The black queen

and other fairy tales

created by members of the English club

The pupils of the English Club got the task to write a fairy tale. In year five the pupils had dealt with “fairy tale” in their German lessons and thus already knew about the structure of it. Before they started working they learned about phrases and words that might help them to create their ownfairy tales.

After that they formed groups of three pupils. Each member of the group got a yellow card which explained a starting situation (example: A rich miller having a beautiful daughter/does not accept any of her suitors). With this information the pupils started their fairy tales. Ten minutes later they passed their tales on to their neighbours. Each member got a blue card (example: “A spring that changes people into animals) They had to use this information to continue their neighbour’s tale. Ten minutes later they again passed on the stories to their neighbours. Now they got red cards. The pupils’ task was now to add the end to the fairy tale (example: A proud king’s daughter has to carry out menial work). In the end each pupil got back his fairy tale and could read it out to the other members of the club.

The pupils have created a variety of stories and they had much fun to write and listen to them.

If you want to know the result of this task, go on reading.

We hope that you have as much fun as we had.


The black queen

Once upon a time a king and a queen were very unhappy because they had twelve children and these were all boys. The parents were unhappy because they wanted to have a daughter, too. “If the thirteenth child is a girl”, the king said;” she will inherit the kingdom. The next child was a girl. The king killed his sons. The girl, Anne, did not want to inherit the kingdom but she wanted to have brothers and sisters. She walked away. The king was very sad because now he did not have any children.

She went into a forest without any food so she had to eat some plants. She so a raven and spoke to him. The raven said:” The black queen is looking out for you.” Then he flew away. The princess was scared. She wanted to go back to her kingdom, but the black queen found her before she could run home.

When they arrived at the black queen’s castle two other princesses were there. They looked exactly alike. The youngest of the twins had a good plan. She wrote a letter which said: “Whoever will find this letter, please, help us. We are in the black queen’s castle”.

The king who had killed his sons found the letter, ran to the castle and killed the queen.

The king, queen and their daughter lived happily ever after.

© Julia Käbitz, Cheyenne Stephan, Carl Bergmann

The adventures of the three sons

Once upon a time an old king did not know to whom he should leave his empire. He had three sons. One of his sons was stupid and did all the things he should not do.

The second son searched the way to the underworld. One day he found a marble slab with a ring. He took it up. There were stairs. He went deeper and deeper. Suddenly he saw his dead mother and his grandmother. He went back to the castle but nobody else was there. He slept in the castle. In the night a ghost appeared. The son was so scared that he jumped of a bridge. He did not only lose his life but also the ring. The third son had been looking for his brother. He just found the dead body. When he came home the king decided to leave the empire to his third son.

They lived happily ever after.

©Lea-Marie Hennings, Pia Echtermeyer, Lars Kazinski, Louis Kis

The poor princess

Once upon a time there were two children. They ran away into a desert, because the stepmother had hurt the children. Seven days later the children reached the desert. They did not have any water. When they were just about to die a prince and his brothers and sisters found them.

The prince did not like the children and wanted to send them to a lonesome valley. Then he noticed one girl which was very beautiful. She was about to turn eighteen. He said:” If you do not marry me, I will kill your brothers and sisters. They married but the girl wasn’t very happy with her husband. She was a very sad princess because her husband made her brother to work as a servant. Many clowns came who wanted to make the princess happy again. She was sooooo unhappy. After a long time she went away with her brother. They lived in a small house. They laughed a lot.

And they lived happily ever after.

© Cheyenne Stephan, Carl Bergmann, Julia Käbitz

The bed smurf

Once upon a time the rich King Bobhard went on a hunt but he was not very successful. After some time he wanted to return to his castle. “How do I get back?” , he asked himself. The king was lost.

Suddenly he saw a flying carpet and it said:” I am a flying carpet”. King Bobhard thought that he would get home again.

Suddenly a magic Schlumpf appeared who said:” You have to clean the toilet of your castle.” King Bobhard cleaned the toilet till the day he died.

©Alice Chi, Fabian Willenborg, Nils Petrick

The golden fish

Once upon a time there was a mother with a son and a daughter. The daughter had to clean the toilet and the son could do whatever he wanted to do.

The daughter’s name was Mary and the boy had been named Victor. One day he had to find some food for the family. He went fishing. “Yeah, I have got one”; Victor said happily. It was a golden fish. “You have got three wishes”, the golden fish said.

There came a ghost who said:” You must remove the mountain in three days time or the fish will die.” The golden fish screamed:” humacalamaenisambalitofupiluto.” He removed the mountain and the girl and the golden fish lived one hundred years. The girl died early.

