SCAVMA Board Meeting Agenda - January 18, 2012

Call to order.

Approval of minutes from last meeting (November 17, 2011). Approved at 1800.

Any items that need to be added to tonight’s agenda?

Officer Reports

President – Christina Sander

1.  VLE Professor Nominations and Finalist: Dr. Barter, Dr. Pollard, and Dr. Pesavento are finalists!

2.  Status Update

a.  VLE Student Application – due in about a month. There will now be fresh nominations every year, instead of rolling over. The board could be in charge of nominations, or we could open up nominations to the whole school. Faculty will need at least six months warning, so we want to discuss this soon.

b.  New officer elections

i.  CERE online system will be used for student body voting

ii.  SCAVMA reps: get people in your class interested if possible. Office hours may encourage interest.

3.  Communication with the student body: SCAVMA board has done very well, we try to take into account individual issues for students, but deadlines are deadlines and we should try to stick to them in most cases. Talk to Christina if you have a question about communicating deadlines with students.

a.  Deadlines and leadership changes – brainstorm session

i.  Email is probably most reliable way to communicate (paper can get lost); remind people to check email regularly.

ii.  We could utilize CERE for this purpose – use “announcement” function. SCAVMA also has a CERE tab we can utilize.

iii.  We could write reminders on white boards, maybe add a joke or quote so students read them.

iv.  Most people are being responsible and using the system appropriately, and we have had positive feedback from students. Maybe we shouldn’t be so flexible.

v. Keep doing what we’re doing for now, and maybe move to CERE announcements in the future.

vi.  From negative feedback we have received, there have not been any suggestions about how to better reach these students.

4.  Upcoming Events

a.  Dr. Derrick Hall (AVMA) comes to Davis!

i.  Our direct liaison to AVMA. He wants to address the board on Tuesday night with dinner, to exchange information between us and AVMA. Wants to explain SCAVMA’s role. Dinner talk is casual and informal.

ii.  Also will host a lunchtime talk 12-1pm. We want to check names for everyone at lunch meeting.

b.  February Funding Meeting: 1/26, 2pm, 1013 Valley: to review February funding applications. New application system going well so far; major limitation is that student reps have to fund these events with their own money before reimbursement. This is an unfair stress on students, and will be reviewed.

c.  Meeting with Development Office

i.  Will be held 1/30/12, 2pm in Scrubs. Board members welcome to attend and listen.

d.  Budget Meeting: will be held in February/March – more information to come.

e.  Yearbook Meeting: This year we switched to an electronic version of a yearbook – this has saved us money! Seniors have not responded with feedback yet. There will be a meeting with the yearbook editors to figure out the next step, so that yearbook is no longer on SCAVMA’s books.

5.  Future Projects

a.  Focus groups: to discuss how to best organize lunch talks, deal with reimbursement, etc.

Vice President – CJ Johnson

·  Report

Treasurer – Bernadette Grismer, Christine Haas

·  UDA account status

o  No deposits to our account since start of this school year.

o  There have been some issues with people not reading deadlines or sticking to them.

§  Changes to application system: used to allow two applications per club/vendor. Now each student rep gets two applications. Clubs still get two applications per year, but for health care vendors, this means more events/applications. We could try to limit campus events, but for now we want to allow quarterly events for companies. Vendor policy will change once everyone is on semester system.

§  When people miss deadlines, we are now allowing retroactive funding. Also applies to students whose events went over budget. These students are now allowed to apply retroactively to make up the difference. However, in cases of overspending, the retroactive application counts as the student’s second application of the year. If the student has already applied for funding twice (i.e. went over budget on the second application), there will be no retroactive funding.

·  Bookkeeping going well, we are about $7000 under budget currently. We are still getting money from the bookstore every month. There might be a few things unaccounted for in budget, but in good shape overall.

·  Tell people to cash SCAVMA checks if they have them – this would make end of year bookkeeping easier. Currently there is no expiration date on SCAVMA checks – we may want to change this.

Secretary – Robyn Kirkwood

President Elect – Colleen Geisbush

·  Last year, at Camelid Symposium, we funded 33 llama rescues, so we got a plaque J

·  Pursuing Administrative Support for Professional Financial Advice for Student Clubs

o  With intent of assisting clubs in becoming more self-sustaining. Feedback from advisors has been positive so far.

o  Dean wants more communication between students and dean, wants all students filled in on discussion at dean’s round table, FAQ, etc. Would like all students to have access to this information.

