Regulatory Committees

The appointment of 2 Legally Qualified Chairs to the Investigating Committee and 8 Legally Qualified Chairs to the Professional Conduct and Health Committee

The closing date for receipt of applications for these posts is 5pm 3 July 2015.

This information pack is available electronically from website:

Please quote Ref FTP2015 in all correspondence


About the General Chiropractic Council
About the posts
Qualities required
Competences required
Duties and Role

Appointment and tenure of office

Applying for a post

How we will handle your application

Guidance on completion of the application form

Data Protection

Dealing with your concerns

Also attached

Copy of advert

Application form

Annex A – The Seven Principles of Public Life

About the General Chiropractic Council


The General Chiropractic Council (GCC) is a UK-wide statutory body established by the Chiropractors Act 1994. The GCC has three main duties:

 To protect the public by establishing and operating a scheme of statutory regulation for chiropractors, similar to the arrangements that cover other health professionals;

 To set the standards of chiropractic education, conduct and practice;

 To ensure the development of the profession of chiropractic, using a model of continuous improvement in practice;

Since June 2001, the title of “chiropractor” has been protected by law and it is a criminal offence for anyone to describe themselves as any sort of chiropractor without being registered with the GCC.

Regulatory committees

The GCC has three statutory regulatory committees that deal with complaints against chiropractors:

The Investigating Committee considers all complaints against chiropractors when they are received by the GCC. If the Investigating Committee concludes that there is a case to answer, it will formulate allegations which are then referred to either the Health Committee or the Professional Conduct Committee.

The Health Committee considers complaints against chiropractors relating to their mental or physical health. Where the Health Committee upholds a complaint against a chiropractor it may impose a 'Conditions of Practice' order or suspend the chiropractor's registration.

The Professional Conduct Committee considers complaints of personal or professional misconduct or incompetence. Where the Professional Conduct Committee concludes that a chiropractor is guilty of unacceptable professional conduct it may admonish the chiropractor, impose a 'Conditions of Practice' order, suspend the chiropractor's registration or order the Registrar to remove ("strike off") the chiropractor from the Register.

Members of the regulatory committees

The appointment of any person to any of the regulatory committees is subject to the approval of the General Council.

The GCC require:

  • 2 legally qualified Chairs to join the pool for the Council’s Investigating Committee and
  • 8 legally qualified Chairs to join the pool for the Council’s Professional Conduct and Health Committees.

Please indicate in your application if you wish to be considered for appointment to the Investigating Committee or to the Professional Conduct and Health Committee. You may apply for appointment for both posts but can only be appointed to one of the posts.

About the Posts



In order for the Council, the public, and the profession to feel confident in the consistency in investigation, hearing and determination of complaints against chiropractors, it is necessary to have clear benchmarks for the effective performance of chairs and members of the regulatory committees.

The following competences have been developed to serve as those benchmarks. All competencies must be demonstrated by all members of the committees.

Definition of competency

A competency is a statement that reflects a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes designed to depict what an individual needs for effective performance of a particular role.

Competency types

1 Understanding of committee function in providing expertise in public protection and fair hearings

2 Working in a collaborative and professional manner

3 Communication and conduct during hearing

4 Reaching decisions fairly

5 Leadership of the Committee and Proceedings

6 Legally qualified and relevant experience – this may include acting as a legal assessor to a Committee or any judicial appointment that you may have.


All competencies must be demonstrated by all members of the committees.


1.1 Displays an understanding of allegations and seeks appropriate points of clarification;

1.2 Asks fair and relevant questions in relation to the allegations and evidence presented;

1.3 Uses personal and clinical expertise to explore issues in relation to allegations, inform questions and discussion;

1.4 Ensures that all of the committee members are given the opportunity to address relevant questions and, where necessary, to share information and ideas.


2.1Treats all people with equal respect;

2.2Upholds confidentiality and remains discreet at all times;

2.3Demonstrates a calm and non-confrontational manner even in the face of provocation;

2.4Show a willingness to give and receive constructive feedback and to learn from others;

2.5Show appropriate concern for distressed parties and witnesses;

2.6Makes fair and effective use of adjournments and best use of available resources;

2.7Demonstrate at all times a level of sensitivity which reflects the serious nature of proceedings;

2.8Appropriately challenges discriminatory views;

2.9Gains the confidence of all parties.


