The Arc Shiawassee

Board of Directors Meeting

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Our mission is to empower people with developmental disabilities in ShiawasseeCounty.

PRESENT: Nancy Balko, Jan Beutel, Rosemary Bocek, Rebecca Brown, Sheila Gerics, Laura Jafri, Linda Koch, Michael Modlin, Heather Pilot, Brian Reed, Laurel Robb, Russ Seigel, Ted Webster

EXCUSED: Nancy Diebler, Pat Sanderson

ABSENT:Kevin Kregger

STAFF: Lynn Grubb

  1. The meeting was called to order by Laurel Robbat 5:15.
  1. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment.
  1. Ted Webster/Sheila Gerics to accept the consent agenda. All ayes. Motion carried.
  1. Employee Health Care insurance will cost $63.63 for Kim, $74.10 for Sarah, and $357.10 for Lynn under the Affordable Care Act. Coverage will commence March 1st.
  2. The Annual Appeal letter is being finalized.
  3. Nancy Balko/Jan Beutel to approve Lynn’s vacation April 7-14. All ayes. Motion carried.
  1. Lynn expressed concerns regarding the interactions between Executive Director and Board President. After discussion it was decided that a meeting should occur at a later time with those two individual and an additional board member in attendance.
  2. Lynn has been working on grant applications. Michigan Alliance for Families grant renewed for $15K. Lynn described Dignified Lifestyles and SATA Transportation grants for our new members. Dignified Lifestyles renewed grant amount is $3,729 and SATA grant is $29,700. Other grant applications are pending. Lynn explained that the Arc is dependent on grants and fundraising for its existence and that another source of income is vital to the future of the organization.
  3. Inside the Arc to debut in The Independent February 23 and will include pictures as well as information.
  4. RESD in unable to bill Medicaid on our behalf due to age restrictions. Lynn and Jan will meet with Joe Sedlock from CMH to ask for cooperation in billing.
  1. Committee follow-up. Brian requests inclusion on Staff/Personnel committee. Laura wishes to not be placed on Finance committee and expressed an interest in fundraising. Everyone concurs that fundraising must be a focus and that 4-5 strong events is ideal.
  2. Laurel described state Arc lobbyist services and benefits.
  1. Board Training with Patrice Martin of the Nonprofit Network will be April 17 at the general board meeting. In March she will attend and give a brief overview of training.
  2. Mr. Owosso candidate being sought. Some suggestions were made and will be followed up.
  3. Heather will be sending out Executive Director reviews and asks that they be returned in one week.
  1. Linda Koch/Nancy Balko to adjourn meeting. All ayes. Motion carried.Next Meeting will beMarch 20, 2014.

Respectfully submitted by:

Linda Koch, Secretary