July 2011-June 2014


University / Program Name / Degree
Bloomsburg / Technical Leadership / B.A.S.
California / Mechatronics Engineering Technology / B.S.
Clarion / Allied Health Leadership / B.S.
Clarion / Technology Leadership / B.A.S.
East Stroudsburg / Professional and New Media Writing / M.A.
Edinboro / Applied Technology / A.A.S
Indiana / Safety Sciences / Ph.D.
Kutztown / Communication Design / M.F.A.
Lock Haven / Clinical Mental Health Counseling / M.S.
Lock Haven / Sport Science / M.S.
Lock Haven / Health Science / M.H.S.
Mansfield / Natural Gas Production and Services / A.A.S.
Mansfield / Safety Management / B.S.
Mansfield / Community Health Education / B.S.
Millersville / Integrated Scientific Applications / M.S.
Millersville / Multidisciplinary Studies / B.A.
Shippensburg / Software Engineering / B.S.
Shippensburg / Science Education / M.A.T.
Shippensburg / International Studies / B.A.
Slippery Rock / Business Administration / M.B.A.
Slippery Rock / Special Education / D.Ed.
West Chester / Nursing / D.N.P.


University / Program Name / Degree
Bloomsburg / Geography / B.A.
Bloomsburg / Public Policy and International Affairs / M.A.
California / French / M.A.T
California / Science and Technology with Legal Studies Concentration / B.S.
Cheyney / Geographic Information Science / B.S.
Cheyney / Environmental Studies / B.A.
Cheyney / Nanofabrication Technology / A.A.S.
Clarion / Education/Library Science / B.S.L.S
Clarion / Rehabilitative Sciences: Corrective Exercise Concentration / M.S.
Clarion / Biology / M.S.
Clarion / Chemistry Business / B.S.
Clarion / Athletic Coaching / M.Ed.
East Stroudsburg / French / B.A.
East Stroudsburg / French / B.S.
Edinboro / Social Science / B.A.
Edinboro / Spanish / B.A.
Edinboro / Spanish / B.S.Ed.
Edinboro / German / B.S.Ed.
Edinboro / Industrial and Trade Leadership / B.S.
Edinboro / Information Technology / M.S.
Edinboro / Theatre Arts * / B.A.
Edinboro / Natural Science and Mathematics / B.A.
Edinboro / Humanities/Philosophy / B.A.
Edinboro / Humanities/English / B.A.
Edinboro / Art History / B.A.
Edinboro / German / B.A.
Edinboro / World Languages and Cultures / B.A.
Edinboro / Philosophy / B.A.
Edinboro / Women’s Studies / B.A.
Indiana / Spanish / M.A.
Indiana / Applied Physics / B.S.
Indiana / Business Technology Support / B.S.
Indiana / Mathematics / M.Ed.
Indiana / Chemistry / M.A.
Kutztown / Electronic Media / M.S.
Kutztown / Sociology with Paralegal Studies / B.A
Kutztown / Human Resource Management / B.A.
Kutztown / Electronic Media / M.S.
Lock Haven / Special Education / B.S.
Lock Haven / Liberal Arts / M.L.A.
Lock Haven / Music Education / B.A.
Lock Haven / Philosophy / B.A.
Mansfield / Art Education / B.S.Ed.
Millersville / French / M.A.
Millersville / German / M.A.
Millersville / Spanish / M.A.
Millersville / French / M.Ed.
Millersville / German / M.Ed.
Millersville / Spanish / M.Ed.
Shippensburg / Counseling-Elementary / M.Ed.
Shippensburg / Counseling-Secondary / M.Ed.
West Chester / Leadership for Women * / M.S.A.
West Chester / Latin * / B.A.
West Chester / Biology / B.A.
West Chester / History (Social Studies Certification) / B.A.
West Chester / Biochemistry * / B.S.
West Chester / French / M.A.
West Chester / Spanish / M.A.
West Chester / French / M.Ed.
West Chester / Spanish / M.Ed.
West Chester / French / B.A.
West Chester / German / B.A.
West Chester / Russian / B.A.
West Chester / Spanish / B.A.

Placing a program in Moratorium means that students will no longer be admitted during the period of moratorium. Students currently enrolled or admitted will be allowed to complete the program. The university will assess the program’s potential and either redesign or suspend the program. Normally the period of moratorium lasts no more than five years.

*These programs were placed into moratorium prior to June 30, 2011; however, they were omitted in the 2010-11 Summary of Program Actions.


University / Program Name / Degree
California / Early Childhood Education / M.Ed.
Indiana / German / B.A.
Indiana / Secondary German Education / B.S.Ed.
Slippery Rock / K-6 Education / B.S.Ed.
Slippery Rock / Early Development and Learning / B.S.Ed.
Slippery Rock / Physical Education / M.Ed.
Slippery Rock / Sports Management / M.S.
Slippery Rock / Therapeutic Recreation Administration / M.S.
Slippery Rock / Geography / B.A.