3.1 Listens attentively to all parties;

3.2 Accurately and concisely records relevant points from written or oral evidence and subsequent discussion;

3.3 Asks fair and pertinent questions confidently using plain language;

3.4 Exhibits impartial facial expression, body language and gesture;

3.5 Clearly explains procedures to all parties, and specifies what is expected during and after the proceedings;

3.6 Provides guidance to respondents, particularly when unrepresented.


4.1Actively and constructively participate in decision making and observing the rules of evidence;

4.2 Provides comprehensive reasons for outcomes;

4.3Accepts responsibility for decisions reached;

4.4 Guides the committee through each stage of the decision making process;

4.5 Makes sure discussions in retiring room is purposeful and relevant;

4.6Ensures all procedures are observed and that decisions are reached by vote;

4.7Delivers the committee’s decisions and reasons in a clear, concise, authoritative and timely manner.


5.1 Establishes rapport with committee members in an authoritative, open and participative style;

5.2 Clearly explains procedures to all parties, and specifies what is expected during and after the proceedings;

5.3 Maintains firm and effective control;

5.4 Provides sufficient opportunity for all of the committee to address relevant questions and express individual opinions;

5.5 Intervenes when there is inappropriate behaviour of any committee member, representative, respondent or member of the public;

5.6 Review practices and procedures and report areas for improvement;

5.7 Provides constructive feedback to the appropriate members of Council staff;

5.8 Participates in training of new panellists and members;

5.9 Manages the unexpected.


6.1 Is legally qualified and with 10 years call;

6.2 Has relevant experience of sitting on Panels either as a legal assessor or Chair;


As a legally qualified Chair, you will be required to:

 Attend and participate in meetings of the relevant committee.

 Participate in the assessment process for members of the respective regulatory committee.


Committee meetings are generally held in London.

Training and Induction

Dates for induction training will be confirmed in due course.

Time commitment

 The Professional Conduct Committee normally meets for a week every month to consider cases referred by the Investigating Committee and the Health Committee typically meets no more than once a year. Each committee has a quorum of three members for each hearing. Members of the pool may be required to sit for up to 20 days each year on the Professional Conduct Committee

 The Investigating Committee sits once a month and individuals will need to sit 8 days each year. Notice is given in good time when a member is required to sit.

 Members will also be required to attend training sessions and to participate in the appraisal scheme.


 Legally Qualified Chairs are entitled to a daily attendance fee of £500.

 Remuneration is taxable under Schedule E, and subject to Class I National Insurance contributions. It is not pensionable.

 The Council will meet the costs of travel and accommodation wholly and exclusively incurred on GCC business.


 Members are appointed for an initial period not exceeding four years.

 Appointments may be renewable at the end of the first period of office subject to satisfactory appraisal though there should be no expectation of automatic reappointment.

 You should also note that these posts are public appointments or statutory offices rather than jobs and are not subject to the provisions of employment law.

 Members will be required to uphold the Nolan Principles of Public Life (see Annex A attached).

 As a member you must demonstrate high standards of personal conduct.


Section 12 of the GCC (Constitution of the Statutory Committees) Rules Order of Council 2009 contains disqualification criteria for appointments. A person is disqualified from appointment as a member of a statutory committee if that person -

 has at any time been convicted of an offence involving dishonesty or deception in the United Kingdom and the conviction is not a spent conviction;

 has at any time been convicted of an offence in the United Kingdom, and—

  • the final outcome of the proceedings was a sentence of imprisonment or detention, and
  • the conviction is not a spent conviction;

 has at any time been removed—

  • from the office of charity trustee or trustee for a charity by an order made by the Charity Commissioners, the Charity Commission, the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland or the High Court on the grounds of any misconduct or
  • mismanagement in the administration of the charity—
  • for which the person was responsible or to which the person was privy, or
  • which the person by their conduct contributed to or facilitated, or
  • under—
  • Section 7 of the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1990
  • (powers of Court of Session to deal with management of charities), or
  • section 34(5)(e) of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005
  • (b) (powers of the Court of Session),

From being concerned with the management or control of any body;

 has at any time been removed from office as the chair, member, convenor or director of any public body on the grounds, in terms, that it was not in the interests of, or conducive to the good management of, that body that the person should continue to hold that office;

 is subject to—

  • a disqualification order or disqualification undertaking under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986(c),
  • a disqualification order under Part II of the Companies (Northern Ireland) Order 1989(d) (company directors disqualification),
  • a disqualification order or disqualification undertaking under the Company Directors Disqualification (Northern Ireland) Order 2002(e) or,
  • an order made under section 429(2) of the Insolvency Act 1986(f) (disabilities on revocation of a county court administration order);

 has been included by—

  • the Independent Barring Board in a barred list (within the meaning of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006(g) or the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups (Northern Ireland) Order 2007(h)) or,
  • the Scottish Ministers in the children’s list or the adults’ list (within the meaning of the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007(i));

 has at any time been subject to any investigation or proceedings concerning his fitness to practise by any licensing body, the final outcome of which was—

