The Australian Curriculum s6


Zambia School

Key Learning

Students will develop a deeper understanding of Zambia, and compare and contrast geographical features, environment and wildlife with that of Australia.

The Australian Curriculum

Geography / Geographical Knowledge and Understanding
The location of the major countries of Africa and South America in relation to Australia, and their main characteristics, including the types ofvegetation and native animals in at least two countries from both continents(ACHGK020)
/ Geography / Geographical Inquiry and Skills / Collecting, recording, evaluating and representing
Collect and record relevant geographicaldataand information, for example, by observing, by interviewing, conducting surveys and measuring, or from sources such as maps, photographs, satellite images, the media and the internet (ACHGS027)

Discussion Questions

1.  What country in Africa did the students visit? Locate using Google Maps.

2.  What was the aim of their trip?

3.  Where in Zambia did the kids stay?

4.  Describe the village they visited.

5.  Compare and contrast school life in Zambia and Australia.

6.  Which 2 environmental issues did the kids talk about?

a.  Water and land conservation

b.  Global warming and rising sea levels

c.  Solar energy and wind power

7.  What did the Australian kids teach the kids they met in Zambia?

8.  If you visited another country what would you want to teach other kids?

9.  What wildlife did the kids see when they went to Zambia? Illustrate.

10.  Compare and contrast the geography of Zambia and Australia. Think about the environment and wildlife.



Students will be researching information comparing aspects of Australia and Zambia to complete the table below. There are web links at the end of this activity sheet to support students with their research. Students can add to the following list:

Ask students to summarise in a paragraph some of the similarities and differences between Zambia and Australia. Encourage students to share their summaries.

The following activity is a research-based projectfor students to work on individually or in groups. The project encourages students to use research and inquiry based learning to discover more about Zambia’s environment and the conservation of their environment. This project emphasises quality research, collaboration (if working in groups) and effective presentation.

In groups students will plan a cultural expedition to Zambia. Students will need to identify what their team’s expedition will involve. Teams should be looking for a blend of adventure and culture (include 4-5 highlights). Research what the expedition highlights will be and as well a list of things to know about Zambia (see examples below).

Expedition highlights

·  Visit The Victoria Falls

·  Cultural exchange – visit the local markets or learn about traditional dance and music

·  Learn how to cook a traditional Zambian meal

·  Go trekking in Zambia’s South Luangwa Valley

·  Visit a school – spend time with other students your age. What can you teach them about Australia?

Find out more about Zambia’s...

·  People

·  Culture

·  Customs

·  Flag

·  Weather – when is the best time to visit Zambia?

·  Language – learn some useful words.

Students will then plan their itinerary and budget. Research the cost of airfares from Australia to Zambia for the team. Students will need to consider any other costs when planning for the expedition. Design and make your own passports.

8 Related Research Links

Chipembele – Wildlife Education Trust: teaching Zambian children the value of wildlife

National Geographic – Zambia Facts

National Geographic – Zambia Wildlife

BBC News Africa – Zambia Profile

WWF – Zambia

©ABC 2013