To: Parents and Students

From: Ms. Roxana Anisia

Topic: Welcome Back

On behalf of the physical education department, we would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your students back to ABS. I hope you enjoyed your summer and are ready to start the 2017-2018 school year!

The PE department is eager to have you in our class and start the year with a lot of enthusiasm and excitement! Our department is highly skilled and trained in physical education and want to share our love for living a healthy active lifestyle with you. Our belief is that physical education should be a class in which you can expend your energy and relieve any stresses you may have as well as have a lot of fun! The most important expectations we have for you as a student are to participate with enthusiasm, do your best every day, and have fun doing it. Our curriculum will teach you several fun activities and sports you may have not tried before. I know that these activities will help you develop better coordination and raise your level of fitness awareness so you can continue to use what you learned in our classes into your later years of life.

We hope that all students come to the gym eager to work hard and do their best! It would be terrific if students would take the time at the beginning and end of class to change in to proper PE attire. It is important for us to make sure all students are safe and that you are taken care of. We will always do our best to accommodate all student’s needs. We are always available to help you develop and learn from us. Please contact me or any other physical education teacher about any specific concern you may have. You will always be greeted by a smiling and positive PE teacher who is willing and ready to commit their time to you. When the year is over we know that you will have developed as a person both mentally and physically and can take with you our knowledge of an active life and share it with others. The 2016-2017 school year at ABS is going to be a fantastic one and we are thankful that we will have the opportunity to spend this year with you.

Roxana Anisia

HOD & PE Teacher

Abraq Khaitan, Block 6, #59 Ibn-Zuhair Street, Kuwait

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