(To be filled out by the applicant)

Name ______


Current Address ______


Permanent Address ______


Telephone: Home ______Office______

(Area code) (Area code)

E-mail ______

Date of Birth ______Place of Birth ______

(Month) (Day) (Year)

Citizenship ______Sex ____ Marital Status ______

Present or Most Recent Occupation and Employer ______


Passport No. ______Issued by ______

Date of Issue ______Date of Expiration ______

Physical/Health Limitations (Please specify) ______

______Blood type ______

Religious Affiliation ______Position Held ______

Subject(s) Able to Teach in China ______

Years of Experience in Teaching This Subject(s) ______

Levels Preferred ______

Availability Date ______Intended Duration ______years

Page 2

In case of emergency, whom should Amity contact? ______

Telephone: Home ______Office______

(Area code) (Area code)

E-mail ______

Formal Education (List most recent first)

Names & Location Degree/Certificate

Dates of the Institution Awarded Major





Work Experience (List most recent first)

Names & Location Duties

Dates of the EmployerPerformed





Language Mastered ______

Major Publications (Please specify) ______

Research Activities (Please specify) ______

Family member(s) who will accompany you ______

Name ______Relationship ______

Date of Birth ______Passport No. ______

If selected as an Amity teacher, would you be interested in serving in a smaller city or remote area? ______

Page 3

Write a short statement of no more than 200 words describing the reason you wish to come to teach in China. (Feel free to attach other information which may be of help in evaluating this application.)













I understand that the Amity Foundation has the following guidelines for its teachers:

1. Teachers are expected to respect the laws and decrees of the People’s Republic of China, and to observe the regulations of the schools to which they are assigned.

2. Teachers are expected to respect Chinese customs, especially with regard to sexual relationships. In this light, casual affairsand pre or extra-maritalrelationships are not acceptable.

3. Teachers are expected to carry out the teaching assignment agreed upon between themselves and their respective institutions. (Classes should not be rearranged to coincide with the teacher’s weekend travel and holiday plans. This may result in a deduction of salary by the school. If there is doubt concerning the availability of return tickets after traveling, teachers should carefully reconsider their arrangements.)

4. Christian teachers are welcome to attend worship services and meet with Chinese Christians. The Chinese church, being part of the Church universal, is self-governing, self-supporting and self-propagating. While teachers are free to speak of religious beliefs in their conversations with students and colleagues in China, they should not engage in any activity of a proselytizing nature.

I will observe these guidelines and will respect the position of the Amity Foundation.

Signature ______Date ______

Page 4



(To be filled out by the sponsoring agency)

Name and address of sponsoring agency



Contact person and position: ______

Telephone: ______E-mail ______

(Area code)

Sponsoring agency’s recommendation




Would this applicant be suitable for assuming a teaching position in a smaller or remote area where there are few English speakers and few other expatriates?


If this applicant is to be accompanied by a family member who has no income, will the sponsoring agency be willing to supply an additional conference grant?

Yes ______No ______

The sponsoring agency agrees to provide round-trip air-fare; medical insurance; and a block grant for the support of each teacher. For the amount of the block grant (and that of the conference grant) for the upcoming year, please contact Amity at the address below.

Signature ______Date ______


Education and International Exchange Division

Amity Foundation

71 Hankou Road

Nanjing, JS 210008

People’s Republic of China

Tel: (86-25) 8326 0807

Fax: (86-25) 8326 0909
