…protecting people online

Glossary of Terms

Blog Sites

The term blog comes from the notion of a web log or web journal. It is used by individuals, companies, or groups of people to release information about their activities. Blogs can include text, photos, video, and are often used by individuals to reveal intimate details about their daily lives.


A chatroom is an environment found within a Web Site or within a software program in which multiple people can communicate with one another, usually using text based messages. Chatrooms are built into many online games or social environments such as World of Warcraft, CounterStrike, Second Life, or Habbo Hotel.

Social Networks

Social networking sites are becoming very popular online environments for adults to use for pleasure and/or business. The purpose of these environments is to allow users to upload information about themselves including pictures and, in most cases, personal information.

Internet Predator

A person who preys on another person by using any form of Digital Communication Technology or any other means to cause harm.

Online Grooming

Online grooming refers to the tactics used by paedophiles who try to create a sexually abusive situation with minors, using digital communication technologies such as mobile phones, chatrooms and social networks.

Server Log

A copy of the information a person sends when using digital communication technology. For example, when a person sends a text message or a photo via a mobile phone the information sent is stored permanently by the Internet Service Provider.


Hawking is what predators do by simply watching people communicate online and picking out the details that are of interest to them.

Visual profiling

A technique used by predators to target minors and or family members by analyzing images. Images often reveal unexpected information that helps a predator form an attack.

Key Logger

Keystroke logging is a criminal covert action designed to steal passwords and other personal data unique to an individual or groups of individuals, like a family. The keystroke logger is a small software application that is covertly located onto a person’s computer. From that point on every key stroke generated by the person using the computer is recorded and sent to the criminal or criminals responsible for the data collected by the keylogger.

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