Reno-TahoeAirport Authority

Reno/Tahoe International Airport


The Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority Purchasing and Materials Management Division is currently accepting sealed proposals, Request for Proposal (RFP) Number 15/16-07, for professional carpet and restroom cleaning services on behalf of the Building Maintenance Section.


It is the intent of this proposal to enter into an agreement for professional carpet and restroom cleaning services. The resulting Agreement shall be for an initial period of one (1) year, with the Airport Authority retaining an option to renew for an additional four (4) one-year periods. The Airport Authority shall not contract with subcontractors for any of the aforementioned. The Airport Authority reserves the right to contract exclusively with a prime vendor.

1.1The renewal optionsshall be solely at the discretion of the Airport Authority provided that agreement is reached between the successful respondent and the Airport Authority with regard to the terms and conditions of the renewals.


It is mandatory that proposals be signed by a duly authorized representative of the firm, and be received and time recorded in the Airport Authority Purchasing and Materials ManagementDivision not later than 2:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 29, 2016.

2.1Late proposals shall be disqualified from consideration.

2.2Sealed proposals shall be opened in the Airport Authority Purchasing and Materials ManagementDivision at 2:31 p.m. March 29, 2016. Only the names of proposer’s will be released.


A pre-proposal conference and site inspection for all respondents intending to submit a proposal will be conducted Thursday, March 17, 2016 at 7:00 a.m., commencing in the reception area of the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority Administrative Offices, 2001 East Plumb Lane, Reno, Nevada.

3.1The site inspection will allow prospective respondents the opportunity to tour and inspect the areasto be cleanedprior to submitting a proposal and to become thoroughly familiar with existing conditions.

3.2Respondents failing to attend the scheduled site inspections do so at their own risk and the Airport Authority will not be responsible for any existing conditions that may affect the respondent’s response, if such conditions could have been known to the respondent upon inspection of the site.

3.3Respondents intending to submit a proposal are strongly recommended to attend the pre-proposal conference.


Respondent shall examine all drawings, specifications, attachments, special instructions, and terms and conditions of the Request forProposal. Failure to do so will be at the respondent’s risk.

4.1Any irregularities or lack of clarity in the RequestforProposal should be brought to the attention of the Airport Authority Purchasing and Materials ManagementDivision for correction or clarification.

4.2Any addenda issued shall forthwith become an integral part of the proposal. Respondent shall be required to acknowledge receipt by signing and returning the addenda with the original proposal document.

4.3Proposals shall be made only upon the forms provided with this Request forProposal document, with all items filled out, amounts proposal both in words and figures, the original signatures of all persons required to sign, and shall be typed or written in blue or black ink. The completed forms should be without interlineations, alterations, or erasures unless the signatory initials such.

4.4In the space provided, a duly authorized representative of the proposing firm shall sign the proposal document and any addenda issued in blue or black ink.

4.5Respondent shall proofread his proposal carefully for errors.

4.6Prices quoted shall be F.O.B. destination and exclusive of federal and state taxes, except those relating to taxable materials provided as part of the work.

4.7In the event of a difference between written words and figures, the amount stated in written words shall govern. In the event of a difference between a unit price and the extended price, the unit price shall govern.

4.8Proposals must be provided on the proposal forms that are part of the Request forProposal document. Proposal forms maynotbe altered in any manner – this includes the scanning of forms for purposes of reproducing or recreating them. Any alteration of proposal forms may be cause for rejection of the proposal.

4.9All parts, supplies or equipment offered shall be new, currently in production, and of the manufacturer’s latest design, unless otherwise stated.

4.10All proposals shall be submitted in a form and manner as indicated in the Request forProposal document and by the proposal forms. Any proposal that is not submitted in a form and manner indicated by the Request forProposal document and proposal forms or that contains information, statements, conditions, or qualifications that place conditions or qualifications on the proposal submittal for purposes of making an award, or that alter any proposal terms, conditions, specifications, or forms that had not previously been approved by written addendum issued by the Purchasing and Materials ManagementDivision, or that does not meet legal requirements, shall be declared as a qualified, conditional, or non-responsive proposal and shall be rejected without further consideration. Any proposal response that does no fully respond to and comply with all of the detailed terms, conditions, specifications or any requests for information including the execution of the proposal forms may be declared non-responsive by the Airport Authority and rejected without further consideration. The Airport Authority shall not be responsible for errors or omissions of the respondent.


Prospective respondents are solely responsible for their own expenses in preparing any proposal.

5.1Two (2) copies (one original and one complete photocopy) of the proposal and addenda thereto shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope addressed to the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority Purchasing and Materials ManagementDivision, 2770 Vassar Street, Reno, Nevada 89502 or delivered to the office in person. Proposal envelope must indicate the name and address of the respondent, Request forProposal15/16-07, and opening date.