SAVMA Delegates’ Report –Alison Tarbell and Christine Hsueh

·  Fundraiser idea: penny wars.

o  Instead of classes competing, we could solicit faculty and students to do silly things, based on which donation jar received the most money. We could have professors agree to these things, might be more appealing to students than other rewards (e.g. pizza party) and then we won’t have to come up with specific rewards for each class.

·  Symposium: zero interest from student body in attending so far.

·  As of right now, there is nothing we really need to fundraise for (because no student interest in attending symposium), so no pressure about fundraisers.

CVMA Delegate – Alissa Blum

IVSA Representative – Samantha McDonnel

·  Update: IVSA

o  Purpose of IVSA: International Veterinary Student Association coordinates exchanges with other vet schools internationally.

o  Trying to email IVSA rep/IEO (president of USA chapter), but no response so far. Idea of IVSA position was to have a UC Davis sub-chapter, but hard to get information about how this would work.

o  This position may not need to continue if the sub-chapter cannot be formed.

o  IVO wanted to work with IVSA, but hasn’t worked out yet.

o  Outreach efforts to IEO will continue. Updates to follow.

Committee Reports

Josh Project: Brittany Stevens

Constitution Committee

Mentor Committee

One Health Initiative Committee

SAVMA Symposium Committee

Yearbook Committee

Board Member Reports

Legislative Liaison – Hanie Elfenbein

Waggie Editors – David Kim, Lea Mehrkens

1st Year SCAVMA Reps – Emily Isaacs, Michael Ramos

·  Health care vendor policy discussion

o  Vendors pay for booth space. Companies cannot give gifts or donations; anything given out must be purchased for full value.

o  Pet food companies are part of this policy.

o  Policy does not specify punishment in case of faculty or student violation; currently under review.

Class of 2015 Presidents – Shirley Chen, Michael Armer, Andrew Findlaytor

2nd Year SCAVMA Reps – Samantha Haw, Jamie Case

·  Career fair organization still going well; class announcements have started.

·  SCAVMA reps – please include an announcement about this event in your class emails. Event will need volunteers, so please ask students to help.

·  Raffle with prizes has been set. Silent auction has been approved – may happen.

·  Event will be held in the ARC Ballroom, February 3 at 5pm.

Class of 2014 Presidents – Elizabeth Engall, CJ Johnson, Jonathan Levin

3rd Year SCAVMA Reps – Katrina Castaneda, Cristin Roach

·  6 Ways to Make a Good First Impression

·  Industry Night: Career Fair

o  Practices have been invited to come visit with students; deadline for response is this Friday 1/20. Practices are encouraged to discuss mentorships, externships, internships, etc. with students. Thirteen practices have signed up so far, and our goal is 20. Good variety of equine, exotic animal, lab animal practices so far.

o  Historically not well attended, so “Six ways to make a good impression” event to encourage attendance. Ideally, students will appear in professional attire and bring resumes.

o  Lunch talk will be held to provide information about this event.

o  Second year students are currently shadowing this position/event to take it over next year.

o  Thank you for vendors is being planned. Projector with pictures will be running during event. Send pictures if you want to say thank you!

o  Ask practitioners if you think they would be interested in attending!!

Class of 2013 Presidents – Justine Ma, Austin Kerns, Esther Zakowski

4th Year SCAVMA Reps – Scott Hamilton, Sarah Smolley

Class of 2012 Presidents – Dan Barbour, Erin Branyan, Catherine Gunther-Murphy

Graduate Professional Student Rep – Denise Gonzalez, Kat Tomalty

Faculty Reports

·  Dr. Ilkiw: FAQ from dean will be posted on student page in VIPER.

·  Dr. Puschner

·  Dr. Jandrey

New Business

·  Clubs are having trouble doing wetlabs, because it’s now part of the curriculum for the first year class. These events require a faculty member to be present.

o  Will become an increasing problem because new curriculum is taking up more of doctors’ time.

o  Clubs may have to evolve, use different modes of learning.

o  This is a facility issue as well, because facilities are being used more in new curriculum, and may be needed for preparation and unavailable for wetlab/student extracurricular use.


·  No first year interest in running for SCAVMA positions. President/president elect could come speak to classes if possible. One email has been sent out to student body, will send another this month.

Adjournment at 1857.