The Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers

Federal Executive

Nomination Form

Full name (block letters) / We, the undersigned members of the Federal Council of the Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers, hereby nominate:
For the office of:
(print name of office as shown
in Election Notice)
(Branch / Sub-Branch)

Nominators (at least 2 required):

Full name (block letters) / Signature / Date
/ /
/ /
/ /
Candidate’s consent:
(Print your name as you wish it to appear on the ballot paper) / I, ______
Consent to the nomination for the above office for which I am eligible under the rules and am not disqualified from being a candidate {see Chapter 7, Part 4 of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009}.
Salutation: / Please indicate preferred salutation, e.g. Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms______
Postal address: / Postcode:
Contact details: / Email:
(Preferred method of contact. Please print clearly)
Work ph: Home ph:
Mobile ph: Fax:
Signature and date: / Signed: / /


  1. Nominations for this election open on 22 May 2017 and must reach my office or postal address, not later than12:00 noon AEST on Friday, 9 June 2017.ALTERNATIVELY nominations may be submitted to me at the Annual Meeting of the Federal Council commencing at the AIMPE’s Newcastle offices at 148 Hannell Street, WICKHAM NSW 2293 at 11:00am AEST on Tuesday, 13June 2017.Nominations cannot be withdrawn after this time.
  2. As a candidate you will be sent an acknowledgment by return email (unless submitted at the annual meeting).

It is your responsibility to ensure that your nomination is received by the Returning Officer BEFORE nominations close.Emails greater than 6 MB in size may not be accepted by the AEC’s firewall.You may call the contact number 02 9375 6321 to check if your nomination has been received.


Prior to the Annual Meeting: Lodge by 12:00 noon AEST on Friday,9 June 2017

To: Ms Noopur Madan, Returning Officer, Australian Electoral Commission

By Hand: AEC, Level 10, 59 Goulburn Street, HAYMARKET NSW 2000

By Post:PO Box 496, HAYMARKET NSW 1240

By Email: (in a pdf format with all signatures).

By Fax:(02) 6215 9910

At the Annual Meeting:At the meeting starting at 11am on Tuesday, 13 June 2017 at the AIMPE’s Newcastle offices at 148 Hannell Street, WICKHAM NSW 2293. Nominations cannot be withdrawn after this time.

Ms Noopur Madan

Returning Officer