The Berri Barmera Council

The Berri Barmera Council


Development Act 1993


Representations must be made in writing, and a Statement of Representation form must be completed and supplied. The Statement of Representation form requires persons making a representation to state their name and address, and describe the reasons for their representation and how the issues would be overcome.

The written statement is more likely to be effective if it refers to the provisions of Loxton Waikerie Development Plan.This can be accessed at the Loxton Waikerie website,

Copies of representations are forwarded to the applicant, and the applicant is given the opportunity to respond in writing to the representation.

It is not necessary to attend a Riverland Regional Development Assessment Panel meeting, but you may chose to do so to make a verbal presentation of your concerns. Please note that the time for making a verbal presentation will be limited to approximately 5 minutes.

For Category 3 development, Council must allow a representor to appear to make their representations. The applicant is also allowed to appear in order to respond to any representations.

Council advises representors with notice of its decision. In the case of a Category 3 development, representors have the right to lodge an appeal against the decision with the Environmental Resource and Development Court.

Under the Development Act 1993, any person may, in accordance with the regulations, make a representation in writing to the relevant authority in relation to the granting or refusal of consent of a Category 3 development application. Please ensure that you complete each section of this form.

Development Act, 1993


Applicant /

District Council of Loxton Waikerie

Owner / District Council of Loxton Waikerie
Development Number / 551/224/2017
Nature of Development /
Septic Sludge Receival Treatment and Disposal Facility
Type of Development / Merit
Zone/Policy Area / Primary Production Zone – Horticulture Policy Area
Subject Land / Section 793, Hd of Waikerie, CT5947/929, 264 Maggea Road, Waikerie
Closing Date / Thursday 12th October 2017
My Name / Business Hours Contact No
After Hours Contact No
Mobile Phone
My postal address is
My interest is / Owner of local property
Occupier of local property
A representative of a company/organisation affected by the proposal
A private citizen
The address of the affected property is

The specific aspects of the application to which I make comment are:

I / Wish to be heard in support of my submission
Do not wish to be heard in support of my submission

(please mark one)

By / Appearing personally
Being represented by the following person :

(please mark one)


Return address:PO Box 409, Loxton SA 5333Fax: 08 85846622Email: