THE ANSON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS convened for their regular monthly meeting Tuesday, December 1, 1998 at 9:00 a.m. in the Little Theater located in the Hampton B. Allen Library.
Commissioners present: Anna H. Baucom, Chair
Ross Streater, Vice Chair
* Lee G. Allison
Herman K. Little
* Mary McLendon
Bobby Moore
Bill Thacker
Staff members present: Steve D. Carpenter, County Manager
Bonnie M. Huntley, CMC, Clerk to the Board
James Bennett, Human Resource
George C. Bower, County Attorney
Chairman Baucom called the meeting to Order. The Invocation was observed by a moment of silence.
Approval of the Agenda by Commissioners: Chairman Baucom asked to add a Memo from Dr. Altieri, President of Anson Community College, concerning the money set aside in contingency for the College. County Manager Carpenter asked to add a budget amendment for the project Ordinance on the Mockingbird Hill Grant. He mentioned that at the last meeting, the Board asked for a letter of Intent with Grier Fripp to conduct the feasibility study on a proposed administration building. A letter is presented for approval and was added to the Agenda. Motion by Commissioner Thacker, seconded by Commissioner Moore, to approve the Agenda as presented with additions. Motion carried unanimously.
James Bennett, Human Resource, introduced two new staff members to the Board. The first was Eddie Mitchum, our new Assessor. Mr. Mitchum worked on our revaluation in the 70’s. County Manager Carpenter thanked Commissioners Thacker and Moore for participating in the selection process. Mr. Jim Roosen, our new Health Director, comes from New Hanover County. Mr. Roosen noted he had enjoyed his first hour of employment. Congratulations were extended to Betty Russell for her fine work in serving as Interim Director for the Health Department.
Consent Agenda: Motion by Commissioner Little, seconded by Commissioner Moore, to approve the Consent Agenda, including the transfer of $50,000 from contingency to the Community College. Motion carried unanimously.
Tax Releases:
Property Tax Releases:
Charles Gaddy 1998 $ 35.71 Unlivable
Angela Greenberg 1998 405.44 Value
Jewel Horne 1998 23.27 Mapping error
Jewel Horne 1997 23.01 Mapping error
Randy Poplin 1998 520.63 Value/rebill
Randy Poplin 1998 982.63 Value/rebill
Total $1,990.69
Vehicle Tax Adjustments:
Willie Capel Jr. 1998 $ 0.59 Situs
Eugene Chambers 1998 6.36 Situs/value
Jerry Gaddy 1997 2.76 Situs
Adrian Gainey 1997 3.27 Situs
Aaron L. Hough 1997 6.57 Situs
Zena McDaniel 1998 6.33 Situs
Clyde A. Shaver 1998 2.18 Situs
Total $ 28.06
Vehicle Tax Refunds:
Katrenia Davis 1998 $ 47.50 Proration
William Huntley Jr. 1998 12.54 Proration
Adrian Gainey 1997 25.47 Situs
Mary Marsh 1997 3.16 Proration
Patricia Taylor 1998 20.36 Proration
Frederica Walters 1998 10.32 Proration
Total $ 119.35
Vehicles Tax Releases:
James D Burns 1998 $ 14.05 Value Adj.
Willie Capel Jr. 1998 5.62 Situs
Chad Carriker 1997 58.50 Situs
Chad Carriker 1997 4.43 Situs
Paul Cellucci 1998 12.90 Proration
Eugene Chambers 1998 17.17 Situs
Abner M Cornwell Jr. 1998 6.02 Value Adj.
Willie Davis 1998 96.50 Proration
Robert N Dennis 1998 14.73 Value Adj.
Terrell Denson 1997 8.88 Proration
Christie M Edwards 1998 4.11 Value Adj.
Jerry Gaddy 1997 27.05 Situs
George A Gainey 1998 46.80 Proration
Eddie Goodwin 1998 14.45 Value Adj.
Brack S Helms 1998 3.66 Value Adj.
Arron L Hough 1997 64.48 Situs
Carl Lee Jackson 1998 44.60 Proration
David A Lanier 1998 191.41 Situs
James H Livingston 1997 95.56 Value Adj.
Zena McDaniel 1998 13.66 Situs
Trina H Poplin 1994 28.60 Proration
Christopher Roberson 1998 63.91 Proration
Williams W Seigler Sr. 1998 23.90 Value Adj.
Clyde A Shaver 1998 13.08 Situs
Willie Short 1997 25.04 Proration
Freddie Singleton 1998 0.49 Value Adj.
Shelia J Teal 1997 44.34 Proration
George D Thomas 1998 31.90 Proration
Hal E Thompson 1998 87.95 Situs
Robert D Tyson 1997 40.96 Proration
Ronald A Walters 1998 29.98 Value Adj.
Garland White 1998 38.49 Situs
Total $ 1,173.22
Approval of Minutes: Approved minutes of November 3, 1998 regular meeting.
Budget Amendments: First amendment approved additional funding for Health in the areas of re-roofing and HVAC and Division of Women’s and Children’s Health for sixth-graders hepatitis B and MMR Vaccines. They are also requesting approval to purchase a MITA DC-3060 copier and to use Medicaid maximization and escrow funds from the general and communicable disease programs.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Anson County Board of Commissioners that the 1998-99 FY Budget Ordinance be amended as follows:
Section 1. Expenditures:
Increase Health Programs 11-5110-81 $ 1,648.00
Total Expenditures: $ 1,648.00
Section 2. Revenues:
Increase All Programs 11-5110 $ 1,108.00
Increase Fund Balanced Appropriated 11-4110 540.00
Total Revenues $ 1,648.00
Total Increase $ 1,648.00
Adopted this 1st day of December, 1998.
s/Anna H. Baucom, Chair
ATTEST: s/Bonnie M. Huntley, CMC, Clerk to the Board
The next amendment involves revenues from Employment Work First to start a brand new route. It accepts a grant from the North Carolina Department of Transportation in the amount of $5,070.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Anson County Board of Commissioners that the 1998/99 FY Budget Ordinance be amended as follows:
Section 1. Expenditures:
Increase 11-4521-23 $ 5,070
Total Increase $ 5,070.
Section 2. Revenues:
Increase 11-34-52 $ 5,070.
Total Increase $ 5,070.
Adopted this 1st day of December, 1998.
s/Anna H. Baucom, Chair
ATTEST: s/Bonnie M. Huntley, CMC, Clerk to the Board
Board approved the transfer of $50,000 from contingency to Anson Community College.
Approved the State Alcohol and Drug Policy for ACTS as presented.
Chairman Baucom mentioned the following items for information and/or future action. Appalachian State University has requested a county flag as a gift by January 30, 1999. The Juvenile Justice Reform Act requires each county to form a Juvenile Crime Prevention Council that will replace the existing CBA Youth Service Advisory Councils. The council can have up to 25 members and include, if possible, a list of specific persons like the County Manager or a Commissioner. County Manager Carpenter noted that Youth Services is aware of this and they are currently working on the membership. Chairman Baucom also mentioned the letter of resignation from Foye Ray with an effective date of December 31, 1998. She also referred to the letter from Anson Challenge thanking the Board for the county flag and a letter from the Honorable Mike Beale regarding needed improvements to the magistrate’s office. There was also a letter from the ACTS Advisory Board requesting consideration for additional space for ACTS when and if, EMS moves out of the building. She would also like to see the county’s Internet home page updated.
Administrative Matters:
Presentation of the Audit: Larry Clay of Dixon, Odom, presented the Audit to the Board. Mr. Clay noted that over the last three or four years, the method of collecting vehicle taxes has affected our collection rate. Our overall collection rate for FY97/98 was 95.2%, reflecting a one-percent decrease from the previous year. The vehicle collection rate was 87.72%, up from the 86% the previous year. The tax rate on all property other than motor vehicles was 96.45%, down from 97.45% last year. Mr. Clay explained that the collection rate on motor vehicles was lower than other property because vehicles taxes are collected all through the year, and it is unusual to collect billings in the last two or three months of the year. They are considered billed but not collected, and when collected are shown as the prior year’s collection.
*Commissioner McLendon arrived at the meeting
Revenue collected for 1998 for taxes was $7,266,422, up from $7,138,108 last year. The percentage was down compared to last year, but with valuation going up, the result was more taxes being collected. About $1.2 Million in state grants and $500,000 in school funds that were budgeted for this year will be rebudgeted in the new year since these projects were not completed in FY 97/98. Since state grants are reimbursable type grants, this just means the county did not get reimbursed for those funds it did not spend. We were found to be in compliance with state and federal grants.
The airport budgeted $940,000 of which $635,000 was capital improvements that did not happen; therefore $582,000 in capital outlay will be carried over to the new budget. The various county departments budgeted $22,594,000 but spent $19,700,000, just about on target with the previous year. Net balance in the water fund was $780,000, up from $559,000 last year. Net balance in the waste water treatment plant fund was $1.6 million, down from just over $2 million last year.
Mr. Clay cautioned the Board to keep an eye on fund balance. The Board used $1.7 million for this year’s budget and he noted we can’t continue to use fund balance without getting into an alarming situation. The total fund balance is $5.4 million with $2,090,000 undesignated, compared to $2.4 million in undesignated funds set aside last year. Appropriations designed for next year are $1.7 million, compared to $1.1 million last year. While the total fund balance increased, the available undesignated funds decreased because of being used this year. Taking out school capital outlay it is right at 10.55 percent of next year’s budget. Motion by Commissioner Little, seconded by Commissioner Moore, to accept the audit as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
County Manager Carpenter presented the following amendment to close out the Mockingbird Hill Grant project. Motion by Commissioner Little, seconded by Commissioner Moore, to approve the amendment as presented and close out the project. Motion carried unanimously.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Anson County Board of Commissioners that the Grant Project Ordinance, more familiarly knows as the Mockingbird Hills Revitalization and Pee Dee Water CDBG Project, be amended as follows:
Section 4:
Increase Housing Rehabilitation $ 12,878.
