The Benefits of Breastfeeding


This research paper is on child health. In this paper we will look into the importance of breastfeeding versus giving formula to the child, and look at how long a mother should breastfeed her child since there is a large range across the world of the “standard” age that a child should be breastfed. It will also be decided if formula companies are still pushing their product on new mothers like was proven in the 1970’s with Nestle, or if new mothers are learning the true benefits of breast feeding. We will then examine the current laws in the US and see if they allow nursing mothers an opportunity to pump while at work, or if this is frowned upon in some areas. The last part to look at is if there are any differences between the formula companies. Some mothers are not able to breast feed for numerous reasons (health, adoption, no milk supply, etc.) and we will examine whether one formula is preferred over another.

The Benefits of Breastfeeding

Nutrition is a major concern when it comes to raising children. Breastfeeding is a natural occurrence which provides the initial building blocks for the child’s health after he or she is born. The purpose of this research paper is to determine the benefits of breastfeeding over the use of formula. The idea is that natural substances like breast milk are actually better for the child than artificial substances such as formula.

Breastfeeding vs. Formula Feeding

According to the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (2015), the best way to provide nutrition for a newborn is through breast milk. It is not uncommon from problems to arise that would prevent the mother from breastfeeding her baby. Those issues will be addressed later, while the primary issue is those mothers who have the ability to breastfeed but chose not to. The length of time a baby will nurse depends on the mother. There have been instances when mothers have stopped breastfeeding after the child grows his or her first teeth.

It is recommended that children by feed from 6 months after they are born until around 1 years of age (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2015). Solid foods are to be implemented as well during this time. The importance of breastfeeding is highly emphasized because it helps to increase the infant’s immune system (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2015). It is common for mothers to ask questions that pertain to additional nutrients that their babies may need.

In this case, vitamin D is necessary. It is responsible for helping the child absorb calcium and phosphorus (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2015). This helps to build healthy and strong bones for the child as he or she grows. Additional nutrients such as these recommended for those moms who are solely using breast milk. Several positive points have been made so far about breastfeeding with little discussion about the best way to stimulate it.

The discussion so far has focused on the health of the baby through the ingestion of breast milk. It is important to keep in mind that the mother needs to stay healthy as well. The usual suggestionsare eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and keeping fluids up on a regular basis (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2015). For first time mothers, it is essential to keep anxiety levels down. This can be accomplished by studying as much as possible about breastfeeding which includes the best foods to eat and different techniques to try.

Support during this time is critical (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2015). First time mothers may feel overwhelmed at times when dealing with the new baby or babies they are trying to care for. Support may come in the form of babysitting, encouraging words, or even providing some information about childcare. First time mothers and current mothers should always remember to ask for help. Even experienced moms can learn new information that can help them get though these stressful times.

Clinics and of course the baby’s doctor, are also good sources of information to help maintain the baby’s good health and the mother’s as well. It was mentioned previously that there are times when breastfeeding is not an option. One of the most common problems that mothers face is lactation, the ability to produce milk (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2015). There are typically two situations that take place: either the mother cannot produce enough milk to feed her child or the mother cannot produce any milk at all. In either of these cases, if the doctor is concerned for the nutrition and hydration of the child, then formula may be suggested (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2015).

Health Concerns from Using Formula

The bottom-line is that formula such as Similac and Enfamil do not contain the immune boosting elements that breast milk has. Another concern is the digestibility of formula versus the digestibility of breast milk. According to the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, breast milk is usually easier to digest than formula (2015). This does not mean the formula has no nutritional value to the baby. When used correctly, it does satisfy the baby’s dietary requirements. Sometimes babies may be low on iron or may have an allergic reaction to regular formula or even to breast milk. During those times special formula is required.

Types of Baby Formula

When looking for baby formula there are several factors to consider: nutrition, taste, digestibility and cost. Standard milk-based formulas typically are the best for infants and children (MedlinePlus, 2015). This milk is made from cows that have had their milk modified, so it is more like human breast milk. It is important for mothers to know that this type of formula has vegetable oils, minerals, vitamins and of course lactose from the cows (MedlinePlus, 2015).

