N.H. Area Assembly
The Barrett Building – 1330 Hooksett Road – Hooksett, NH 03106
Final Minutes
Date:Sunday, February 21, 2016at the Area Service Office, Hooksett, NH 1-4 PM
Next Meeting: Pre-Conference Assembly, March 19 2016 8am-4pm
The meeting was opened at 1pm by Chairperson Pete V. with a moment of silence followed by the Preamble and Tradition 12. Introductions were made.
Secretary’s Report – B. S. -
Januarymeeting minutes accepted.
Treasurer’s Report – Dan P. –
NHAA Area 43
Treasurer’s Report -January 2015 Dated: February 15, 2016
This Month’s Headlines:
At month end the TD Bank balances are: Account #1, 4,373.76 and Account #2, $8,878.95 there no outstanding issues at this time. The Triangle Credit Union CDs and Savings account balance are $29,369.82 and $2,610.47 respectively. We will paid interest on these accounts at the end of the First quarter, March 31.
January contributions were $6,983.00, Bumper Sticker sales were $211.00 and we sold $11,622.00 worth of Literature and $2,364.00 of chips and Medallions. These figures were $1,983, $3.00 and $789.00 and $406.00 over budget. To restock the shelves, we purchased $1,754.00 of chips and medallions and $5,627.00 of Literature and no bumper stickers were purchased. Those figures were $837.00 over budget and ($2,123.00) under budget . After deducting the Cost of Goods Sold and Shipping, our net sales were $7,170.00 which is $2,604.00 over our budgeted figure of $4,566.
Net income for the month was $14,153.00 which is $4,570.00 over our budgeted figure of $9,583.
Service Office expenses were $5,506.00 which was ($742.00) under our budgeted figure of $6,248.
Officer/Committee and Direct Area expenses were $1,207.00 which was $(2,197) under our budgeted amount of $3,404.00.Deducting our Total area Expense of $6,713.00 from our Combined net income of $14,153.00 we ended the month with a surplus of $7,440.00 against a budgeted figure of $-825.00. For the year, our income exceeds our expenses by $7,440.00.
This report is in writing with the Area Secretary, and the accompanying financial reports together with copies of our current bank statements are on file with the Area. These financial reports, statements and transactions are available and open for review by Fellowship members.
If you have any questions, or would like to express your opinions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me online at
Dan Plichta – Area 43 Treasurer
Accepted all in favor
Delegate’s Report – Dale R. –
Delegate’s Report – Dale R. -
February 18, 2016 Dale Randolph, Panel 66 Delegate, Area 43 New Hampshire
Upcoming Events
NERAASA – Springfield, MA, February 26-28 2016 – Sold out
NERD weekend – Nashua, NH, March 11-13, 2106
50th Annual NH State Convention – North Conway, NH April 29, May 1, 2016
Pre-Conference Assembly – Hosted by District 11 First Congregational Church Laconia NH – March 19, 2016
General Service 66th Annual General Service Conference – New York, NY, April 16 – 23rd, 2016
Post-Conference Assembly – Hosted by District 9,Saturday May 21st at the First Parish Church, 47 East Derry Road in East Derry from 8 am to 4 pm
General Service Conference
I have received the background material for my assignment on the Corrections Committee and agenda. As this only became available on the 12th I have not completed my review the information so far.
Feasibility Study- There was a conference call with our regional trustee concerning the feasibility study. This call only reviewed the background material, and more information will follow over time.
Suffice to say that membership growth is stagnant, expenses are not, and the GSO budget is projecting a small deficit.
More information will come forward on the content of the feasibility study, and we have been provided a list of questions to ponder for the future. These involve the concepts and traditions and have been bantered about for some time, so they are nothing most of you have not heard in the last decade.
Based on the deficit I would suggest you ask people if the opportunity to help another alcoholic is worth $1 per month. If so, then you could suggest they go to aa.org and follow the links to contribute $1 per month or $12 per year to help newcomers to achieve sobriety.
Unfortunately as we are meeting so early this month I have not received an updated report from GSO.
G.S.O. has issued a call for a non-trustee appointed member of the public information committee. In depth knowledge of public media and time availability seem to be the biggest requirements. If you or someone you know should be interested in this type of service please contact me for additional information. As always the committee is trying to put together a good sized pool of qualified candidates for this position.
