The Basis of the African American Community Was

The Basis of the African American Community Was

Question 1

The basis of the African American community was:


the slave revolt.

spiritual freedom.

the gang labor system.


3 points

Question 2

The governor of Virginia blamed Nat Turner's revolt on:


Northern anti-slavery opinion.

the Nullification Crisis.

Southern Hill people.


3 points

Question 3

The zest with which Southerners began extending their lands into the lower south, thereby extending both the production of cotton and slavery is called:


King Cotton.

Flush Times.

Alabama Fever.

the Impending Crisis.

3 points

Question 4

Thomas Jefferson's vision for the new nation was that of a country dominated by:


independent small farms.

wealthy, large plantations.

independent urban artisans and skilled workers.

urban factory workers and manufacturers.

3 points

Question 5

In his inaugural address, Jefferson:


worked to create an air of pretention which followed him throughout his administration.

tried to build a bridge of reconciliation between Federalists and Republicans.

sought to expose the excesses and inadequacies of Federalists government.

expunge the new government of all officials with Federalists sympathies.

3 points

Question 6

One reason the Monroe presidency is often described as the "Era of Good Feelings" is because:


the Louisiana Purchase was made.

Monroe placed only Democratic-Republicans in office.

by the 1820s, there was really only one political party remaining in the United States.

there was general prosperity throughout his term around the Nation.

3 points

Question 7

As President, Jefferson accomplished which of these reforms?


Limiting the power of the federal government

Decreasing the national economic reliance on farming

Establishing a federal system of universal education

Increasing the size of the armed forces for national protection

3 points

Question 8

Which of the following was a key cause for the alignment of both Indians and Canadians against Americans in the War of 1812?


Fear of American expansion

Certainty of a British victory

Desire of both groups to become part of the United States

Successful American blockade prevented importation of British goods and thus angered both groups.

3 points

Question 9

In 1830, what proportion of southern whites were slave owners?






3 points

Question 10

Which president was the last of the Virginia Dynasty?


Thomas Jefferson

James Madison

Andrew Jackson

James Monroe

3 points

Question 11

In the 1803 Supreme Court decision of ______, the Judicial branch’s independence was solidified and thus the current distribution of power among the three branches realized.


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2 points

Question 12

The ______resulted from inventions that led to improvements in the textile industry and caused an increase in the international demand for cotton.


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2 points

Question 13

Those Congressional members, who began to push for aggressive actions against Great Britain following the 1810 elections, were commonly called ______.


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2 points

Question 14

While some yeoman farmers owned slaves, by far their principal form of labor was their ______.


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2 points

Question 15

In the days directly following the Revolution, slavery waned. However, it was revived by the production of ______, the new staple crop of the South.


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2 points

Question 16

Slaves filled many roles within the slave system. Compare and contrast the roles played and lives led by the field worker, the house servant, and the artisan. Did any of the three fare better than the others under the slave system? Why or why not?

Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.


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30 points

Question 17

Describe the events leading to the Louisiana Purchase. What objections did Jefferson hold and how did he reconcile these? What ramifications did this purchase hold for the new nation?

Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.


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Question 1

Who resigned as vice president and gave up his presidential aspirations because he was a proponent of the "Nullification Doctrine"?


John C. Calhoun

Martin Van Buren

Andrew Jackson

John Quincy Adams

3 points

Question 2

Those who accused John Quincy Adams of a "corrupt bargain" maintained that he:


had lied to the Congressional election panel.

accepted bribes during his presidency.

unethically worked with Clay to secure the presidency.

bribed Congressmen during his presidency.

3 points

Question 3

The Nullification Crises was ended by the Tariff Act of 1833. Who was the author of this piece of legislation?


Andrew Jackson

Henry Clay

Martin Van Buren

John C. Calhoun

3 points

Question 4

The market revolution was the outcome of three inter-related developments which included all of the following EXCEPT:


improved transportation.


trade regulations.


3 points

Question 5

During the 1820s and 1830s, which issue increased sectionalism in the Nation and was responsible for the Nullification Crisis?


Indian removal

The Bank of the United States

Internal improvements

The protective tariff

3 points

Question 6

In the age of mechanization, men began to oppose female laborers because they:


felt their presence went against accepted gender roles.

feared their presence would lower the wages of working men.

feared their presence would lower the quality of the product produced.

felt women were unable to make the complicated decisions that mechanization required.

3 points

Question 7

Most of the advice Jackson received during his presidency came from:


his Vice President.

sectional leaders like Webster and Clay.

the heads of government departments.

his "kitchen cabinet."

3 points

Question 8

The best known novels of James Fenimore Cooper centered on the theme of:




western expansion.


3 points

Question 9

Which of the following was NOT one of the literary figures responsible for creating a national American culture based on uniquely American themes?


Thomas Cole

Washington Irving

James Fenimore Cooper

Ralph Waldo Emerson

3 points

Question 10

Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning the Second Great Awakening?


Businessmen used its ideals to encourage worker responsibility.

It had its greatest success initially in New England.

It stressed salvation attained through personal faith.

It was more democratic and energetic than earlier religious practices.

3 points

Question 11

Match the following items:


The concept of interchangeable parts was first realized in gun manufacturing and known by what name?

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The religious revival that stressed the achievement of salvation through personal faith.

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A leading evangelist in the Second Great Awakening.

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A well known spokesman for transcendentalism.

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An announcement made in 1836 by Jackson that stated the government would only accept gold or silver payments for land.

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Charles Finney


The Five Civilized Tribes


Ralph Waldo Emerson


Thomas Cole


Specie Circular


The Second Great Awakening


Penny Papers




American System


Baltimore & Ohio

10 points

Question 12

Describe the policy that Andrew Jackson employed in his quest for Indian Removal. What problems did his policy encounter? What effects did the removal have on Native Americans?

Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.


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30 points

Question 13

Discuss the innovations that marked the Transportation Revolution between 1800 and 1840. How did the Transportation Revolution affect America?

Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.


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Question 1

Massive amounts of the Irish immigrated to America as a reaction to what event?


California Gold Rush

The Protestant Reformation

The Civil War

The Potato Famine

3 points

Question 2

The Tammany Society began in:


New York City.




3 points

Question 3

During the 1840s and 1850s most immigrants came from:


Canada and Mexico.

Spain and Ireland.

Germany and Russia.

Ireland and Germany.

3 points

Question 4

The Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 promoted which of the following?


Religious tolerance

Termination of child labor

Women's rights


3 points

Question 5

Horace Mann was a leader in the movement for:


public education.

racial equality.

prison reform.


3 points

Question 6

In 1860, the largest city by population in America was:



New York City.



3 points

Question 7

The federal government sponsored many exploratory expeditions in the 1800s. One such expedition mapped the trails from Oregon to California and was led by:


Zebulon Pike.

Lewis and Clarke.

John C. Fremont.

Stephen Long.

3 points

Question 8

During the 1840s, Democrats and Whigs disagreed primarily on what two issues?


Women's suffrage and abolition

Expansion and industrialization

Immigration and trade regulations

Religion and educational reform

3 points

Question 9

In the 1830s, the middle class tended to:


show a kind, benevolent attitude toward the poor.

blame crime, disease, and other urban problems on the poor.

integrate immigrants into their neighborhoods.

migrate toward housing opportunities in areas with large immigrant populations.

3 points

Question 10

Which of the following constituted the most likely cause of death on the overland trails?




Indian attack


3 points

Question 11

Place the events provided in the correct chronological order.


The Mexican American War begins.

The infamous Battle of the Alamo occurs.

Texans begin a revolt against the Mexican government.

Texas is annexed to the US as a slave state.

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo is signed.

10 points

Question 12

Compare and contrast four reform movements of the era: temperance, public education, asylums, and feminism. Be sure to note key details in each concerning the origins, important leaders, objectives, and accomplishments.

Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.


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30 points

Question 13

America has been called a nation of immigrants. However, many Americans reacted negatively to the mass immigrations of the 1840s and 1850s. Who immigrated during this time period and what factors concerning their presence provoked American hostility?

Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.


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30 points

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Question 1

Which of the following is FALSE concerning "Cotton Whigs"?


They were northerners who had economic ties to the southern slave states.

They disapproved of abolitionist activities.

They felt the Kansas-Nebraska act would end anti-slavery sentiment in the North.

They feared the Kansas-Nebraska act would encourage anti-slavery sentiment in the North.

3 points

Question 2

After the Democratic Party split in 1860, those Northerners who opposed the war, the draft, emancipation, and other steps Lincoln pursued were called:


War Democrats.



Damn Yankees.

3 points

Question 3

While indecisive, the battle between the Monitor and Merrimac:


was important as the first battle between two ironclad ships.

demonstrated the superiority of wooden ships.

highlighted the support the South was receiving from Great Britain.

clearly proved that this war as well as those following would rely very little on Naval power.

3 points

Question 4

The actual name of the Know-Nothing party was the:


Democratic Party.

American Party.

Whig Party.

Republican Party


3 points

Question 5

The Civil War began on April 12, 1861, with the Confederate attack on:



Fort Sumter.

Fort Calhoun.

Washington, D.C.

3 points

Question 6

The Compromise of 1850 was a series of five bills which included all of the following EXCEPT:


California was admitted as a free state.

the slave trade was abolished in Washington, D.C.

a stronger fugitive slave law was to be enforced nation-wide.

slavery was excluded from all parts of the Mexican Cession.

3 points

Question 7

Though technically a Confederate victory, the 1863 Battle of ______can be seen as a turning point in the war as Lee lost twenty percent of his army and one of his right hand men, General "Stonewall" Jackson.






3 points

Question 8

Which event sparked the process of secession for the majority of Southern states?


John Brown's Raid

Anti-union riots in Baltimore

"Bleeding Kansas"

Lincoln's election to the presidency

3 points

Question 9

Despite the controversial effect it had, the Kansas-Nebraska act was first proposed for the purpose of:


furthering the construction of a transcontinental railroad.

establishing trade relations with Japan.

outlawing slavery in any new state admitted to the Union.

revising the electoral college.

3 points

Question 10

Which of the following is NOT true regarding the Fugitive Slave Act ?


It allowed captured fugitives a hearing in which they were allowed to testify.

It dramatically increased the power of slave owners to capture escaped slaves.

Slave owners now had the full support of the federal government.

It imposed penalties on citizens who protected or assisted fugitives.

3 points

Question 11

Refer to this map as you match the items below.

inlineImageLabel Unit VIII_ Missouri Compromise with letters.gif


This battle was a terrible slaughter for Lee but the Union forces were also so badly battered that General George Meade decided not to pursue the retreating Confederates

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On July 4, 1863, Grant captured this major Confederate city following a three day siege.

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Union soldiers were so certain of being wounded or killed in this battle fought on June 3, 1864, they pinned their names and addresses to their backs. Lee would inflict 12,000 losses on Grant’s army at this battle.

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As Lee entered the spring of 1865, though he was outnumbered two to one, he still held Richmond and what other significant city?

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The Civil War was virtually over when Lee surrendered to Grant. Where did he do this?

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Fort Sumter


Bull Run / Manassas












Cold Harbor




Appomattox Court House

10 points

Question 12

Address the role of women as army nurses. What opportunities did it create? Did it have a greater affect on one region than the other? Why or why not?