
Meeting Minutes

Present: Matthew Lowther KUSSI

Anna Crisci Association of Campus Events

Leah Cassellia Student Union & Involvement Services

Megan Cheng Community Outreach Center

Trisha Scarcia-King, Ph.D. Student Union & Involvement Services

Kyle Mills Physical Facilities

Marissa Kaylan Greek Life

AnnMarie Cordner Ph.D. Faculty Representative

Absent: Terry Sitler Conference Services

Sarah Marlow Residence Hall Association

Samantha Dennis Student Government Board

Nicolas McCartney Student Government Board

Camille Bartlett Administrative Services

Andrea Kirshman, D. Ed New Student Programs

Bob Watrous Dean of Student Services and Campus Life


· Interior card access is now in process, fiber connections and all hardware have been installed. Next step is the installation of the software once that is completed the card access should be working the first week in April.

· Exterior card access in still moving forward, we do not have a completion date at this time.

· Roof Update: The roof repair is a large project that encompasses almost the entire roof of the MSU. The roof project is anticipated at about three million dollars, these monies will be taken from the building reserve. The current plan for the roof repair should not impact operations of the building next spring. However, during the summer of 2011 (month of July) a few rooms might be off line and the North Entrance by the Once Card office might have to be closed. The metered lot will like be off line in the summer of 2011. We will share more details as they become available to us.

· Custodial Update: One of the permanent second shift custodians is no longer in the MSU, to help be budget conscious for a trial period no custodian will be hired as full time. Paul Mackewicz, custodial supervisor has been having a few hours of extra custodial assistance in the MSU either late night or early morning, at the present time this seems to be working but we want to proceed cautiously as we do not want any negative impact on the building.

· Finals week hours:

o Sunday, May 2nd: 11am to 1am

o Monday, May 3rd to Thursday, May 6th: 7am to 1am

o Friday, May 7th: 7am to 6pm

o Saturday, May 8th: 8am to 6pm

· Student Union & Involvement Services is sponsoring Pet Therapy Day and Commuter Stress Free Zone, the week of May 3rd.

· MSU lobby TV channels: It was brought to the attention of the MSU staff that the TV channels in the MSU lobby seemed to represent one specific political view and that we are influencing our students by setting the TV channels were they are. A few years ago the MSU Advisory Boards set the following guidelines: The televisions in the MSU Lobby will remain on the volume #20 and set to two different channels. During the hours of Monday to Friday, 7am to 6pm the channels of choice would be CNN, Fox New or MSNBC, community members may request any channel during the following times Monday to Friday, 6pm to 12am and anytime Saturday and Sunday.

M. Lowther moved to keep the guidelines as presented with the addition of C-Span be added to the daily channels, A. Cordner seconded.

o Motion passed, all in favor.

· MSU 2010-2011 Space Renewal Contracts:

A Cordner moved, M Lowther seconded, to approve the following:

ACE, Association of Campus Events, MSU#166 2009-2010 MSU Space Renewal Contract.

Community Outreach Center, MSU #281 2009-2010 Space Renewal Contract.

Essence Magazine, MSU #195 2009-2010 Space Renewal Contract.

Greek Life, MSU #175/Display Cases 2009-2010 Space Renewal Contract.

Keystone Newspaper, MSU #194 2009-2010 Space Renewal Contract.

Keystonia Yearbook, MSU #195 2009-2010 Space Renewal Contract.

KU Radio, MSU #188 2009-2010 Space Renewal Contract.

SGB, Student Government Board, MSU #196 2009-2010 Space Renewal Contract.

o Motioned Passed: All in favor, to also incorporate specific guideline on use of space to include the posting of each individual office hours. .

Grant Requests;

· L. Cassellia moved to approve the grant application for $250.00 for sound and lights for Allies Drag Show sponsored by Allies, A. Cordner seconded.

o Motion Passed, all in favor