The Awards Gala, the Chamber’s largest and most public event, honors business leaders who have made major contributions to the Falls Church community. The black-tie optional event typically attracts up to 200 business leaders, elected officials and local decision makers. The event includes a reception, dinner, live and silent auctions and an awards ceremony honoring business leaders who have had a major impact on the

Falls Church community.

Program Sponsor - $5,000

·  Logo and Name Recognition in Awards Gala Promotional Materials and Advertisements

o  Email Announcements Leading Up to Event

o  Falls Church News-Press Advertisement Promoting Event

o  Gala Program

o  Signage at Event

·  Opportunity to Speak During Program

·  Table Sponsorship with Eight Tickets

Reception/Bar* Sponsor - $2,500

·  Logo and Name Recognition in Awards Gala Promotional Materials and Advertisements

o  Email Announcements Leading Up to Event

o  Falls Church News-Press Advertisement Promoting Event

o  Gala Program

o  Signage at Event

·  Table Sponsorship with Eight Tickets

Entertainment Sponsor - $2,000

·  Sponsor Recognition in Awards Gala Materials and Advertisements

o  Email Announcements Leading Up to Event

o  Falls Church News-Press Advertisement Promoting Event

o  Gala Program

o  Signage at Event

·  Table Sponsorship with Eight Tickets

Video/TV Sponsor - $2,000 (or equivalent in services)

·  Sponsor Recognition in Awards Gala Materials and Advertisements

o  Email Announcements Leading Up to Event

o  Falls Church News-Press Advertisement Promoting Event

o  Gala Program

o  Signage at Event

·  Table Sponsorship with Eight Tickets

Signature Drink Sponsor - $1,500

·  Sponsor Recognition at Bar

·  Ability to Create and Name a Signature Drink

Table Sponsorship - $1,000

·  Logo and Name Recognition at Gala

o  Table Sign

o  Program

o  Spotlight Following Event

·  Eight Tickets to Event

Sign-up Sheet Follows

2015 Awards Gala Sponsorship Sign-Up Form

Company Name: ______

Contact Info: ______

Please sign us up for the following Awards Gala and Silent Auction Sponsorship

_____Program Sponsor: $5,000

_____Reception Sponsor: $2,500

_____Entertainment Sponsor: $2,000

_____Video/TV Sponsor - $2,000

_____Signature Drink Sponsor: $1,500

_____Table Sponsorship: $1,000

Payment Information

_____ Enclosed is a check made out to GFCCC in the above indicated amount.

_____ Please charge the above amount to:

Visa/MC (circle one) Expiration Date: ______

Number: ______

Name on Card: ______

Billing Address: ______


_____ Please invoice us as follows:

___Full Amount ___ Two Payments ___ Other______

Thank you very much for your support of the Falls Church Chamber of Commerce.

Please submit this form to: GFCCC, 417 W. Broad Street, Suite 205, FC, VA 22046 or fax to 703-237-7904.

Questions? Contact Sally Cole at 703-532-1050 or .

Falls Church Chamber of Commerce 2015 Sponsorship Opportunities

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