NERAASA, our regional AA service assembly, is next weekend, February 26-28 in Springfield MA. I hope that Area 43 will have a significant presence at the event. I emailed copies of the agenda to my mailing list, if you did not receive one, please let me know. Copies are on the table, please pass them on.
If you have never attended a NERAASA and are interested in bettering your abilities and knowledge of your current service positions this is fantastic opportunity to do so. Over the years that I have attended I have gained much information from the roundtable discussions with persons in the same position from other areas in the Northeast. Believe it or not there are many ways to accomplish our jobs!!!
- 50TH Annual Area 43 New Hampshire A.A. Convention, April 29-May 1, North Conway Grand Hotel, North Conway, NH. The theme this year is “Celebrating 50 Years with Gratitude!”
I remain grateful for the opportunity to serve as your Panel 66 Delegate. Thank you all.
Please contact me anytime if I may be of some service to you.
Yours in Service,
Dale R. Delegate
Area 43, Panel 66
Alternate Delegate’s Report –Jim M.
Alternate Delegate Report
Not much for me to report, I will be attending NERAASA next weekend. Looking forward to seeing Rich on the stage as the Northeast Regional Trustee. Then a few weeks after that I will be in Nashua for NERD on March 11, where I will be hosting the hospitality room. March 19th we have the Pre-conference assembly. Gets Busy in the first half of the year…….
Yours in service
Jim Magee
Panel 66 Alt. Delegate
Feb. 2016
Registrar – Bennie B. -
Hello, as far as the Area business meeting in February,I still didn't have full access to the FNV (Fellowship New Vision) database. I was planning on going to NERAASA and attend the Registrar roundtable meeting to make contacts and learn what I could about the system. Also at the area meeting I handed out Position Change Forms to the DCMs in the room so they could update their Chair positions to keep records current.
Best regards,
Bennie V.
Top of Form
Bottom of Form
Area Chairperson – Pete V. -
No Report
Alternate Chairperson – Gary C. -
Alt chair report
February 21, 2016
NHAA office
1330 Hooksett Rd.
Hooksett, NH
I'm not going to be able to attend today's meeting due to a previous personal commitment and the change in our usual schedule with NERAASA.
I'll also be away from February 26th-March 3rd, so won't able to be at NERAASA.
We have been able to get the pre conference assembly scheduled.
Thank you Greg and District 11
District 11 will host on March 19th.
Congregational Church of Laconia
United Church of Christ
69 Pleasant Street
Laconia, 03246
We have also got confirmation for post conference assembly.
Thank you Benny and District 9
District 9 voted to host Saturday May 21st.
At the 1st Parish Congregational Church
47 East Derry Road
East Derry, NH
We have also gotten confirmation regarding the August and November assembly.
District 14 will be hosting in August.
District 15 will be hosting in November.
Again as of right now I don't have locations, but we'll keep you posted where they will be ASAP
Possibly more will be revealed at today's meeting.
Also want to say thank you to Alan R. and Jenn S. for their help in getting the access to area email.
Thank you for this opportunity to be of service.
District Reports:
District 7 – Peterborough – Michele N.
Meeting called to order by Alt. DCM. Open with Serenity Prayer. Primary purpose statement read. Tradition 2 read. Concept 2 read.
Minutes read, motion to accept, correction on spelling for NETAASA, Amende to strike two dissending votes for Literature/Grapevine Chair, Amend to remove mumbling from last month minutes. Motion to accept corrections and amendments made, 2nd motion, passed.
Treasure report read, motion to accept, accepted. Balance $1817.13.
DCM report read. Area encouraged GSR's to attend area meeting once awhile. Area has new Chair, Our DCM is new chair for PICPC for area. If need info or cantacts for other districts chairs contact DCM. Level of ethusiam high for service work in Area, questions were getting answered. Informed Area that DCM and Alt. DCM are going to NERAASA this year. Told Area about our District picnic. Area asked we should go to state convention if possiable. Picked up copies of GSO inventory.
Discussion about having to do a motion on DCM and registar reports. Lit/Grapvine chair motioned that we do not need a motion to accept DCM and Registar reports, 2nd motion, passed. DCM and Registar reports will be read without motions in the future.
Registar report. Mailed info to new GSR Mark. Mailed info for DCM, Alt. DCM, and Lit/Grapevine to Area. Tried to get current list of GSR's from area, area could not provide list due to being backed up with other request at time. District will make our new list so as to be up to date. Other distircts want to talk to us.