© Nils Petrick, Fabian Willenborg, Alice Chi

The toilet

Once upon a time there was a rich man, his name was Ludwig, with a beautiful daughter whose name was Lucy. Ludwig was very greedy. He did not want to accept any of his daughter’s suitors. Then came a prince whose name was Carl and said:” I would like to marry your daughter. You will get 1.000.000 Euros if I can marry her.” One day a magic teletubby arrived and used its magic to make Lucy and Carl to fall in love with each other. They got married and the rich man got the money. Lucy and Carl were husband an wife. Carl was very frightening. Because of that Lucy left him and he had to clean the toilet.

© Fabian Willenborg, Nils Petrick, Alice Chi

The shoemaker

Once upon a time a shoemaker made shoes, but he was very sly. He went to sea and found some shoes made of gold. He took the shoes back home. He tried the shoe on and suddenly he was a donkey. At night he went to bed. He was a child but there was a nasty person or animal. Was it his mirror image? Yes, it was. On the next day he was a donkey. This was to be his destiny. And if he has not died he is still a donkey.

© Lars Kazinski, Pia Echtermeyer, Louis Kis, Lea-Marie Hennings

The poor peasant

Once upon a time there was a poor peasant family which did not have anything to eat. The peasant had twelve children. The king kept the poor peasants’ land. They did not have anything to wear. One of the poor peasant’s sons worked at the king’s court and he could not come home anymore. Suddenly his father got a warrior. One day two of his sons went to sea and when they came back their father was even worse of. He, the father, drank some sea water and was healed from his diseases. On the shore he found a treasure and the peasant turned from the poorest to the wealthiest man in the village

And he lived happily ever after.

© Pia Echtermeyer, Lars Kazinski, Louis Kis, Lea-Marie Hennings

unhappier than unhappy

Once upon a time there was a king who was very unhappy because he did not have a wife or children. His biggest wish was to have a family. He found a marble slab, which was heavy, and opened it. But what was that? Two eyes were looking at him. There were two screams. Suddenly he found himself in the underworld. He saw three pretty girls who were sowing beautiful dresses. One dress was as gold as the sun, one as silver as the moon and one as glittering as the stars. He fell in love with the girl sowing the silver dress. He led the girls out of the underworld. He got married to the girl and they lived happily ever after.

© louis Kis

The golden key

Once upon a time the wife of an important king died. So the man was bent to marry his daughter. But the daughter wanted to get married to a prince. When the prince arrived the father scared him away. The princess ran into the woods and jumped into a well. When she looked around she found herself n a magic world. There were dwarfs who worked in a big mine and dug for gold. Some other dwarfs took the gold to cars. They had a magic key that showed you the way to the gold. The princess had never seen the key but nevertheless she wanted to have it. The dwarfs neither showed her the key nor did they give it to her. Thus the key stayed with the dwarfs forever.

© Celine Salmon, Julia Kwiecinski, Mark Halberstadt

The ill princess

Once upon a time a terminally ill princess wished for a magic plant which would cure her. But this wish was not fulfilled. But one day she found shoes that could fly. She put the shoes on and the fitted. Suddenly the shoes took off from the ground and she flew to a rainbow. The shoes said:”Go with me and your troubles will disappear.” And so she did. Everything started to turn around. Suddenly the princess found herself next to a seven-headed dragon which she had to defeat. The monster looked really angry. When she turned around she saw a knight next to her. He killed the dragon with a large sword. After that he took the princess home. Finally, the knight, who turned out to be a prince, got married to the princess.

And they lived happily ever after.

© Mark Halberstadt

From the worst to the best

Once upon a time there was a princess that was very ill and that wanted to die. She did not feel good. But then a prince arrived in the castle and her heart opened her life. But then it turned out that the prince wanted to be king. The princess was very angry. She sent a letter to a good friend who had to find a blood-red plant. The plant would cure the princess. Two weeks later her friend had found the plant and took it to the princess. But the plant was too old and she could not use it. For seven years the princess could not speak. During this time prince searched a new medicine to help the princess. After he had found it he took it back to the castle. This medicine was good enough to cure the princess and they lived happily ever after.

© Julia Kwiecinski

The speaking mirror

Once upon a time two princes went out to search adventure. They went out on a hunt and were very successful. When they were on their way home a terrible witch turned them into stone. Their friends waited and waited for them but they did not come. The two brothers could not move but they could see and hear. They heard a strange voice. Their friends had come with a speaking mirror which they had found behind a tree. Nobody understood the mirror but it did not matter because it managed to set the brothers free. The four friends were very happy. They went home and looked at the mirror. The mirror said:”Bla hi ro tindu rataka.” The prince said: “I know what he said. There is a chest somewhere but we can’t open it.” The friends searched the chest and finally found it. When the mirror spoke for the second time the friends could open the chest. Inside the chest they found a dwarf who had been locked in by the wicked witch.

All of them lived happily ever after.

© Carl Bergmann, Cheyenne Stephan, Julia Käbitz