Soy-based formulas are created using soy proteins which means there is no lactose (MedlinePlus, 2015). The advantage to using soy milk is that children who are allergic to cow’s milk have another option. This information helps to dispel some misconceptions about using soy verse cow milk formula. According to MedlinePlus (2015), the reasons for using soy milk-based formula are avoidance of animal proteins, galactosemia in infants, or congenital lactose deficiency. The next three types of formulas are the ones that parents can rely on when their children have allergies or other types of problems that keep them from enjoying traditional formula or milk.

Hypoallergenic formulas are protein hydrolysate based (MedlinePlus, 2015). This is important for parents which children cannot have any types of milk products due to allergies. The signs of a milk allergy include but are not limited to, rashes and wheezing that occur after each feeding with the traditional milk-based formula (Medline Plus, 2015). It is important for parents to understand that because this is a specialized type of formula, it will cost more than the other types of formula.

Lactose-free formula means there is no lactose which can cause problems for infants. Lactose issues are common and some adults even suffer lactose intolerance. The primary use of this type of formula involves: galactosemia and congenital lactose deficiency (Medline Plus, 2015). Diarrhea caused by certain illnesses requires that children not be given lactose-free formulas. When the child is one year old, special tests can determine his or her lactose deficiency (Medline Plus, 2015). To this point, the discussion has involved what would be considered routine type formulas. Now the discussion shifts to those which are only to be used with a doctor’s observation.

Specialized Baby Formulas

One specialized formula to only be used per doctor’s supervision involves reflux. It may be hard to imagine, but infants do experience reflux the same way that adults do. In this particular case, their formulas are made with rice starch which makes it thicker than normal (Medline Plus, 2015). There are actually three conditions in order to use this type of formula: (1) reflux, (2) no weight gain or (3) uncomfortable. Premature babies and low-birth weight babies require a special formula as well.

These are baby formulas which have extra calories and minerals that are required to meet the baby’s nutritional and dietary requirements (Medline Plus, 2015). There are additional reasons for using specialized formulas which include children born with heart problems, amino acid digestion issues, and fat digestion issues. There are newer baby formulas on the market that require additional research. This is because the purpose of these baby formulas has not been made clear. For example the previous formulas such as hypoallergenic and lactose-free help to avoid problems with allergies and lactose intolerance. The newer unclassified formulas, have been used on children who are picky eaters.

There is no research that shows these newer formulas are better than whole milk or contain much needed multivitamins (Medline Plus, 2015). Another factor that would make this type of formula unattractive to parents is the higher cost. Cost without a purpose is not justifiable. Baby formula comes in three different states: ready to use, power based or liquid based. The last two states actually require water. This moves the discussion into the preparation and management of formula.

Baby Formula Preparation and Management

One more word about formulas themselves before moving to the preparation and management steps. Iron fortified formula is another recommended type for children (Medline Plus, 2015). The preparation of baby formula may seem like common sense but it does not hurt to review the steps. The most important part of the process is cleanliness. The baby bottles and nipples need to be cleaned with soap then boiled for 10 minutes (Medline Plus, 2015). The bottles and nipples should be completely cool before using them again.

The amount of formula that parents can make and keep stored lasts for 24 hours (Medline Plus, 2015). It is necessary to follow all the directions when making the formula so the infants are not harmed by suffering malnutrition. Cool dry places are needed to store the canned formula and already made formula goes directly into the fridge (Medline Plus, 2015). The feeding process from this point is very important. The formula should be heated slowly and then tested on the arm to make sure the temperature is acceptable for the child. Under no circumstances should the microwave be used to heat up the formula, use the stove (Medline Plus, 2015).

Parents should hold the child as close to their bodies as possible while feeding. The main purpose for this technique is to limit the amount of air that gets into the child’s stomach. Air can cause the child to spit up and also experience discomfort. The term “waste not want not” does not apply in the case of baby formula. Any amounts that have not been used should be discarded immediately. There is no reason why a mother cannot breastfeed and formula feed during the same time period.