Archivist report. Got into e-mail account, still getting orinated into position.
Treatment report. Chair not present- Kevin noted Farm good this month, new resisdent, and 3 speakers, more people willing to commit. Phoniex House doing well, over 20 resisdents per meeting, more participation from resisdents. Antrim is planning stages with town planning board. Question about Victory Farm, are groups treating meeting as commitment? Informal commitment. Are GSR's annouceing at meetings? Don't know. Victory Farm meeting is on Wed. night at 630p.m. Men only!!
Phoniex House asked Alt. DCM about bring another meeting to facility since they do not have the vehicals to take high number of resisdents to outside meetings. Would like a speaker meeting on Monday's or Tueday's. Noted that Phoniex House has a NA meeting on Fridays. Archivest suggest that when an AA meeting is taken into a treatment facility to keep the focus on recovery from alcoholism. Alt. DCM suggest that district chair for treatment work with Area chair for treatment so as to keep the focus on recovery from alcoholism.
Functions chair not present. Functions is looking for other places to have fall breakfast. Barbara Harris in Greenville was mentioned, 10 per person, no meat, can use dinning hall until 9 am, than go to gym for meeting, will cost $100.00 to use gym. East Hill Farm in Troy was mentioned. Woodbound Inn was mentioned. Both places being looked at. A step 6 and 7 workshop mentioned at Rindge Rec Center.
Grapevine/Lit. report. Was not able to get a hold of outgoing chair. New chair resigned from position. District looking for a new Grapevine/Lit. chair.
PICPC no report. DCM, Grapevine/Lit chair can work closely with PICPC chair to keep literature available.
Hotline no present. DCM to get hotline reports from Area.
GSR report. a) Our Town Group-Sara-great. b) M,W,F Wake Up- Debbie- great. c) Wed. Speaker in Peterbourgh- James- great. d) Jaffery Friday Night Speaker-Mark- working well. e) Jaffery Monday Nite Begginers- Kevin- well.
Old Bussiness- District discussed registering with State of New Hampshire, motioned to submit paperwork and pay 25.00 fee to registar with State of New Hampshire, motioned pass. Noted from the Area that all groups and districts that have a non profit bank account will need to registar with the State of New Hampshire.
New Bussiness- Question if this district has filed taxes in the past? If the district fedral tax id number is under the umbrella of AA than do not need to file. If not than need to file taxes. Sara has experience with this and will work with the treasurer to get info so as to take the appropriate course of action.
Motioned to adjorn at 820 pm, passed.
*all positions filled
* summer outing planned Aug.. 7
District 8 – Concord – MartyG. DCM nhdist8aa.org
District 8 report
February 21, 2016
Area Committee meeting
Our district is planning a Coffee House March 19th from 6pm to 10pm at the Oasis Church in Concord. We have had two other of these events. The talent and turnout were great. We look forward to this one also
We are planning a Safety in AA Workshop-/Seminar event for May. Our functions chair will be reaching out to the Area for guidance and assistance.
Our last district meeting was on the 10th and there were 16 in attendance. We discussed some cases of inappropriate behavior and language in some early morning meetings from a certain individual. He was talked to before about this and was taken aside, this time by a very large man, and talked to yet again!! We will see…..
We are still looking for a treatment chair and grapevine/literature chair. Our men’s corrections chair is no longer part of the program but we have a woman that is interested in doing this. Any problem with this??
Someone asked if there is a list of treatment places and halfway houses available. He needs to start contacting them for help for his daughter getting out of prison on drug related issues. Is there someone from the Area he can contact for information?
Marty G
DCM District 8
District 9 – Derry - Bennie V. aanhdistrict9.org
District 9P. O. Box 1182
Derry, NH 03038
Next District 9 Meeting
Monday, March 7, 2016
Marion Gerrish Community Center
39 W. Broadway, Derry NH
Bennie asked Area Assembly responsibilities: responsible for food, tables, coffee, facility / NH Area Assembly
Service Office
1330 Hooksett Road
Hooksett, NH 03106
Phone: (603) 622-6967
Fax: (603) 622-9507
Pipeline Newsletter
Minutes of the February 1, 2016 Meeting
Gina B., District 9 Secretary
District 9 Officers
DCM / Bennie V. / 867-6882 / Alt. DCM / John M. / 505-7498Treasurer / Becky W. / 475-4397 / Functions / Michelle S. / 247-3775
Secretary / Gina B. / 437-2202 / Grapevine / Pat C.
PI/CPC / Bob T. / 682-9973 / Treatment / Jim M. / 490-4830
Corrections / Kevin L. / 490-0592 / Finance / Pat D. / 978-790-3171
Archives / Mary Ellen / 732-2425 / Hotline / Bob W. / 617-756-2535
Coffee / Katie W. / 275-1272 / GSR Orientation / Katie W. / 275-1272
- Opening: The meeting was opened at 7PM at the Marion Gerrish Community Center with a moment of silence followed by a reading of the AA Preamble.
- Declaration of Unity: A volunteer read the following: “This we owe to A.A.’s future; to place our common welfare first; to keep our Fellowship united. For on A.A. unity depend our lives and the lives of those to come.”
- Concept #2: The General Service Conference of A.A. has become, for nearly every practical purpose, the active voice and the effective conscience of our whole society in its world affairs.
- New GSR Packets: Katie W., Orientation Chair asked if there were any new GSR’s present; there were none.
- Roll Call: 21 present
Name / Group / Position / Status
Becky W. / Kingston 12 & 12/District 9 / GSR/Treasurer / Great
Bennie V. / District 9 / DCM / Great
Bob T. / Derry Original/District 9 / GSR-PI/CPC Chair / Awesome!
Corey H. / Derry Spacetown / GSR / Amazing
Dave M. / Sunday Unity / GSR / Awesome!
Gina B. / Derry Original/District 9 / Secretary
Jim M. / Sat. Reflection for Pickles/District 9 / GSR/Treatment Chair / Steady
John E. / Hampstead Big Book / GSR / Very good
John H. / New Beginnings / GSR / In Statis
John M. / Spacetown/District 9 / Alt DCM / Excellent
Katie W. / District 9 / GSR Orientation/Coffee Maker / Better than last month
Kevin L. / Friday Night Men’s/District 9 / GSR/Corrections Chair / Salubrius!
Kim S. / Young at Heart / Alt. GSR / Great
Larry M. / Laid Back Group / GSR / Good
Mark H. / As Bill Sees It / GSR / Doing good
Marissa E. / Derry Women's / GSR / Great
Michelle S. / Derry Women's /District 9 / Functions Chair / Great
Mike C. / Hampstead 12 & 12 / GSR / Super
Nancy E. / Early Evening Serenity / GSR / Good
Pat D. / Spacetown/District 9 / Finance Chair / Awesome
Tim O. / Amethyst 12 & 12 / Alt. GSR / Great
- Officer Reports
Secretary’s Report — Gina B. distributed meeting minutes for January via email; copies were made available at the meeting. The District 9 meeting minutes were accepted as presented without discussion.
Treasurer’s Report: — Becky W. summarized contributions, expenses and the current account balance. The report was accepted as presented.
DCM Report: Bennie V., DCM attended the January Area 43 meeting and reported that the new officers are getting familiar with their duties. The technology team is looking for help. Bennie will be attending NERAASA February 26-28th.
Alternative DCM Report: John M., Alternate DCM had nothing new to report.
- Committee Reports
Grapevine/Literature — Pat C. was not present.
Treatment — Jim M. reported that the Bridging the Gap Program is still looking for volunteers. One can sign-up online; the same online form (available from the SERVICE TOOLS drop down on nhaa.net) can be used to volunteer for the Prison Pre-release Program and the NH AA Hotline.
Corrections — Kevin L. reported that all of the Monday meetings are being handled by the Friday Night Men’s Beginner’s Group. The Saturday C-block meeting has been suspended for the lack of people held pretrial.
PI/CPC — Bob T. had nothing to report.
Hotline — Bob W. was not present but sent a report to the DCM. Bennie V. reported that there were 40 calls in January. He requested that group signup forms be given to Gina B. Two groups submitted forms.
Functions — Michelle S. discussed the district’s plan to host the 2016 Post-conference Assembly which will be held Saturday, May 21st, 8am-4pm. She got in touch with the First Parish Congregational Church and can rent Currier Hall for $125 and the kitchen for $75. This should be well within budget. She will fill out the reservation forms and asked Bennie V. to check with the Area about any special needs for the event.