  • the person’s suspension from a register held by the licensing body,
  • the person’s erasure from a register held by the licensing body or a decision that had the effect of preventing the person from practising the profession licensed or regulated by the licensing body, or
  • a decision that had the effect of only allowing the person to practise that profession subject to conditions;

 has at any time been subject to any investigation or proceedings concerning his conduct, professional competence or health by the General Council, where the final outcome was that—

  • the person’s registration in the register was suspended,
  • the person was removed from the register (for a reason connected to the person’s conduct, professional competence or health), or
  • the person’s registration in the register was made subject to an order imposing conditions with which the person must comply; or

 has at any time been subject to any investigation or proceedings relating to an allegation that the person’s entry in the register was fraudulently procured—

  • in the course of which the person’s registration was suspended and that suspension has not been terminated, or
  • the final outcome of which was the removal of the person’s entry in the register;

 is subject to any investigation or proceedings concerning—

  • the person’s conduct, professional competence or health by the General Council, or
  • the person’s fitness to practise by any licensing body, and the General Council is satisfied that the person’s membership of the statutory committee would be liable to undermine public confidence in the regulation of registered chiropractors; or

 has at any time been convicted of an offence elsewhere than in the United Kingdom and the Council is satisfied that the person’s membership of the committee would be liable to undermine public confidence in the regulation of registered chiropractors.

Conflicts of interest

Any actual or perceived conflicts of interest will be fully explored by the Panel at short listing or interview stage.

Equality and diversity

The Council encourages applications from individuals with disabilities and those from ethnic minority groups.


Acknowledging your application

  • We will write to you, after the closing date, to acknowledge receipt of your application form.

The shortlisting process

  • The shortlisting panel will first assess your application to see whether you meet the criteria for the post, as set out in the sections “Qualities required” and “Competences required” in this information pack. Candidates who best demonstrate that they have the specified skills will be selected for interview. We will let you know whether or not you will be interviewed;
  • Where 30 or more applications are received, applications may be “pre-assessed” before being forwarded to the shortlisting panel for consideration. You should be aware that, in this event, your application might not be considered in full by all the members of the panel;
  • The members of the shortlisting panel for these posts will be, Rosemary Rollason who will chair the panel, Carl Stychin and Hilary Randall an independent assessor.


  • Interviews for shortlisted candidates will be held on 22 July for the Investigating Committee, 17, 19 and 20 August for the Professional Conduct Committee. The interviews will be held at GCC’s offices, 44 Wicklow Street, London, WC1X 9HL. Please indicate your availability on the forms;
  • Shortlisted candidates may also be required to take part in a 20 minute written exercise immediately before the interview;
  • If you are shortlisted for interview, we will contact you, normally by telephone, to agree a suitable date and time. We will confirm the interview arrangements by letter, including a map and instructions on how to get to the venue;
  • Candidates are entitled to be reimbursed reasonable expenses in relation to the selection process. Further guidance will be provided for candidates invited to interview;
  • Where a candidate is unable to attend an interview on the set date, an alternative date will only be offered at the discretion of the panel;
  • The members of the interview panel will normally be the same as for the shortlisting panel as set out above;
  • You will be asked questions by the interview panel to assess whether you can demonstrate that you have the qualities and competences required for the post.

The outcome of your application

  • If, in the view of the panel you have the skills for the post and are one of the best candidates, your name will be recommended to the GCC, who will make the final decision;
  • If you are successful, you will receive a letter from the GCC appointing you as a member of the relevant committee;
  • If you are unsuccessful, you will be notified by the independent assessor on the panel;
  • If your application is unsuccessful and you would like feedback, please write to us at the address on our letter. However, if you have a complaint about the way your application has been handled at any stage, please see the section on “Dealing with your concerns”.

We will deal with your application as quickly as possible and will advise you of the likely timetable at each stage.


FTP recruitment

General Chiropractic Council

44 Wicklow Street




The GCC is required to retain information about the people who apply for public appointments, and make this information available to for audit purposes, if requested to do so. The GCC’s data protection policy in relation to the information we collect is set out below:

  • If you submit an application form, the form and any supporting documentation will be retained for up to 1 year;
  • Information held electronically, including your contact details and the monitoring information provided on Part 2 of the application form will also be held for up to 1 year.
  • For individuals who are successful, the form and supporting documentation is held for the term of your appointment.

If you would like these details to be removed from our records as soon as this recruitment exercise is complete, please write or e-mail the Appointments Commission at the address on the front of this information pack.


In the first instance

For queries about your application, please email the GCC at quoting FTP2015.

If you are not completely satisfied

We aim to process all applications as quickly as possible and to treat all applicants with courtesy. If you feel that you have any complaints about the way your application has been handled, we would like to hear from you.

Please write to:

David Howell

Chief Executive and Registrar

General Chiropractic Council

44 Wicklow Street
