Full details of the programme (including terms and conditions) are included within this document for reference. Please direct all enquiries to David Holland on:


Telephone: +44 (0)1270 875563(general office) or +44 (0)7950 539 516 (mobile)

Primary Contact Person (first point of contact for co-ordination of meetings, logistics etc):
Main Contact Name:
Organisation Name:
Main Contact Email:
Main Contact Telephone No:
Pathology/Laboratory Services Provider – Trust/Organisation Details:
Organisation Name:
Main Contact (Lab) Name:
Main Contact (Lab) Email:
Main Contact (Lab) Telephone No:
IT Contact Name (for data queries):
IT Contact Email:
IT Contact Telephone No:
Please provide the names of all CCGs that will be included in our detailed analysis breakdown (eg at CCG and individual GP practice level). The first CCG is included within the initial £4,000 (+VAT) subscription cost. Each additional CCG isthen charged at £1,000 (+VAT) per CCG.
First CCG:
Second CCG:
Third CCG
Fourth CCG:
Fifth CCG:

(To add further CCGs please use the additional information form at the end of this document)

Please state the total cost of annual subscription: £ ______

(Annual subscription cost of £4,000+VAT includes a detailed analysis for the first CCG. Each additional CCG that receives pathology testing from the same provider is then charged at £1,000+VAT per CCG. Example: Detailed analyses for 3 CCGs would be £6,000+VAT)

Will the subscription cost be covered by asingle organisation? Yes – OneOrganisation

No – Split Payment

(If you are splitting the cost across more than one organisation please provide details using the additional information section at the end of this form)

Payment Details (if a single organisation is covering the cost):
Name of Organisation:
When would you like to be invoiced?
(please tick one) / FY17/18 (before 31/03/18)
FY18/19 (after 01/04/18)
Purchase Order Number:
Contact Name for Payment Enquiries:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:

Please accept our subscription for The Benchmarking Partnership Pathology Demand Optimisation Programme. I confirm that I have read and accept the Terms and Conditions overleaf and have quoted a valid purchase order number(s) as required by my NHS Trust/Organisation’s internal financial procedures. If you have any queries about fees, please contact us on the numbers below.

Signed: ______

Date: ______

Name (Print): ______

Organisation: ______

Programme Description and Terms & Conditions

1. The Benchmarking Partnership

The Benchmarking Partnership work alongside Highbury Analytical Limited and Beeston Consulting to deliver a range of benchmarking and consultancy programmes both across the UK and internationally, and were formed in collaboration with Keele University in 2015. The Benchmarking Partnership team have been delivering pathology/laboratory medicine benchmarking programmes since 2001, and have contributed towards a number of related research papers and publications. They have also worked closely with the likes of NHS England and Lord Carter, EY Australia, National Shared Services Scotland, and PathNet NI.

The Benchmarking Partnership Core Team:

David Holland – Director of Programmes

Phil Hudson – Director of Consultancy

Gill Wilson – Data Analysis and Administration

Sue Holland – Data Analysis

Amanda Eld – Administration

All correspondence (including submission of this form) should be directed to:

Address: The Benchmarking Partnership, 14 Frank Wilkinson Way, Alsager, Stoke-on-Trent ST7 2GQ.


Telephone: +44 (0)1270 875563

2. Programme Description

The Benchmarking Partnership Primary Care Pathology Demand Optimisation Programme is designed to provide both the service provider (laboratory) and GP/CCG with the information and expertise they can utilise to provide a more appropriate, cost effective pathology service that delivers better outcomes for patients and the wider health economy.

It relates pathology service usage to a range of related outcomes and best practice targets using relevant demographic data to draw meaningful comparisons, and provides guidance and advice on how to integrate the information into a successful demand optimisation strategy. It then tracks progress over the course of the programme to assess the impact of any interventions and initiatives.

It also includes an additional module for diabetes patient management, which analyses anonymised patient level HbA1c testing data to look in detail at optimum re-test intervals, the prevalence and impact of testing within (and outside of) best practice, identifying the usage of HbA1c for both diagnosis and patient management, and analysing the number of patients who are tested in primary vs secondary care. It also relates these data to patient outcomes in terms of condition severity and hospital admissions for diabetes to provide a comprehensive review of diabetes patient management.

This is anannual programme which focuses on a pre-agreed set of key marker tests and patient pathways, and delivers information through a range of dashboards and bespoke analyses tailored to meet the requirements of the subscriber. The programme launched in 2007 and has a proven track record in helping reduce wastage, improve patient management, reduce bed days across a range of key pathways, and ensure that pathology services are being used more effectively and appropriately.

