Key Dates:

RFA Response Due: Feb.19, 2018

Earliest funding start date: March 19, 2018


TheArizona Area HealthEducationCentersProgram (AzAHEC) promotescommunityand educationalpartnerships to enhanceaccess to qualityhealth carewith an emphasis on the needs ofruraland urbanunderservedcommunitiesand populations. TheAzAHECprogram provides educationalprogramsinpartnership with academicinstitutions, communities,health care agencies,and otherorganizations that promotethe health of Arizona residents. The AzAHECprogramincludesfiveregionalAHECcentersthat areintegral tomeetingthe mission of the AzAHECprogram. These regionalcenterscontributeto improvingthe recruitment,education,and retentionofthe State's health workforce, improving supply,quality,and diversityofArizona’shealthcare workforce,aswellasidentifying andaddressingthe health needs of Arizona’scommunitiesandresidents.


A.Purpose:The purpose of this small researchandprojectgrantprogram is

1)Toprovidegraduatehealthsciencesstudents,medicalinterns,and residents with an opportunitytogainexperience in rural and urban medicallyunderservedArizona communitiesthroughresearchand/or scholarlyprojects;

2)To interest Arizona HealthSciencesstudentsinrural and urban medicallyunderserved practiceandotherareas of unmet need;

3)To addresscommunityneeds specificto thefive Arizona Regional AHEC centersthrough healthpromotion and disease preventionresearchandrelevantprojects; and/or

4)To demonstrate interprofessional education or transformative community-based practice models; and/or

5)To address community-based behavioral health integration, social determinants of health, and cultural competency issues reflecting Arizona’s underserved populations.

B.EligibleApplicants: graduatehealthsciencesstudents,medicalinterns, and residents. Facultymayalso applyprovided the proposal clearlyindicateshow the project will directlymentorhealthprofessionsstudents or directlysupport the workof theArizona Regional AHEC centersand theirconstituents. Regional Arizona AHECCenters mayalso applyprovided the proposal clearlyindicateshow the project will directlymentorhealth professionsstudents or help to attract health professionsstudents to rural and urbanunderservedpractice througheducationalexperiences in their respectiveregions. Prioror currentrecipients of anArizonaAHECsmallgrantareeligible to applyprovidedafinalprogress report for theprojectorevidence ofsatisfactoryprogresshasbeen submitted to theArizona AHECprogramas of 12/31/17.

C.Number ofGrants andFunds Available: A maximum of ten (10) projectswill be funded inamounts of up to $5,000. Ifindirect costs arerequested, the indirect rate maynotexceedeight (8)percent. The total budget includingindirect costsmaynot exceed $5,000.

D.ProjectFundingPeriod: Thefundingperiod forAHECsmallgrantprogramis March 19, 2018 toMarch 1, 2019. The projectimplementation timeline mayextend beyond this period but shouldbe identified clearlyin the project proposal. Forexample, if the research timeline is twoyears, thisshould beclearlyidentified in the project timeline.A progress reportwill be requiredbySeptember 19,2018,for projectsthat requiremorethan oneyearto complete. Satisfactoryprogressmust bedemonstratedforcontinuation of projects extendingbeyondMarch 1, 2019.

  • Due Date and SubmissionofApplication: Proposalsmust be received electronicallybythe ArizonaAHECofficeon or before February 19, 2018.Faxed submissionswill notbe accepted. Theelectronicapplicationshould beuploaded to the online application at the AzAHEC SMG Proposal Submission Systemno later than 5:00 pm on February 19, 2018.

E.Questions shouldbe directedto

F.ReviewCriteria:Theapplication review processis competitive and will be based on thefollowingcriteria:

-Compliance with programguidelines andrequirements including an established relationshipwith one ofthe five Arizona AHECRegionalCenters(e.g.evidencedbyletterof agreementwith one ofthe regionalcenters)

-Appropriateness of the proposedbudget

-Abilityof the applicant to carryout the project

-Potential for publication

F.Notificationto Applicants: All applicantswill be notifiedbyelectronic mailbyMarch 19, 2018.

H.ReportingRequirements:Grantees are requiredto submit a finalreport that is a descriptive andquantitative summaryof the project.Reports thatareincompletewill be returned to the principalinvestigator. The final report must include:

1.Detaileddescription of theactualproject as implemented that includes thetargetaudience/population served

2.Projectoutcomes (include descriptiveandquantitativedata)

3.Finalbudget accounting

4.Copies of publications,abstracts, or posters whichexplicitlycite support from the ArizonaAHECprogram with this language:“Funded byagrant from theArizona AreaHealthEducationCenter”

5.The finalreport is due90 days uponprojectcompletion.

Theprogressreport mustinclude:

1.Detaileddescription of theactualproject implementation

2.Progress as related to budgetand timeline

3.A semi-annualprogress report not to exceedthree pages will be required.