5.2In order for a proposal to be considered, it is mandatory that the proposal document be received and time recorded in the Airport Authority Purchasing and Materials Management Divisionno later than the receiving time specified above.

5.3The Airport Authority assumes no responsibility for errant delivery of proposals, including those relegated to a courier agent who fails to deliver in accordance with the time and receiving point specified.

5.4The Airport Authority shall not be responsible for the premature or post opening of a proposal that is not properly addressed or identified.

5.5A proposal submitted by telephone, telegraphic notice, or facsimile will not be accepted.

5.6Prices offered shall only be considered if they are provided in the appropriate space(s) on the cost schedule. For consideration, any additions or deductions to the proposal prices offered must be shown under the exceptions section of the proposal. Extraneous numbers, prices, comments etc. appearing elsewhere on the proposal shall be deemed to have no effect on the prices offered in the designated locations.

5.7When a proposal surety is required, such surety shall be acceptable only in the form of a proposal bond or cashier’s check in the amount stated. The surety must accompany the proposal. After award of the proposal, the proposal surety of the unsuccessful respondent(s) shall be returned. The surety of the successful respondent shall be retained until the agreement form has been executed and the Airport Authority receives the performance bond as well as all insurance certificates.


A proposal received after the receiving time specified shall be rejected.


A proposal may be withdrawn by written or facsimile notice provided such notice is received prior to the date and time set for the proposal opening.

7.1A request for withdrawal of a proposal after award shall not be considered.


In the event the respondent chooses not to submit a proposal but wishes to remain on the proposal list, indicate “NO PROPOSAL” on the face of the return envelope or Proposal Form page of the proposal document, affix firm name and address and return it according to the instructions in Section 5, “Submission of Proposal” above.

8.1Two (2) “NO PROPOSAL” responses may result in removal of your firm from the database for this category.


Response to this Request forProposal shall include a proposal surety in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total proposal amount.

9.1Surety shall consist of a bond or cashier’s check, drawn in favor of the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority, a quasi-municipal corporation of the State of Nevada.

9.2The Airport Authority shall retain the successful respondent’s surety until successful respondent furnishes any required performance bond and provides proof of insurance certificate, and executes and delivers the resulting agreement. If successful respondent refuses or fails to perform any of the above, he shall forfeit the proposal surety. The forfeiture of the proposal surety is intended by the Airport Authority as a penalty. Should this occur, in addition to forfeiting the proposal surety, the Airport Authority reserves the right to seek any damages resulting from successful respondent’s refusal or failure to perform.

9.3Surety of the unsuccessful respondent(s) shall be returned within thirty (30) days of award by the Board of Trustees.


Prior to performance as a result of the proposal solicitation, the successful respondent and/or subcontractors shall furnish asurety bond on the form provided as security for faithful performance of this contract. The surety of such bond shall be a duly authorized surety company satisfactory to the Airport Authority.

10.1A Performance bond in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the total amount of the proposal award.

10.2Bond shall be drawn in favor of the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority, a quasi-municipal corporation of the State of Nevada.

The surety or sureties agree to adjust the bond to the contract price as it may be modified by approved change orders and hereby waive notice of such change.


Award of proposal shall be made on the basis of the proposal that is most advantageous to the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority. In all instances, the decision rendered by the Airport Authority shall be final.

11.1The Airport Authority reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, or parts thereof, and to waive any informalities or irregularities.

11.2The Airport Authority reserves the right to hold proposals for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of opening before awarding or rejecting said proposals.

11.3Severability exists with regard to acceptance or rejection of any item, group of items, or section unless respondent has stipulated specific limitations.

11.4A purchase order and/or contract issued to the successful respondent shall be considered sufficient notification of award of the proposal.

11.5A contract shall not be assigned to any other person or entity without the consent of the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority. Requests for assignment shall be submitted, in writing, to the Purchasing and Materials ManagementManager.


Prompt payment discounts shall be included in the proposal evaluation ONLY if discount period offered is ten (10) or more days.

12.1Discount period will be computed from the date of completed delivery/performance or from the date Accounts Payable, if later than the delivery date receives the correct invoice. For the purpose of earning discounts, payment is deemed to be made on the date appearing on the Airport Authority warrant.


Any unsuccessful bidder may appeal a pending bid award prior to award by the Airport Authority. The appellant must:

13.1Submit a written appeal to the Manager of Purchasing and Materials Management within five (5) business days after the date the bids were opened.

13.2The written notice of appeal must include a statement setting forth, with specificity, the reason(s) the person filing the notice believes the applicable provisions of law were violated.

