Section of Family Law



ADDRESS: City State Zip

Gender______Race and/or Ethnic Heritage ______

Telephone and Fax Numbers: ( )

E-Mail Address:


Please identify your area(s) of practice:


Year you passed the Bar:

Are you a member of the American Bar Association? ABA#

Are you currently a member of the Family Law Section? ______Yes ______No. If so, how long ______.

If not, please explain why: ______


Have you ever served on a Family Law Section Committee? ______Yes ______No

If you answered affirmatively, please state what committee, what position you held on the committee, and the approximate dates of service.

Have you ever attended a Family Law Section sponsored event? (Social, CLE) ______Yes ______No

If you answered affirmatively, please state the event(s) you attended and their approximate date.


Please list the other bar associations of which you are a member:

Are you actively involved in any bar association programs or projects? If so, please name them and

briefly describe your involvement, including any positions held.

Does your firm/employer support bar activities? ______Yes ______No

Please attach a written statement (200 words or less) describing why you are interested and in need of a scholarship to attend the Family Law Fall 2013 CLE Conference. You may attach a maximum of two recommendations supporting your application. Recommendations are optional.

Send your completed application to Cynthia Swan at email: no later than September 10, 2013.

If awarded a scholarship through this program, you will receive a complimentary conference registration, a complimentary ticket to the Friday Utah Olympic Park event, and up to $500 in travel reimbursement (in compliance with ABA and Section financial policies).
You are also welcome to attend the Wednesday Networking Reception and, if you are a first- or second-time attendee, you will be invited to attend the Thursday Newcomers Teambuilding Event.