Ideally, the first six months after the baby is born should be reserved for breastfeeding (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2015). Any time after that, the child can begin the combination of breast and formula feeding. Up to this point the discussion has been between the benefits of breastfeeding or formula. There are some emotional implications to this situation that often times get overlooked.

Emotions and Actions

First time mothers may experience depression after that baby is born. This experience is completely different from the feelings of guilt they may experience from not breastfeeding. Those who chose not to breastfeed typically handle the situation better than those who have the limited ability or no ability at all. The main focus for the mothers in this situation is the nourishing and nurturing of their babies (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2015).

There are different ways to accomplish this as described in the above section. Some mothers may need someone to talk with, and their babyies doctor is a good source as well as the mother’s support system. The discussion so far has laid the foundation for a peaceable coexistence between breastfeeding and formula use. The concept of formula makers pushing for formula over breastfeeding is a big controversy. The next section takes a look as some reasons for this.

The Baby Formula Market

According to the USDA (2011) the market for formula was 3.5 billion in sales in the year 2007. The major locations to find formula were supermarkets which has been steadily changing to warehouse based facilities. In this market, there are three manufacturers that dominate the overall sales which are Abbott, Mead Johnson, and Nestle` (USDA, 2011). Women, infants, and children on WIC places stipulations on the types of formula that can be used, the states that the formula can come in (liquid, powder, or ready to use) and a set amount of formula.

WIC is one, if not the premier form of assistance apart from food stamps that allows mothers to get the needed formula and other food products for their children and themselves. It is not expressly stated that formula manufacturers would want mothers to only buy their products, however, the amount of money they make in sales is a positive indication. The question now becomes, if the formula industry is only pushing their products then how do new mothers find out about the benefits of breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding Information for New Mothers

The most powerful weapon a mother wields in this battle between breastfeeding and formula is knowledge. The more research and study that is done initially, the easier it will be for mothers to decide what they will do. This quest for baby nutritional knowledge is ideal to begin before the pregnancy. However, mothers who have not given birth yet can also gain the knowledge necessary to make an informed decision about their baby’s health.

The Internet is a powerful tool that mothers can use to gain information concerning both breastfeeding and also formula use. It is recommended that websites that are organizational or government based by use instead of commercial websites. The next information channel is routine and readily available: clinic or thegynecologist (VHD, 2015). This is the place for new mothers to gain valuable information by talking with the staff, taking brochures, or talking with a lactation consultant.

It is important to keep the spouse, partner, family members, and friends engaged in this activity as well. They may have connections with individuals that the new mother has not thought of or does not have access to. If the mother decides to breastfeed, it is important for friends and family to limit their visits (VHD, 2015). The mother and child need as much bonding time as possible. Breastfeeding is one of the fastest ways to accomplish this goal.

When the initial bonding period is complete, the family and friends become a valuable resource to the child’s development and the mother’s health. Friends and family to get the needed formula or the needed groceries for the mother. It allows the mother to relax and reduce her stress levels. The impression that breast milk is better than formula has been established at this point. Companies are not going to stop making formula because it truly is needed for those mothers who produce little to no milk, and need nutritious alternatives. This leads new mothers, current mothers, and prospective mothers, to wonder what the formula companies are doing if anything to improve their products.

The New Face of Baby Formula

There has been a big push in recent years for all natural and organic products. This push is almost as big as the going green agenda. Organic basically means there are not additional chemicals that are used when producing foods. Organic formulas follow the same concept. According to Parent's Choice Infant Formula (2015) “cows that are fed organic feed, raised with access to the outdoors, and provided feed without antibiotics or growth hormones”. There was definite disapproval with the use of homemade organic formulas. There was even mention that these types of formulas could be harmful even dangerous because the USDA had not approved them (Parent’s Choice Infant Formula, 2015).


Uncovering the truth about breastfeeding verses formula has not been easy. As with any comparison and contrast situation there are special circumstances to consider. Overall breastfeeding was identified as the best way to nourish a child because it provides everything the child needs to build a healthy immune system and cover needed dietary requirements. At the same time, there are mothers who cannot produce breast milk or they produce insufficient amounts. In these cases the use of formula is justified.