MARCH 4, 2015 LHC MEETING approved min.

QUORUM: Dennis McClary, Andrea Cheeney, Lorraine Chaffee, Cliff Oster, Michael Sweeney, Carole-Anne Centre


MINUTES: Lorraine motioned to approve Feb. minutes, Mike seconded, all approved

TREASURER’S REPORT: 1. Dennis gave Katie $130 deposit slip from donations: The Depot Home Center, $50., Margaret Bost , $10. ,Antonia Andreoli, $25 and $45 history book sale2. Katie will email the treasurers report

CORRESPONDENCE1.LCHIP notified LHC that the Langdon meetinghouse project will be highlighted in their late winter newsletter. LCHIP will highlight the meetinghouse for holding the most town meetings in the same building since 1803 in all NH and also note warrant article presented to the town. 2. Peter Michaud of NHDHR visited the Meeting house on Feb. 24th and followed up the visit with a very helpful write up on our efforts. He cites the reasons we can apply to the National Registry. Peter also spells out his request we leave a “valance” as a reference for where the old walls of the furnace room and selectmen’s office used to be. This will demonstrates to generations that follow the many changes and uses the building has had over the centuries. These “signs” tell the story of the building and the community that has used it.3.Dennis sent out grant requests to the Savings Bank of Walpole and to Mascoma Bank.4.Carole-Anne sent out thank you notes to The Depot Home Center , Ms. Bost and Ms. Andreoli. 5. Robert Stephenson from TERRA NOVA, part of the NH Charitable Foundation, call LHC to let the commission know they will be donating $2,000. towards our Meetinghouse project. Mr. Stephenson also let the LHC know we will be invited to join a forum of NH Meetinghouse preservationists. 6. Mr. Stephenson also asked if we could forward him any information & brochures on past and present projects. He also has an interest in seeing the plans from UK architects to see how they solved the ADA and fire safety requirements on Langdon’s meetinghouse.

ARCHIVAL UPDATE: 1.Town Report reading project ongoing. 2. Lorraine suggested that we consider doing a cemetery tour and research some of the people that are buried there.

WEB SITE/FACEBOOK UPDATE1.Andrea will ask some people at the Cheshire Historical Society what they suggest we use.2. Andrea will look into the Weebly site as an option for our website. 3. Members discussed the options of combining our site with the town’s site or continuing our own site with the option volunteer members can operate the site and add new information as needed in a timely manner.

FUND RAISING/SOCIAL ACTIVITIES : 1.Several requests grants for funding have been sent out. 2.Farm Bureau event put on hold till the fall.

MEETINGHOUSE UPDATE 1. Moose Plate visit on Feb.24 was an excellent visit. They had great suggestion which should decrease the cost of construction and possibly increase our chance of winning a grant. 2.JP Plumbing put indrain valves and relocated toilet feed pipe which will mean the meetinghouse can be winterize easily. 3.The Town has been unable to address the Sweeney/McClary Annual Inspection Report for lack of a quote from a contractor. The commission needs to ask the Selectmen how to proceed.4. Mike Sweeney fixed the bathroom door latch.5.The important work of installing a fan in the rest room has yet to be scheduled. 3. Carole-Anne and Dennis to visit UK Architects on March 5 to approve the final prints that will be used for the bidding process and for showing the townspeople what the town plans to do. Large prints will be made for display at the Municipal Building and the Meetinghouse.

OLD BUSINESS: Dennis and Andrea will both consider working on the application to apply for putting the Meetinghouse on the National Historic Registry. Peter Michaud encouraged the commission to apply and would be very helpful.

NEW BUSINESS 1. Preparation for the town meeting will include updating the select board with the latest plans to make the Meetinghouse ADACompliant and up to fire code so they are prepared to answer any questions the community may have. The select board fully supports the plans.

ADJOURN; Cliff motioned to adjourn, Andrea seconded.

Respectfully submitted: Carole-Anne Centre