Discontinued programs should have no students currently enrolled and will be removed from the program inventory.


University / Program Name / Degree / Change
Bloomsburg / Languages and Cultures / B.A. / The B.A. programs in French, German, and Spanish were reorganized as concentrations under this new B.A.
Bloomsburg / Environmental Geographical and Geological Sciences / B.S / Reorganized from the previous B.S. Degree in Geosciences
California / Technology Management / B.S. / Reorganized from the B.S., Industrial Technology
California / Science and Technology Multidisciplinary Studies / B.S. / Reorganized from the previous Science and Technology Flex Degree
California / Business / M.B.A. / Reorganization of Master of Science in Business Administration
Clarion / Human Resource Management / B.S.BA. / Reorganized from previous B.S.BA. Industrial Relations
Cheyney / Fine Arts / B.A. / The B.A. programs in Art, Music, and Theater Arts were reorganized as concentrations under this new B.A.
East Stroudsburg / Public Heath / B.S. / Reorganized from the B.S. in Health Services Administration program.
East Stroudsburg / Criminal Justice / B.S. / Reorganized from the B.A. in Sociology
East Stroudsburg / Social Work / B.S. / Reorganized from the B.A. in Sociology
Edinboro / School Psychology / Ed.S. / Reorganized from the M.S. in School Psychology
Edinboro / Psychology / B.S. / Reorganized from the B.A., Psychology program
Edinboro / World Languages and Cultures / B.A. / Reorganized from the previous B.A. in Humanities/Foreign Languages program
Edinboro / Speech and Hearing Sciences / B.S. / Reorganized from the previous B.A. in Speech and Hearing Sciences
Edinboro / Physics / B.S. / Reorganized from the previous B.A. in Physics
Edinboro / Business Administration-Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination Focus / B.S. / Reorganized from the previous B.S. in Business Administration-Forensic Accounting
Edinboro / Psychology / B.S. / Reorganized from the previous General to Research and Experimental
Edinboro / Physics / B.S. / Reorganized from the previous B.A. in Physics
Edinboro / Business Administration-Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination Focus / B.S. / Reorganized from the previous B.S. in Business Administration-Forensic Accounting
Edinboro / Mathematics / B.S. / Reorganization of B.A. in Mathematics
Edinboro / Counseling K-12 Dual Degree / M.Ed. / Reorganized from the previous degrees; Counseling-Elementary & Counseling-Secondary
Indiana / Clinical Mental Health Counseling / M.A. / Renamed from Community Counseling and revised to meet licensure and accreditation standards
Indiana / Counseling / M.Ed. / Revised to allow candidates to receive K-12 certification
Indiana / Safety, Health and Environmental Applied Science / B.S. / Renamed from Safety Science and revised to meet accreditation standards by ASAC
Indiana / Applied and Industrial Chemistry / P.S.M. / Reorganized from the previous M.S. in Chemistry
Indiana / Nanoscience for Industrial Materials / P.S.M. / Reorganized from the previous M.S. in Physics
Indiana / English/Composition and Literature / M.A. / Reorganized from the previous M.A. in English Generalist
Kutztown / School Counseling / M.S. / Reorganized M.Ed. programs from previous Elementary and Secondary School Counseling
Lock Haven / Foreign Language / B.A. / The B.A. programs in French and Spanish were reorganized as concentrations under this new B.A.
Lock Haven / Disability and Community Services / B.S. / Reorganized from the B.S., Special Education program.
Lock Haven / Interdisciplinary Studies / B.S. / Reorganized from the B.S. General Studies program
West Chester
(Joint Degree) / Languages and Cultures / M.A. / Joint program will replace the current individual M.A. and M.Ed. degrees in French, Spanish, and German
Shippensburg / Counseling / M.Ed. / Reorganized from the previous degrees; Counseling-Elementary & Counseling-Secondary
Slippery Rock / Clinical Mental Health Counseling / M.A. / Reorganization of Community Counseling
Slippery Rock / History / M.A. / Reorganization of face to face delivery to online only
Slippery Rock / Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) / M.Ed. / Reorganization of Mathematics and Science Teaching
West Chester / Latin American and Latino Studies / Minor / Renamed from Latin American Studies
West Chester / Environmental Health / B.S. / Renamed from Public Heath/Environmental Health
West Chester / Languages and Cultures / B.A. / Reorganization of language programs with separate degrees (French, German, Russian, and Spanish) to a B.A. in Languages and Cultures with concentrations for each language

Reorganized programs reflect curricula and/or credentials that have been significantly revised to meet new market demands.


University / Program Name / Degree
East Stroudsburg / General Sciences / M.S.
Slippery Rock / Physics-Pre-Engineering 3+2 / B.A.

Reactivation of a degree program in moratorium—A university may request a degree program be placed into moratorium for up to five years. At any time during this five-year period, a university may choose to discontinue, reinstate the program as previously approved, or reinstate as a reorganized program. Approval is needed if the program has been reorganized as outlined above.