience

2011-2012:Erasmus- and Nordplus-coordinator at the MHS.

2010-2011:Associate professor of religion and ethics at the University of Stavanger.

Spring 2010:Six weeks pedagogical training at St. Olav videregående skole, teaching Religion and Ethics, and Sociology and Social Anthropology.

2004-2009:Long distance teaching of biblical subjects and composing internet-based courses for bachelorstudents at the Milltown Institute of Theology & Philosophy, Dublin ( a college of the National University of Ireland and a papal athenaeum (now part of Trinity College, Dublin).

2008-2009:Teacher (substitute) at Gand videregående skole, with the subjects Norwegian and Citizenship.

2007-2008:Teacher (substitute) at Bryne videregående skole, teaching Religion and Ethics, Citizenship and Ancient History.

Spring2005:Lecturer in Acts of the Apostles at Antoniano, Bologna.

2000:Principal corrector of Kieran J. O’Mahony, Pauline Persuasion: A Sounding in 2 Corinthians 8-9, Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement Series 199, Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2000.

1996:Summer substitute as assistant at Dysjaland kindergarten, Sola kommune.

Spring 1995:Assistant at Dysjaland kindergarten (as above).

Guest lectures and other performance

24 Sep. 2012:Forsker grand prix, Stavanger.

22 January 2012:“Med spade og spatel: Skatter og skrifter”, Katolsk Kulturforum, Stavanger.

15 August 2011:“Det gode: Holdninger og handlinger” (”The Good: Attitudes, Intentions and Actions”), University of Stavanger and Sandnes and Gjesdal kommuner, for employees at kindergartens.

3 April 2011:“Eva og Paulus: kvinner og kvinnesyn i Bibelen” (”Eve and Paul: Women and Views on Women in the Bible”), St. Svithun Kulturforum, Stavanger.

13 October 2010:“Paulus: feminist og frigjører?” (”Paul: Feminist and Liberator?”), Kristent Kvinneforum, Stavanger.

13 August 2010:“Det antikke Palestinas arkeologi” (”The archaeology of Ancient Palestine”), School of Mission and Theology, Stavanger.

Grants and nominations

2012: OSR for the SBL

2011: Granted four years’ full scholarship for the PhD, with salary, by the School of Mission and Theology

2011: Nominated by students as the best lecturer of the year at the University of Stavanger.

Memberships of committees

2011: Member of the committee of the AGM of the Norwegian Old Testament Society, 2011.

Autumn 2010: Member of the committe at the University of Stavanger responding to new legislation on kindergartens by the Government Department of Education.


A. Printed

Monograph:Isaiah and Biblical Prophecy.Dublin: The Priory Institute, 2008.

Articles:“Creation in Collision? Isaiah 40-48 and Zoroastrianism, Babylonian Religion and Genesis 1.”Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 13 (2013):1-20, DOI 10.5508/jhs.2013.v13.a8.

“Barnehagen: Kultur for læring om religioner og livssyn?” In Torill Vist and Marit Alvestad (ed.s), Læringskulturer i barnehagen: Flerfaglige forskningsperspektiver, Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 2012, pp. 239-260.

“Muslimer og terror.” Stavanger Aftenblad, 13th January 2011, part 2, p. 24.

“Lyset i vest? En analyse av grunnleggende forestillinger i læreplanens generelle del.” Norsk Pedagogisk Tidsskrift 6 (2010): 492-505. Co-authored with Margrethe Sønneland.

“The Creation of Darkness and Evil (Isaiah 45:6c-7).”Revue Biblique 115 (2008): 5-25.

“The True and the False: The Structure of John 4,16–26.”Biblische Notizen Neue Folge 128 (2006): 61-64.

“A Critique of Arguments against the Ordination of Women to Priesthood with Special Emphasis on the Argument from Jesus’ Maleness.” Milltown Studies 46 (2000): 33-57.

“Historien om kvalitativ inndeling av Guds folk.” Tidsskriftet St. Olav 9 (1999): 13-15.

Review:“F. Bovon: Les derniers jours de Jésus.” Cristianesimo nella storia 26 (2005): 551-553 (review ofFrançois Bovon, Les derniers jours de Jésus: Textes et événements; Essais bibliques 34; Genève: Labor et Fides, 2004).

B. Internet publications

The following B.A.-courses for the Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy (see above). Each course corresponds to 16 lectures.

Paul's Letters (2007).

The Prophets (2005).

The Synoptic Gospels/Matthew (2005).

Acts of the Apostles (2005).

Introduction to the Old Testament (2004).

Introduction to the New Testament (2004).

Introduction to the Pentateuch (2004).

Academic memberships

Catholic Biblical Association

Society of Biblical Literature

Norsk Gammeltestamentlig Selskap


Modern: Norwegian (native), English (near native), Italian (fluent), German (academic use), French (academic use), Spanish (academic use).

Ancient: Biblical Hebrew, Koine Greek, Biblical Aramaic, beginner Akkadian, beginner Syriac.

Spare-time activities

Dogs, hill-walking.