Mission Report
General Information
Project / SR12-IB-Ag-02Capacity building for Upgrading of Food establishments and Animal By-Product managementComponent / 3. IMPLEMENTING OF ANIMAL BY-PRODUCT LEGISLATION
Activity / Activity 3.4Training of at least 25 specialist inspectors for assessment on ABP management
Reference number TOR / Mission No. 45
Short Term Expert / Ms. Janine Huijsmans-Moll, NL
Ms. Sanja Ljubijankic, NL
Ms. Ann Aarsø, DK
Ms. Heidi Rohde Herkild, DK
Period STE Mission / 28 March - 1 April 2016
28 March 2016 Arrival
29 March -1 April 2016 Working days
1 April 2016 Departure after work
Persons Interviewed/Workgroup Members / Ms. Slavica Nikolic Stajkovic, Coord. for component 3
Mr. Marko Bjekic, Coord. for component 2
Mr. Zoran Ivanović,Department for Veterinary Inspection
Mr. Jovan Ćirkovic,Department for Veterinary Inspection
Mr. Dragan Macić,Department for Veterinary Inspection
Ms. Biljana Merdović, Department of Veterinary Public Health
Ms. Sanja Čelebićanin, Adviser for the CVO
Used documentation/information / See Annex 1 – Available material for training
Other delivered products concerning TOR / See Annex 2 – Draft training program
(Please attach a copy of the terms of reference
provided by the resident Twinning Adviser,
Programme, day, date, Introduction
documentation, Power Point Presentation, etc.)
This Mission Report includes appendix(es) / General Report (part of this document)
Information Analyse (phase 1)
Advise and recommendations (phase 2)
Description of implemented products (phase 2)
Training report (phase 3)
Study visit/ Internship report (phase 3)
1. Description of the activities during visit
Tuesday 29 March
9.00-10.00 Internal meeting discussing draft training program
10.00-11.30 Meeting with BC discussing requirements for training program
11.30-12.15 Internal meeting to asses existing training material
12.45-13.30 Internal meeting to asses existing training material
13.30-14.00 Presentation by BC on current state of national ABP legislation and management
14.00-17.00 Internal meeting drafting detailed training program
Wednesday 30 March
8.45-9.00 Internal meeting preparing meeting with BC
9.00-10.15 Meeting with BC to discuss draft training program
10.15-13:15 Internal meeting drafting training program and preparing training material
14:45-17.30 Internal meeting preparing training material
Thursday 31 March
9.00-12.00 Internal meeting preparing training material
13.00-14.00 Internal meeting preparing training material
14.00-14:45 Meeting with BC to discuss draft training program and prepared material
14.45-17.30 Internal meeting preparing training material
Friday 1 April
9.00-13.00 Internal meeting preparing training material
13.30-15.45 Internal meeting preparing training material, drafting Mission report and finishing draft training program
2Comment on progress in candidate country
The BC has not conducted specific trainings on ABP for inspectors recently.I don’t disagree but I know Slavica could have serious problems with the lawyers and the upcoming court case with this sentence. Would it be okay to rephrase and say what has been done related to trainings, see my suggestion, (I’ll ask Slavica for the number to fill in at the XX’s):
Trainings on the ABP area started in 2006 and they will be continued by this Twinning and by the VD:
-2006 CAP SERSA project financed by the Swiss government
-2007-2009 Twinning project on Food, ABP and Animal welfare
-NGO “Stanište” organised in 2011 and 2012 together with the Austrian Development cooperation, Central European Initiative and Serbian Fund for Environmental protection series of trainings for local municipalities representatives, ABP producers and veterinary inspectors
-In 2014 and 2015 xx local self-government representatives have been trained
-XX VD inspectors have participated and will continue participating in EU’s training program "Better Training for Safer Food" on the ABP area.
During the mission a training plan was agreed upon with the BC for future trainings of 25 specialist inspectors, please find enclosed the drafted training plan.
3Recommendations for future actions or STE missions
The STE’s would appreciate:
- to receive fully translated versions of the Serbian checklists used for category 1 rendering plants, category 3 processing plants, pet food plants and intermediate plants storing and handling hides and skins to be able to connect the training program with them;
- the RTA to arrange the handout information to be printed before the start of each training;
- the BC to prepare the information on the National strategy on ABP and upgrading of ABP plants;
- the BC to select 3 to 4 plants for the visit on day 2 of every training and arrange the visit;
- to receive some background information on the plants that will be visited during the trainings on beforehand;
- the appointed specialist inspectors attending the training to collect questions and cases they would like to discuss on day 3 of the training.
The STE’s would prefer the training missions to include enough time prior to day 1 of the training to arrange the division of tasks between them and practise the presentations and discussions to make all parts of the training program connect well together.
The training and (translated) info material could be used by the BC to set up their own training programafter the end of the twinning project.
4Details of any follow-up actions by STE
The STE’s will:
- assign suitable trainers for each of the three training missions;
- finish all training material and sent it to the RTA in order to be translated.
Annex 1
<Available material for trainings>
Annex 2
<Draft training program>