The Barlaston Plume of Feathers Bowling Club

(Incorporating Meaford Bowling Club)

90th Annual Presentation Night

The Barlaston Golf Club November11th 2016. 7.30pm.

President Chairman Vice President

Mrs J Shenton Mrs.EPhilpott Mr. P Philpott

CW Harvey, Rev AC Freeman, CLLR EW Braine, Prof PJ Rollo, LV Evans,
CLLR AA Dofsky, Mrs AG Dofsky, HV Talbot, S Barcroft, RJ Edge,
K Clowes, AS Philpott, P Philpott, RW Wright, CLLR PJ Nichols, EJ Hawkins,
PD Radford, GG Ferneyhough, I Bryant.
I Bryant, PJ Nichols,

Secretary Match Secretary Treasurer Greens Manager

Mr.R Kelsall Mr. I Bryant Mrs. J Shenton Mr.R Kelsall

League / Teams Captains Vice Captains

N Staffs Saturday Parks Mr S Amos Mrs P Simpson

Saturday Mixed Mr D Robinson Mr D Lewis

Oakhill Jubilee A Mr G Ridge Mr G Heath

Oakhill Jubilee B Mrs J Shenton Mr J Storer

Newcastle Midweek Mrs P Simpson Mr T Bailey

Stoke on Trent Mr R Kelsall Mr C Evans

Staffs County Ladies 1 Mrs J Finney Mrs M Archibald

Staffs County Ladies 2 Ms B Bartosz Mrs J Shenton

N Staffs Thursday Parks Mr R Kelsall Mr S Amos

N Staffs Industries A Mr N Ellis Mr K Perkins

N Staffs Industries B Mr J Storer Mr G Heath

In 1737 there was a Bowling Green in Barlaston (Parish Records)


Welcome by the Clubs President:-Jenny Shenton

Toast to Absent Friends - MC

2016 League Reminder of a Good year

Stoke on Trent Div4 – Finished 3rd (Painful reminder lost by 1 point)

Staffs County Ladies2 – Finished 3rd in their first year in Div3

2016 League Honours

Staffs County Ladies Div3 League Averages- D Henry (1st)

Stoke on TrentDiv 4 League Averages - C Evans (3rd)

Newcastle Midweek Div 1 League Averages – P Simpson (4th)

Staffs County Ladies Div1 League Averages – L Rowley (4th)

Stoke on TrentDiv 4 League Averages – G Henry (9th)

Newcastle Midweek Div 1 League Averages – J Farmer (10th)

Liz Rowleysemi- finalist in the May Smith, runner up in the Rose bowl

and runner up in the Dorothy Pierce comp. Well done.

Liz Rowley Gil Welsh runnersup in the Dorothy Piearce

National Doubles Comp’

Presentation Party

President – Jenny Shenton


Trophy Presentation



Final Toast




The Nichols Claret Jug. R/U – Mr R Kelsall

The 1928 Presidents Cup. Winner –Mr C Evans


The L&A Stones Junior Cup. Singles Winner – J Farmer

The Joe Davis Teachers Trophy. R/U – T Farmer


Oakhill Jubilee League ‘B’ Team Averages Cup – MrD Lewis

Stoke on Trent League. The Fred Stevens Cup – Mr C Evans

Newcastle Midweek. Sid Hawkins Memorial Cup – MrsP Simpson

Thursday Parks. The J Wright Cup – Mr R Kelsall

Staffs County Ladies 1 The Bill Johnson Memorial Cup – Mrs P Simpson

Staffs County Ladies 2 The Nora Clowes Memorial Cup – Mrs D Henry

Saturday Parks. Plume of Feathers Average Cup – MrG Farmer

Saturday Mixed. The Charles Harvey Cup – Mr H Peach

A.S Philpott Club Member of the Year – TBA

The Barlaston Plume of Feathers Bowling Club

Other Notable Honours for 2016

Liz Rowley won the county averages.

Junior County Selection -J Farmer, also team Captain

Junior County Selection - T Farmer

Members 2016


M Archibald, C Bailey, T Barnett, B Bartosz,V Bourne,M Caufield,

J Finney,S Finney, D Henry,L Hollinshead,S Houghton, V Hughes,

A Hulson, R Katbamna,S Mahoney, J Peach,E Philpott,H Punchard,

L Rowley, M Scott, J Shenton, P Simpson,L Stones.


S Amos, T Bailey, B Blood, N Boulton, S Brassington, B Burrows,

P Caufield,C Evans,G Farmer,G Finney, G Godwin, A Griffiths,

J Griffiths,G Heath, G Henry,AHollinshead, S Hollinshead,

T Hulson,AIkins,R Kelsall, S Kettle,M King,D Lewis, H Peach,

P Philpott, L Pointon,K Perkins, G Ridge,D Robinson,J Scott,

P Shenton,J Storer, R Watson-Smith, A Wheatley.


J Farmer, T Farmer.

Honorary Members

Mrs G Banks, Mrs K Bryant, Mrs J Davis, Mrs N Hanstock,

Mr N Morrissey,Mrs J Nichols,Mrs KRatcliffe, RWhalley, R Wright,


AGM January 16th 2017, 7:30pm at Barlaston Golf Club.

HAPPY 2017