Press release

25th January 2016

The Beatles Story shortlisted for major awards for Imagine No Food Poverty and Beatles Ambassadors campaigns

The Beatles Story has been shortlisted for two prestigious awards for the charity-driven Imagine No Food Poverty campaign and a social media search to find the biggest Beatles fans from all over the globe.

Staff at the attraction are hoping to win in two categories at the Marketing Minds Awards and Conference at Cranage Hall in Cheshire and at a glamorous ceremony at The Grosvenor in London for the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) Awards in April.

At Marketing Minds, The Beatles Story are shortlisted for Integrated Campaign of The Year and Digital Campaign of the Year for the Imagine No Food Poverty and Beatles Ambassadors campaigns.

A chocolate brownie was created by Merseyside charity Can Cook to sell at The Beatles Story to celebrate what would have been John Lennon’s 75th birthday – because the late Beatle loved chocolate cake.

Proceeds of the sales have all gone to the Imagine No Food Poverty campaign managed by Can Cook, who cater for schools, nurseries and care homes and use their profits to alleviate food poverty in Merseyside. Since the campaign launched in October more than 1,200 sales have generated almost 600 meals to feed hungry people in Merseyside.

Imagine No Food Poverty attracted huge media attention from the Liverpool Echo, ITV, E! Online and more and was launched with a jaw-dropping Rickenbacker guitar made entirely out of chocolate cake.

The NME called it the “most in John’s spirit” birthday celebration spread around the world and even country music legend Dolly Parton joined in the #JL75 birthday wishes on social media.

The Beatles Ambassadors competition saw Beatles fans from all over the world compete to be named the biggest Beatles fan.

There were entries from 52 countries including China, Japan, USA, Brazil and New Zealand.

The 25 winners were passionate about The Beatles, had some great stories to tell and really deserved the ambassador title. Their role will be to spread the word of The Beatles Story internationally and the attraction will be working with each of them to engage in any new projects.

The ultimate prize was given to Tere Chacon, from Mexico, who claims to be the first person in the world to publish a Beatles-based website in Spanish and she appeared on BBC Radio Merseyside on a VIP trip to Liverpool after being crowned the biggest Beatles fan by The Beatles Story.

The Imagine No Food Poverty Campaign is also in the shortlist in the Marketing Campaign of the Year SME for the CIM Awards.

The Beatles Story will compete with Visit Britain, Harper Adams University, H&H Classics and Mount Anvil.

Diane Glover, Marketing Manager at The Beatles Story, said: “We are immensely proud to have been shortlisted for three awards by two very prestigious bodies, Marketing Minds and the Chartered Institute of Marketing.

“The Imagine No Food Poverty campaign has been a huge success and to see the great work that has been done by Can Cook on the back of the sale of the brownie, to feed that many people in need, is inspiring.

“We already see at our attraction each day just how much The Beatles mean to fans all around the world and it was exciting to select the 25 ambassadors who are so passionate about the band.

“We would like to thank both Marketing Minds and the Chartered Institute of Marketing for shortlisting us and we are keeping our fingers crossed for success at the awards ceremonies in April.”


About the Beatles Story:

The award-winning Beatles Story is the world's largest permanent exhibition purely devoted to the lives and times of The Beatles. Located in the Fab Four’s hometown of Liverpool on the stunning UNESCO World heritage site at the Albert Dock, the Beatles Story takes visitors on an atmospheric journey through the lives, times, culture and music of The Beatles.

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