the Change!
The Be. Institute Year in Review
1 July 2011 – 30 June 2012 the Change! – 2011/12
Executive Summary by Minnie Baragwanath, Chief Executive
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead
I’d like to begin by expressing my warmest gratitude to you all for your support, belief and trust in this big dream and call-to-action called Be. Accessible. On 6 May 2011, the Be. Institute was legally formed and the Be. Accessible social change movement for New Zealand launched. On that day, decades of tireless work by so many from the disability community was acknowledged and Be. really did stand on the shoulders of those giants as it leapt into the great hope for a 100% accessible country for us all.
Be. Accessible is a social change campaign and movement, with a vision for a 100% accessible country for us all.
Through a number of initiatives, the campaign inspires and informs New Zealanders of opportunities to improve physical and social access so that we may all contribute fully to society.
Be. Accessible is managed by the Be. Institute, a social enterprise that works across all sectors and communities throughout New Zealand. I’d like to acknowledge our founding partners; Auckland Council, Auckland University of Technology and Auckland District Health Board who had the foresight to back the idea of Be. Accessible in the early days. Our founding trustees are also a group of amazing people who I would like to wholeheartedly thank. They include John Allen (CEO, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade), Mark Bagshaw (Managing Director, Innov8 Consulting Group), Mary-Jane Rivers (Founder, Inspiring Communities), Ian Scherger (Director, Brandman) and Ross Brereton (former CEO, the Disabled Persons Assembly of NZ).
I would also like to acknowledge our Minister for Disability Issues, the Hon. Tariana Turia. Minister Turia has been a huge supporter of and visionary for the accessibility movement in New Zealand and I would like to formally thank her for her commitment to this important work for all New Zealanders. I would also like to recognise the significant investment that this government has made in enabling us to realise our vision for New Zealand.
As you will read through this document, the past year has been a full one with RWC2011 a highlight for us all.
Our Be. Welcome programme was launched prior to the event and close to two hundredorganisations were assessed for accessibility in 12 host cities throughout New Zealand.
Our leadership programme, Be. Leadership, is now in its second year and by the end of 2012, we will be celebrating thirty-four leaders in the alumni. The Be. Campaign has generated and captured a wealth of positive stories about accessibility throughout New Zealand and attracted a diverse community of interest.
Most importantly however, we are now already starting to see the positive change in people’s lives and communities, in ways that we might have only imagined was possible!
Be. Accessible has now formed an agile and responsive learning community of individuals and organisations committed to social change. As you will see throughout this review, the community of people who are at the heart of a movement is growing fast. I am humbled and honoured to be a part of our very capable and inspiring team of change agents as we lead our way into what I believe are exciting waters of change. In the end, we are all here for one reason– to make New Zealand the most accessible place in the world to Be.
And finally, thank you to you. By reading this document, you are already a part of this movement and are playing a critical partin the outcomes we all hope to achieve. I encourage you to Be. the change and Be. Accessible so that we may all realise our dreams of in this world.
With much love and accessibility wishes,
Minnie b.
The Be. Lens
- seeing the world differently
The Be. Lens is one of Accessibility. It changes the emphasis from barriers and exclusion to a sense of engagement and generosity from every member of society. By working together in a creative and imaginative way, all in society can celebrate the opportunity accessibility offers.
This lens allows us to see the magic in possibility while also keeping us grounded and genuine. It allows people to find new common ground with each other and it encourages a community where we all take responsibility for creating the best and most accessible world imaginable, individually and collectively.
The language that reflects this new lens is about "accessibility" rather than "disability", about possibility rather than limitation, about innovation rather than the status quo. We talk about access citizens, access customers, access communities, the access economy, and people with access needs.
Be. Leadership
Leading change through the development of individuals throughout New Zealand
The Be. Leadership Programme began in March 2011 with nineteen leaders from throughout New Zealand. The convening of this group was a momentous occasion as it triggered a process of deep learning about diverse experiences of disability, a depth of conversation about leadership that is unique to people with access needs, and most importantly, an unfolding of meaningful engagement in social change.
By investing in disabled people coming together, staying together and getting to know each other and learning together, “an enriching process” of learning unfolded over the 2011 year. Through the year, there was engagement with more than 40 top New Zealand leaders within and beyond the sector and the participants benefited from the ability to question, debate and consider new insights to leadership and its role in society. There has been a remarkable increase in individual and group empowerment and confidence as well as a recognition and value of the individual styles of leadership of each of the participants.
The 2011 Be. Leadership Alumni are:
- Victoria Manning
- Suzanne Cowan
- Sarah Houbolt
- Rena Hinehou-Savage
- Pete Taylor
- Keke Brown
- Harriet Kay
- Erin Gough
- Anna Nelson
- Ursula Thynne
- Matt Frost
- Loren Glenn
- Ezekiel Robson
- David Hughes
- Alisha McLennan
- Shaun McKinney
- Peter Fogarty
- Katherine Rees
- Liam Sanders
At the end of 2011, Be. Leadership conducted a full review of the programme including feedback from every participant in order to reshape and improve the programme for 2012.