4.For projects with timelines that extend beyondthe initial project period, satisfactoryprogressmust be demonstratedforcontinuationand asecond progress report not to exceed threepages must besubmitted two weeks prior to the project end date.


A.Proposalsare limited to 10pages excludingvitaand administrative letters of support. Applicantsshould use single-spaced,12-point fontsuchasTimesNewRoman or Arial. Theproposalshould include:

1.Arizona AHECProjectFundingRequestSummary(form shown on pages5-6 ofthisapplication)(Review Score: 5 points)

2.Arizona AHEC BudgetForm (shown on page 7ofthis application; limitnarrative to nomorethan two pages)(Review Score: 30 points)

3.Proposalnarrative(limited to sixpages) (Review Score:50 points)

4.Dissemination Plan that must include howthe awardees will disseminateinformationthroughat least one ofthe fiveregionalAHEC centers (travel foronepresentation maybe included in the budgetup to $1,200.Internationaltravelis not allowed.)(ReviewScore: 5 points)

5.ReferenceList(not included in the page limits) (Review Score:0 points)

6.Letter ofsupport from facultyadvisor (ReviewScore: 5 points)

7.Letter ofsupport from department head or designateddepartmental authority(ReviewScore: 5 points)

B.Research proposals should includethe following:


2.Purpose SpecificAims

3.Research question(s)orhypotheses

4.Significance (particularlyto Arizona communitiesand populations)


6.Methodology, Research Design,Sampling,andInstrumentation



9.Generalizability, Scopeand limitations

10.Dissemination Plan

C.Projectproposals should include the following:

1.Introductionand background

2.Purpose andSpecificAims

3.Benefit of theproject to Arizona communitiesand/orpopulations

4.Theoreticalfoundationor framework for theproject



7.Project Timeline


9.Strengths andLimitations

10.Dissemination Plan

III.BUDGET and BUDGETNARRATIVE:Complete theBudgetFormshown on page seven (7)of thisapplication. Thefirst column should contain an itemized description of budget items usingthecategoriesprovided. The secondcolumn should list the fundsrequestedbythe applicant. Thethirdcolumn should includethe rationaleforthe requestedproject funds. Not allbudgetcategories willnecessarilyapplytoeveryapplication. Usethosecategories that areapplicable toyourproject. Funding

forstandard officeequipment will not be approved.Computerequipment and otherhighcost equipmentitemsneed strongjustification of need.Student stipends will not be funded;however,studentrelatedtravel costs, includingmeals and housing, are acceptable.

BudgetNarrativeGuidelines: Applicantsmustprovidejustificationforallitemsinthebudgetandexplain the relevance ofeachcost to the overallgoals of the project.

Personnel: Each position should be itemizedandcompensation shown for each position.Fringe benefits: describehow fringe benefits are calculated for theproposed personnel.

Consultant costs: Explainthe need for all proposed consultantsand how theyrelate to the project.Contractual costs: Explain the need forall proposed contractualarrangements and howtheyrelate to theproject

Equipment:Equipmentis definedasdurableitems thatcostover$500perunit andhavea lifeexpectancyofatleastoneyear.Listeveryitemofequipmentanddescribeitspurposeinrelationtotheproject.

Supplies: Please itemizeand explain the expendable items required for the project.

Travel: Explaintheneedforallrequestedtravel,includingnumbersofpeopleinvolved,durationoftrips, destinations,importance to project, etc. Internationaltravelis not allowed.

Other: Itemize and explain anyother expenses not captured in anyother budgetcategory.

Prior approval fromthe Arizona is required for budgetarychanges if1) re-budgetingbetweencategories inexcess of 15% is necessarydueto changes in expenditure plans or2) scopeof statedcategorychanges(e.g.changes in consultant or equipment, and travel destination.)Request forre-budgetingapproval should includea revisedbudgetandnarrative justification explainingthe need forbudgetarychanges.



Title ofProposedProject
Type ofProject [Tobe completedbyAZAHEC] / ProposedProjectDates
Start date: Enddate:
Public / Location(s)at whichproject activitieswilltakeplace
Project Director
Does this proposalutilize humansubjectsfor anypurposeother thanimproving the curriculumofthecoursein whichtheparticipantsareenrolled, serving as didactic device involving onlyindividuals enrolledinthe class, orproviding training inthe conduct ofsuch professionalactivities as interviewprocedures?
NoYes (If yes,please indicate the procedure forhumansubjectsreviewatyour institution.Documentationofinstitutionalapprovalwill be requiredbefore the awardis final.)
ProgramDirector Assurance
I agree toacceptresponsibilityfor the conduct oftheproposed project andto provide the requiredprogress reports andfinaloutcomesdata ifthisproject is approvedforfunding.
Signature ofProjectDirector:Date Submitted:

Abstract (Limitto One page)


AmountRequestedInThisProposal / Rationale