Monitoring Programme
Reviewed by SLT / February 2017
Ratified by Governors / February 92017
Effective from / February 102017
Review scheduled for / Summer 2018 by SLT
Responsible person / Assistant Headteacher (P, G&W)
Status Statutory
1. Purpose
The Pupil Premium funding is an additional amount of money allocated to schools for any
student who has received Free School Meals within the last six years, for Children in Care,for
Children who have ceased to be looked after by a local authority in England and Wales because
of adoption, a special guardianship order, a child arrangements order or a residence order
and, at a reduced rate, for students who belong to service families. This funding recognises
the link between family circumstances and educational underachievement and should not be assumed to be associated with ability. The purpose of thispolicy is to ensure that the
resources of the school are well managed and support is effectively targeted so that students
of The Blandford School who are eligible are enabled to overcome any barriers which may exist
toachieve and attain at the same level,or above, our students who are not eligible and to
encourage them to engage fully in every aspect of school life.
2. Who/what should be consulted
3. Roles and responsibilities
3.1It is the responsibility of all members of staff to ensure that all students receive the
education and support which they require. Students from some backgrounds are
likely to need additional support and therefore a particular awareness and focus in lesson
planning and the organisation of additional learning or extra-curricular activities.
3.2It is the responsibility of the Heads of Year, in liaison with other members of the
Guidance and Welfare team and with parents and external agencies, to identify where
students have particular issues which may be a barrier to successful engagement
with their education and to act to address these.
3.3It is the responsibility of the Assistant Headteacher (Data) toregularlytrack and share
data regarding the progress of Pupil Premium students in comparison with that of students who
are not eligible.
3.4It is the Assistant Headteacher (Progress, Guidance and Welfare) in liaison
with the Headteacher who will take overall responsibility for Pupil Premium students,
maintain an overview of their progress and participation, agree interventions in line with
the Pupil Premium budget, review the policyand the Pupil Premium Guarantee and report
regularly to staff, governors and parents on progress and interventions.
3.5It is the responsibility of the Business Manager toprovide the financial detail
regarding the overall expenditure for Pupil Premium students and that for students who
are not eligible. In some areas the additional grant will provide a contribution to sustaining
activities which are for the benefit of all students in need of support.
3.6It is the responsibility of the Senior Guidance and Welfare Administrator tomaintain
a tracking document which details interventions for Pupil Premium students and the costs
of these.
3.7It is the responsibility of the Governing Body to oversee the Pupil Premium Policy and
appoint a governor with particular responsibility for this group of students, who monitors the work
of the Headteacher and the Assistant Headteacher.
3.8It is the responsibility of the Headteacher to ensure that there are sufficient resources
and staffing in place to implement this policy and support Pupil Premium students whilst
balancing their particular needs with those of the wider school community.
3.9It is the responsibility of all parents/carers and students to inform the school of
eligibility and collaborate with the school in identifying any genuine need and supporting
subsequent interventions.
4. Relationship to other policies

Behaviour and Attendance Policy

HomeSchool Agreement

Anti-Bullying Policy

Single Equality Policy

Inclusion Policy.

Children’s Safeguarding Policy

Curriculum Policy

Controlled Assessment Policy

Sex and Relationships Policy

Drugs Education Policy

Work Related Learning Policy

Educational Visits Policy

Examinations Policy