We would like to acknowledge Rena Savage, a true leader and one of the Be. Leadership participants from 2011, who sadly passed away early in 2012. Rena’s family have since acknowledged the role that Be. Leadership played in providing Rena with the confidence and purpose that she deserved as a leader in her community, whanau and among her peers.
The 2012 Programme is now well underway with 15 leaders from around New Zealand now participating on the programme.
The 2012 leaders are:
- Sonia Pivac
- Gerri Pomeroy
- Ross Livingstone
- Kim Eruera
- Brent Macpherson
- Layla Mackay
- Kim Silvey
- Neelusha Memon
- Tony Howe
- Carol Waterman
- Rachel Mullins
- Alexandra Smith
- Genevieve McLachlan
- Simon Atkinson
- Judy Small
Participant achievements
The following is a list of achievements by the 2011 participants, both in the disability and mainstream sectors; and in New Zealand and beyond. The following achievements are reflective of the collective success of the leadership community that has emerged from the 2011 alumni.
- Invited by the Scottish Government to advise on disability.
- Winner of the Big ‘A’ Artistic Achievement Award in 2012
- Winner of the Ernst and Young Excellence Award for implementing “The Amazing Race: Accessibility Edition", the idea of which was hold a race around campus to raise awareness around accessibility issues around campus and to spread the message of Be.Accessible in Christchurch.
- Appointed youth representative of the Christchurch City Council Disability Advisory Group, with direct link to the Council and making submissions to the draft city plan.
- Confidence to successfully apply for meaningful employment and achieve positive feedback from employers (e.g. Idea Services; Deaf Aotearoa)
- Invitation to be a member(and the only one with a disability) of the Otautahi Youth Council (OYC) which is an independent council made up of around 15 young people representing Youth across Christchurch.
- Involvement in the Christchurch Council through the event ‘Youth Vision’, which focused on the Rebuild.
- Attendance of the UNESCO Youth Voices Challenge, a two day event run by UNESCO to promote youth's involvement in the rebuild of Christchurch.
- Involvement in the UNESCO planning committee for a conference on Asia Pacific Region affected by natural disasters in December.
- Recognition by the Attitude Awards including a 30-minute performer profile and Arts award finalist.
- Attendance of ‘Developing Leaders Seminar’.
- Plans to start up an international network of young disabled people.
- Winner of the Bright star and the Inspirational Speaker of the Year awards at the National Speakers Association - Auckland Chapter.
- Development of speaking career and Ambassador for the Pin Drop Foundation.
- Involvement on the Ministry of Health Local Working and National Reference Groups on the “New Model”.
- Hosted an event with the Prime Minister.
- Project managing a ‘Making a Difference’ funded project for Autism NZ.
- Third place in the ‘2011 Literary Festival’ awarded by Wellington Mayor.
- Proposal submission to the RNZFB, on how to get funding to support the increasing need for new technology for its members.
- Membership of Youth Advisory Group for Porirua - this group just recently ran the Youth Awards; which gave out $300 to outstanding people in different areas (Like Arts, Sports, Education, etc).
- Consultant for Arts Access Aotearoa.
- Invitation by the Chair, to become a board member of the Association of Blind Citizens.
- Northern Regional Chairperson for People First.
- Membership of Auckland Council Disability Sector Advisory Group.
- Performedat Diversityworks Trust Art Exhibition Opening.
- Performed at the Disability Arts Festival.
- Ran a circus workshop at Disability Arts Festival.
- Profile article on Arts Access Aotearoa website.
- Leading role in “Hairy Maclary” Theatre performance.
- Ran an image theatre workshop at Be. Leadership August.
- Developing the Disability Social Change toolkit.
- Making links internationally through meeting disability sector workers in Thailand.
- Landed a role on Shortland St through new talent agency, Unique Extras.
Journey of the leader
Prior to completing the Be. Leadership course, I was unsure about my strengths, weaknesses and whether I was a leader at all, but through the conversations and reflections that took place throughout, I was able to better define who I am as a person and what the purpose of my life is.
Be. Leadership also allowed me to feel more comfortable with myself as a disabled person. I used to feel that disability was a negative, anomalous thing that those affected by it should try to ‘overcome’. However, by being around such a diverse range of people and by framing accessibility in such a positive, holistic light, Be. has completely changed my perception of myself and how I feel about being disabled.
I have been able to use the many practical skills learnt during the Be. Leadership programme to take on multiple leadership roles in my community, including being on my local youth council, being involved in various disability action groups, and becoming vice president of JCI Christchurch, a local chapter of a worldwide NGO focused on developing young people between the ages of 18 and 40 personally and professionally through youth-led projects that create positive change in the local community.