13.3Post, with the written appeal, a bond with good and solvent surety authorized to do business in this state or submit other security in a form approved by the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority, who will hold the bond or other security until a determination is made on the appeal.

13.4Post the bond or other security with the notice of appeal in an amount equal to the lesser of twenty-five percent (25%) of the total value of the bid submitted by the person filing the notice of appeal or two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000).

13.5A notice of appeal filed in accordance with the provisions herein operates as a stay of action in relation to the awarding of any contract until a determination is made by the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority on the appeal.

13.6A person who makes an unsuccessful bid may not seek any type of judicial intervention until the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority has made a determination on the appeal and awarded the contract.

13.7The Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority is not liable for any costs, expenses, attorney’s fees, loss of income, or other damages sustained by a person who makes a bid, whether or not the person files a notice of appeal pursuant to this section.

13.8If an appeal is granted, the full amount of the posted bond will be returned to the appellant. If the appeal is denied or not upheld, the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority may make a claim against the bond or other security in an amount equal to the expenses incurred by the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority because of the unsuccessful appeal. Any money remaining after the claim has been satisfied shall be returned to the appellant.


Questions regarding the Request forProposal shall be directed to Robin Ramsey, Senior Buyer, at (775) 328-6670 or faxed to (775) 328-6646 and must be submitted no less than five (5)business days prior to opening date.

14.1Communications from prospective respondents, such as by telephone, voice-mail, electronic mail, facsimile or other similar means, to any Trustee, officer, agent or employee of the Airport Authority, other than the Senior Buyer are prohibited. Except for inquiries directed through the Senior Buyer, the Airport Authority, through its employees, will not meet nor otherwise communicate individually with prospective respondents. The Airport Authority may, at its sole discretion, disqualify any respondent who fails to observe this requirement.

14.2If any questions or responses require revision to this solicitation as originally published, such revisions will be by formal addendum only.


The Airport Authority Purchasing and Materials Management Divisionshall issue all addenda in writing to the Request forProposal. Material changes affecting the work or the responder’s cost estimate shall have no standing with the Airport Authority if not sanctioned by written addenda.


Attachment A hereto shall form the basis for the resulting agreement for this work.


Attachment B to this Request forProposal specifies the insurance and indemnification requirements established by the Airport Authority for projects as described herein and shall be incorporated and made a part of any agreement resultant from award of the proposal. The cost of any required insurance coverage shall be borne by the respondent.


Successful respondents and their subcontractors shall be required to obtain appropriate City and/or County business licenses prior to performance of work. Possession of the appropriate business license shall not be a prerequisite for submission of a proposal.


The Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority is not tax exempt from materials provided by the successful respondent in the performance of the contract. The Airport Authority is tax exempt in all other respects from Nevada State Sales Tax by act of the Nevada State Legislature, N.R.S. §§ 372.325, which exempts all local governments within the State of Nevada. The Airport Authority is also exempt from Federal Excise Tax.


Throughout the contract, the successful respondent and subcontractors shall maintain the work area and all equipment used in the work in compliance with applicable health and safety rules and regulations and in such a manner necessary to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of any employee, tenant, passenger, visitor, inspection personnel, and contractor’s and subcontractor’s employees who may come in contact with the work area.


Respondents shall provide at least three (3) verifiable references for which the respondent has satisfactorily performed similar carpet cleaning services as contained in this solicitation on the Reference form provided. References shall include the name of the firm, person to contact, telephone and facsimile number with area code, and brief description of the service provided. The Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority may not be used as one of the references.


Successful respondent shall have the status of an “Independent Contractor” as defined by N.R.S. §§ 284.173 and shall not be entitled to any of the rights, privileges, benefits, and emoluments of either an officer of employee of the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority.


Respondents shall complete and return with their proposal response the single copy of the form entitled “Disclosure of Principals” included with the Request forProposal.


Respondents, by submitting a signed proposal certify that the accompanying proposal is not the result of, or affected by, any act of collusion with any other person or company engaged in the same line of business or commerce or any other fraudulent act.


No assignment of any agreement resulting from award of this proposal shall be allowed including the right to receive payment without the express written permission of the Manager of Purchasing and Materials Management or her designee.


In the spaces provided, respondents shall note any and all exceptions to the specifications and/or the terms and conditions contained therein. Submittal of a specification sheet alone shall not be considered sufficient notification of exceptions.

26.1For consideration, substitutions and/or equal offerings must be disclosed under the exceptions section of the Request forProposal in order that the Airport Authority may determine their acceptability prior to award of the proposal.

26.2Failure to note exceptions in the areas provided shall be interpreted to convey that the respondent agrees to perform in the manner described and/or specified in this Request forProposal.