Increase Sewer Improvements 132,752.
Decrease Water Improvements 54,072.
Decrease Administration 91,558.
Net Change $ - 0 -
Adopted this 1st day of December, 1998.
s/Anna H. Baucom, Chair
ATTEST: s/Bonnie M. Huntley, CMC, Clerk to the Board
Chairman Baucom called for a five minute break.
After the break, Chairman Baucom recognized Janine Rywak. Ms. Rywak introduced Mark Blalock who will be administering the Governor’s One on One program. Mr. Blalock commented that he is looking forward to working with everyone in Anson County.
Motion by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Little, to go into closed session pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143-318.11(a)(4) to discuss matters relating to the location or expansion of business in the area served by this body. Motion carried unanimously.
*Commissioner Allison arrived during the closed session.
In open session, Chairman Baucom announced no action was taken during closed session.
Library Funding: Librarian Nora Warren appeared to thank the Board for funding allocated to the library. These funds have enabled them to purchase a printer for the microfilm reader and a large set of CD’s for census and marriage records. They now have access to the Internet and both copiers have been replaced with ones that are coin operated. She reported that the roof has been repaired and the HVAC system is being replaced. Ms. Warren stated there were no words to express their appreciation for this and she hopes the savings will translate to more material.
Proposed Changes to Payroll Stubs: James Bennett, Human Resource, explained the proposed changes. The Board approved, along with the current budget, giving each employee a 2% contribution to their choice of PEBSCO or 401k. The current payroll stub does not show year to date totals for deductions or any other special information. Mr. Bennett proposed a new folded paper that will contain the following information: tax withholding and filing status, job title, base rate of pay, hours/earnings, taxes, deductions, special and general information, year to date information and 2% supplemental retirement information. Petty leave will now be reflected on the stub. He explained this would be an earnings and benefit statement. Motion by Commissioner Little, seconded by Commissioner Moore, to approve the change. Motion carried unanimously.
Old Business:
Utility Reconnect Fees: County Manager Carpenter mentioned that at the last meeting, some Board members expressed concern over the current reconnect fees in the water department. Vance Gulledge presented each Commissioners with a comparison of fees from surrounding counties and Utilities. Vance noted that 4,116 water bills were mailed for the month of November and they disconnected sixty-nine for non payment. Vance explained that most of the mobile home rentals are on the county system and that rental customers give the most problems. He explained that customers are not disconnected the first time they appear on the list, so it’s really their second offense when they are cut off. There is a $25.00 charge for the second offense and $50.00 for the third and subsequent times. Vance stated they average about seventy-five disconnects a month with thirty-five to forty of those being the same people month after month. There are two customers in question with one being cut off for the third time and the other was experiencing their ninth time. Commissioner Moore asked Vance the policy for those who come to the office saying they are unable to pay the bill. Vance stated they do not hold bills but will work with those who simply cannot pay to establish a payment plan. Chairman Baucom commented that this was a difficult situation, penalizing people who are most unable to pay either by poor management skills or resources. On the other hand, if we don’t charge for reconnects, we are penalizing everyone else. She reminded those in attendance that users of the service, not ad valorem taxes, pay for the water system. After discussion, motion by Commissioner Little, seconded by Commissioner Thacker, to leave the policy as is. Motion carried unanimously.
Convenience Sites: Vance Gulledge announced that only one bid was received on the first publication of bid. He has re-written the bid and hopefully the second bid opening will be in January.
Sheriff Issues: Lease of 911 Equipment, Mapping/Address and Cops Grant: Sheriff Sellers reminded Board members that last year, he was given permission to apply for a COPS Grant that would allow for the hiring of four new officers. He has been notified that we were approved for seven positions but it was agreed that we could only hire four. He also asked for a waiver of the 25% county share for three years but was denied. Sheriff Sellers asked permission to accept the Grant and for the county to agree to pay our share for the next three years. Commissioner Thacker asked when we agreed to apply for the Grant, did we not also agree to pay our share. Chairman Baucom noted that the first year this was being discussed, money was set aside in the budget for the Grant. During budget talks for this year, no information was received that would lead us to think we would be awarded the grant, so funds were not set aside in this budget. County Manager Carpenter reminded the Board that officers hired under the COPS grant will become the responsibility of the county after three years. In discussion of finding funds for our share, County Manager Carpenter offered that one solution would be to use funds set aside to house prisoners during the jail renovation. Sheriff Sellers feels that he can accommodate most of the prisoners in house during the renovations. After much discussion of funds, motion by Commissioner Little, seconded by Commissioner Thacker, to accept the grant. Motion carried unanimously.