The programme includes two in-house workshops delivered by The Benchmarking Partnership, typically towards the beginning and the end of the process, and can be opened up to any number of hospital, laboratory and/or CCG/GP representatives. They are tailored to meet the requirements of the group, and the content/focus of them will be agreed in advance.

Additional workshops may be added during the course of the programme at a cost of £450+VAT plus reasonable travel costs. Data are delivered via PowerPoint presentations and electronic reports which allow customisation and external analysis and use of the data. Regular updates for pathology test data are also offered in Excel or PDF format to provide up-to-date progress reports.

The team are on-hand throughout the process to answer questions and queries and to provide feedback and guidance where required.

3. Data requirements

Pathology/laboratory test data need to be provided to The Benchmarking Partnership by the subscriber in a raw Excel/CSV. The data requirements are relatively straightforward, with no questionnaires to complete and no extensive manipulation or processing of data required.

Two files are typically required: The first includes monthly test data for each GP practice, for each of the agreed tests, for a recommended time period of 3 years (to provide instant access to trend data). The second (optional) dataset takes anonymised patient level test data for HbA1c (including date of test and test result) over the previous 5 years, which allows a very detailed analysis of diabetes patient management and the creation of recommended re-test interval analysis (amongst other things).

Help and guidance are provided throughout the process. A data validation session takes place within the laboratory to ensure the numbers are correct and that the laboratory are happy with them before the process continues to the reporting and workshop phases.

The pathology test data are mapped to demographic and hospital outcomes data (at GP practice level) which are sourced separately (ie they do not need to be provided by the subscriber).

4. Fees and Charges

An annual subscription to the Pathology Demand Optimisation Programme costs £4,000 (+VAT), and includes a summary overview for primary care testing done by that laboratory (ie including all CCGs and GP practices to which they provide pathology services), plus a detailed analysis (ie CCG and GP practice level analysis) for one of their CCGs.

Detailed analyses for additional CCGs may be added at a cost of £1,000 (+VAT) for each CCG, provided that these CCGs also receive their pathology services from the same host organisation, and that their data will be included in the same laboratory data files (see section 3).

Our partners Highbury Analytical Limited process all invoices and payments for The Benchmarking Partnership Pathology Demand Optimisation Programme.

On receipt of your application an invoice will be sent from Highbury Analytical Limited to the invoice contact(s) quoting the purchase order number(s) you have provided. Payment terms are 30 days from invoice date (or 30 days from 1st April 2018 where FY18/19 has been selected). VAT is payable on all invoices at the prevailing rate (currently 20%).

You have 30 days from the date on this subscription form to cancel your enrolment in the program with full refund of fees for the year. Cancellation must be made in writing and addressed to Mr David Holland at: The Benchmarking Partnership, 14 Frank Wilkinson Way, Alsager, Stoke-on-Trent ST7 2GQ, or emailed to

Additional Information

If the subscription cost is being split between more than one organisation, please provide details of each organisation below:

Payment Details for First Organisation
Name of Organisation:
Amount Payable: / £
When would you like to be invoiced?
(please tick one) / FY17/18 (before 31/03/18)
FY18/19 (after 01/04/18)
Purchase Order Number:
Contact Name for Payment Enquiries:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Payment Details for Second Organisation
Name of Organisation:
Amount Payable: / £
When would you like to be invoiced?
(please tick one) / FY17/18 (before 31/03/18)
FY18/19 (after 01/04/18)
Purchase Order Number:
Contact Name for Payment Enquiries:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Payment Details for Third Organisation
Name of Organisation:
Amount Payable: / £
When would you like to be invoiced?
(please tick one) / FY17/18 (before 31/03/18)
FY18/19 (after 01/04/18)
Purchase Order Number:
Contact Name for Payment Enquiries:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Payment Details for Fourth Organisation
Name of Organisation:
Amount Payable: / £
When would you like to be invoiced?
(please tick one) / FY17/18 (before 31/03/18)
FY18/19 (after 01/04/18)
Purchase Order Number:
Contact Name for Payment Enquiries:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Payment Details for Fifth Organisation
Name of Organisation:
Amount Payable: / £
When would you like to be invoiced?
(please tick one) / FY17/18 (before 31/03/18)
FY18/19 (after 01/04/18)
Purchase Order Number:
Contact Name for Payment Enquiries:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Payment Details for Sixth Organisation
Name of Organisation:
Amount Payable: / £
When would you like to be invoiced?
(please tick one) / FY17/18 (before 31/03/18)
FY18/19 (after 01/04/18)
Purchase Order Number:
Contact Name for Payment Enquiries:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:

Miscellaneous Further Information

Please provide details of any relevant further information below (if required):