Overall, Be. Leadership has really just ignited my passion in advocating for a fully accessible society and for equal rights for disabled people. This passion affects how I live my life and where I live it, particularly relevant because I live in Christchurch; a city that I no longer see as somewhere I need to move away from as quickly as possible, but hopefully, as an example of New Zealand and the world’s first fully accessible city that I have a role in building. It will also affect my career as I want to use my law degree to put this passion into action and practice disability-related law.
My life path seems clearer now and instead of shying away from opportunities, I am confident enough to take every one presented to me along that path, and I believe that that is largely thanks to Be.
Erin Gough, 2011 Be. Leader
I think this is the most stimulating leadership course I have been on.
Why? Partly it was the 20 amazing people who I shared the experience with, and also the skilled facilitation. But I think it was mainly because of the fantastic breadth of wisdom to which we were exposed during the 12 months. The programme model which asked us to engage with and reflect on a speaker’s contribution was an excellent, active form of learning. I use the insights that I gained from the speakers and interactions every day in my workplace.
This is not to say the programme is easy – in fact there were times when I reflected on whether this was the programme for me. But I’m so glad I saw it through and graduated. It has also been fantastic to see the growth and development of everyone who participated.
It has often been said recently that we are in tight financial times and therefore it is important to ensure that money is invested wisely. I believe that Be Leadership is the wisest form of investment as it invests in potential.
Another great aspect about Be. Leadership is that the conversations really inspire you to take bold, positive actions. For example, in the last six months I have started a relationship, been a keynote at a conference in Scotland, and started a new job and consultancy. All of these things are major changes in my life and things which I would have been very cautious previously. However Be. Leadership encouraged me to see change not as something I should fear, but something that if planned for carefully, could be a real positive in my life.
Matt Frost, 2011 Be. Leader
Since taking part in the 2011 Be. Leadership programme, I have a healthier, wiser and more grounded approach to the work I do with Diversity Promotion through Social Networking, and at AUT University, mentoring and advising students. I have volunteered to be an Executive Advisor to the Rainbow Youth board, which will involve giving advice to the Board – something that other people and groups are requesting of me more and more.
I have become involved in an AUT research project relating to woman and disability, and have taken up the opportunity to speak at the Be. programme this year.
I’ve learnt that it is important for me to be patient and aware and that my grounding is my strength and trust in myself. I know I am making a difference, and will continue to do so. I feel more confident in myself and it is thanks to my time on the Be. Leadership programme.
Anna Nelson, 2011 Be. Leader
The Be. Leadership programme, an extraordinary journey to leadership, was a wonderful investment in my education. The quality of the programme and presenters overflowed with value. The facilitation was delivered with integrity and extensive knowledge.
The outcome in my case was profound as it took me beyond the borders of my mind; the barriers that meant ‘No Excuses’. Be. has led me to participate in global seminars on collaboration, leadership focus for changing what’s normal and the Difference Makers Community.
By attending the Be Leadership programme, it has enabled me to pursue my speaking career which has culminated with winning both the Bright Star and Inspirational Speaker of the year in June at the National Speakers Association, (Auckland Chapter).
Further, I have broken into the international speaking market with a double standing ovation for a presentation to 200 Entrepreneurs in Sydney and a follow up presentation, also in Sydney again to a standing ovation from 120 business owners.
My experience with the Be. Leadership programme has challenged me to
shift my paradigms, to be more inclusive, and better understand my leadership style and strengths.
Peter Taylor, 2011 Be. Leader
Since Be. Leadership, I have joined the Auckland Council’s Disability Strategic Advisory Group, an experience which continues to strengthen my on-going community work in youth development and violence prevention projects, and health and disability advocacy.
I learnt a great deal about leadership in theory and practice, from the facilitators, speakers, and other participants. I increased my awareness of my personal leadership style and values, and I gained a clear understainding of what unique contributions I make to leadership in the community.
On reflection, one comment I can make is how aspirational Be. Leadership was, in helping me to break that old dynamic of always reflecting on who I was yesterday, to instead focusing on preparing myself for who I want to be tomorrow.
Ezekiel Robson, 2011 Be. Leader
Be.Welcome Programme
Providing accessible access information to people with access needs, and creating 100% accessible New Zealand businesses and organisations.
“Be. Accessible certainly helped raise aware- ness of accessibility issues within our organ- isation and has enabled us to identify where things are working well as well as areas that can be improved. It has raised staff awareness about accessibility issues and hence their abil- ity to provide suitable advice and assistance. Some recommendations, such as the register of contact details for mobility taxis, have been implemented immediately and others will be put in place as time and funds permit. Another benefit is that potential visitors to Hamilton Zoo can now access the Be. Welcome website before their visit to assist with their decision on whether to come. We now have a clearer understanding of the accessibility of our site and services.”
Stephen Standley - Director, Hamilton Zoo
The Be. Welcome Assessment Programme has been created to provide holistic accessibility assessments of businesses and organisations so that people with access needs can make informed choices about where they shop, eat, stay and play throughout New Zealand.
The unique characteristic of Be. Welcome is its holistic nature taking into consideration access needs of a wide range of customers including someone who: