Requirements - Spring TEA Project

Presentation -35pts

Your goal for your presentation should be to communicate what you discovered through your research in a creative way that captures your audience’s attention. All presentations must reference your sources, express your thesis/argument, and be 4 to 7 minutes long. In addition to all of this, you must also tell your audience what your original inquiry was.

If you choose to do the PSA…

  • You can make a poster
  • It must be large enough so your audience can see it.
  • The artwork needs to be original
  • You may use printed pictures, but you cannot use one copyrighted image as your poster.
  • Your poster should have a tagline, or your message, presented in a creative way. (Remember, your presentation focuses on your “call to action”)
  • Make sure that you are using colors and images in a symbolic way.
  • Your poster should enhance your speech.
  • Your speech should not be an explanation of your poster
  • You can also film a PSA, and present that to the class.
  • The speech should be mostly recited from memory.
  • You may use my podium, and you can hide your note cards there. 

If you choose the photo essay…

  • You are telling your story/argument through ORIGINAL pictures.
  • You may use a max of 3 pictures that do not belong to you, and you must give the artist credit.
  • Your photos should be arranged in a cohesive order.
  • The speech should be mostly recited from memory.
  • You may use my podium, and you can hide your note cards there. 
  • I recommend using a power point to present your slideshow.

If you choose to do the short film

  • You can express your argument through a fictional story
  • Your film must be original, school appropriate, showcase your research, AND BE CLEARLY related to your argument.
  • Your audience should be able pick up on your message, and there should be a “call to action” embedded within your work

Written Report- 35 pts

Your written report will be the first thing that I grade and give you feedback on, and it will guide the rest of your project. All reports will be a minimum of 2 pages long and MLA formatted (including a works cited and internal citations). You will type this reports and use 12pt font, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 1-inch margins, and you will include a cover page. All reports must have a thesis and quotes from at least 4-sources.

If you choose to do the research based letter to a character…

  • You may either write a letter as yourself to one of the characters in 1984 or The Great Gatsby, or you may write a letter to yourself as one of the characters in the novels.
  • This should be written from a first person point of view
  • You should consider the character’s traits
  • If you write from their perspective, how would they speak/write?
  • If you write from your perspective, consider the character’s conflicts and outcomes.

If you choose the essay…

  • This is essentially the same thing as the persuasive essay we have been working on all year…except that it includes quotes from your sources.
  • It’s as if you are having an SAR replace your body paragraph.
  • We will have a lesson on this.
  • It should be five paragraphs long instead of four

If you choose the Article…

  • Pretend you have breaking news
  • Present your research and argument in this way
  • One of your sources must be an interview, and your interview transcript must be turned in separately.
  • Your interview cannot take up the majority of your 2-page report
  • Only use parts of the interview that enhance your argument.

Product- 35 pts

Your product will be a completely original assignment. You are not including your research, but you will use it to influence the end result. This project is a way for you to express your ideas, or argument, through creative writing; the way that famous writers do. Your product should be at least 10 pages long, school appropriate, and have an underlying thematic message that relates to your topic.

If you choose to do the children’s book…

  • Your language must be simple enough for a child to understand
  • Follow the basic plot diagram, contain characters, and a setting
  • Contain pictures
  • Cover art and a Creative Title
  • A message a child can relate to.

If you choose to go with the fashion magazine…

  • Have a target audience in mind
  • How would you present information to them? Make sure your magazine is cohesive.
  • Do not just rely on pictures, magazines have words in them too
  • Remember that magazines have advertisements and articles with words and pictures.
  • Your fashion spreads needs to focus on your message. Tell a story through clothing.
  • You may use a collage to put your articles together, or you can do the art yourself.
  • Do not use a single copyrighted image to fill pages. All work must be original.
  • You must also have a title (you cannot use a magazine title that already exists) and cover.

Poetry chapbook

  • This is a book of poems that express your message.
  • This is a collection of poems, so they must all be linked in some way
  • You will also need cover art, and you may use different poetry forms.

TEA Project Due Dates

  1. Proposal- (Reflection, Thesis, Inquiry)—Monday April 13th
  2. Research Update-April 24th
  3. Research Paper: April 30th
  4. Presentation and Product Plan: May 6th
  5. Completed Product: May 21st
  6. Presentations May 25th-May29th
  7. I will assign your presentation date, and it will be non-negotiable.

**** NOTE****

This project will count as a major grade, and to ensure that all parts of this project are completed, I will also count each part as an individual major grade. The due dates are there, I will take points off for lateness.