The AGM and May General Meeting ofthe Association AGMto be held at
St Cedd’s Hall, Chapter House, Cottage Place, Chelmsford CM1 1NX
on Friday 12May2017
Coffee and tea will be available from9.30 am
The meeting starts at 10.00 and is due to finish by 12.30
There will be short comfort break after the AGM finishes and then we’ll move onto the
General meeting
It would be helpful if people would bring their own U3A name badges.
As you are aware, this is an important meeting as election of members to the Association committee are needed at the AGM. Committee members must be nominated by a member U3A, they will then be seconded by the membership at the meeting.
Each U3A may send up to 4 members to the meeting but only the Chairman, or his representative, may vote on any decisions.
Essex Association AGM
- Meeting opened by Joyce Woodham, Chairman.
- Apologies for absence:
3. Minutes of last year’s AGM, Friday6 May 2016.
4. Matters arising.
5. Chairman’s report
6. Treasurer’s report.
7. Election of Association Committee – nominations received or promised:
a) To the post of Chairman– Chris Bellamy
b) To the post of Vice Chairman – Barbara Thomas
c) To the post of Treasurer – Veronica Boutopoulos
d) To post of Secretary –Doug Harryman
e) As committee members –Angie Newman
Malcolm Case
Joyce Woodham
8. Introduce new committee.
9. Appointment of Examiner of Association Accounts.
10. Next AGM – May 2018, date to be confirmed
11. Any other business.
General Meeting
1. Welcome from Chairman.
2. Apologies for absence.
3. Minutes of last Essex Association Meeting on Friday 11November 2016.
- Matters arising.
- Jeff Carter, East of England Trustee, will talk about regional things.
- The role of U3A Chairmen. Chairmen are invited to attend and to take part in discussion groups
- Association matters
Quiz 8 June
Study Day 24 October
U3A Contacts
Speakers’ list
Use of Bank Cards - News, views and information from the Essex U3As
9. Any Other Business
We are due to finish by 12.30and you may bring your own packed lunch and eatit at the Hall if you wish, provided there isn’t a following booking
PS: Please would people bring along copies of their newsletters and details of good speakers who you would recommend to other members
RSVP to Doug Harryman at