Quality teaching and learning in a safe, peaceful and supportive environment to facilitate and foster improved learner outcomes through developing engaged, active and powerful learners able to work independently

VISION: / Aiming for Excellence. Learning for Life. Powerful and engaged learning.
VALUES: / ** respect ** responsibility ** honesty ** inclusion ** successful learning

At Fulham Gardens Primary School all staff are committed to teaching and learning programs which are inclusive and provide all students with opportunities to maximise their learning potential through experiences that reflect continuity and consistency across R-7. We aim to develop students with POWERFUL LEARNING dispositions to be active and engaged learners with the capacity and skills to be creative and critical thinkers.


Quality teaching demonstrates intentional, responsive and effective learning design that engages and extends all learners.


Learners are supported to develop learning dispositions, academic and social skills in safe, engaging and challenging learning environments.


High expectations and targeted support exists for all learners to achieve or exceed agreed standards.


Intentionally design engaging learning experiences that build on learners’ prior knowledge, explicitly teach and scaffold learning to challenge and engage learners.

o TARGETED AND TAILORED LEARNING: Learning programs, plans and assessments are targeted and tailored to support learner needs and informed by national curriculum documents, SACE and whole school agreements.

STEM / Support professional learning to develop the capacity of teachers to differentiate learning programs and transform tasks to cater for all students.Aligned to the LDAM focus across our partnership.
Use the TfEl framework to develop a deeper understanding of powerful and engaged learners so as to improve learning outcomes and the capacity of staff to design critical and creative thinking dispositions.
Consolidate data collection and analysis processes to inform learning design, differentiated learning, moderation and assessment.
Support student engagement and powerful learning through using the Multiple intelligences, growth mindsets, Tfel and student well being tools. RRR and the MYID / At Fulham Gardens Primary School we analyse the following data to inform our SEA, measure achievement and plan future strategies to improve learning outcomes for all students
To increase % of students achieving the SEA by 10%
Year 3 Numeracy 64% to 73%
Year 5 Numeracy 100% to 100%
Year 7 Numeracy 80% to 90%
PAT M Targets by
50% Year 3 to achieve 101+ points
52% Year 4 to achieve 110+ points
90% Year 5 to achieve 112+ points
66% Year 6 to achieve 120+ points
90% Year 7 to achieve 121+ points
All students in the high growth range and higher achievement bands are maintained and increased. / Teaching practices are developed so intentional design of learning is aligned to the LDAM focus and students are developing as critical and creative thinkers.
There is a clear and consistent understanding of what constitutes powerful and engaged learners.
There is an understanding of how data is used to inform practices to develop powerful and engaged learners.
Parents and local community demonstrate understanding of ways to support their children to become powerful and engaged learners.
All students have demonstrated improved outcomes.
LITERACY / Support learning to develop the capacity of teachers to differentiate learning programs and transform tasks to cater for all students.
Use the TfEl framework to develop a deeper understanding of powerful and engaged learners so as to improve learning outcomes.
Consolidate data collection and analysis processes to inform learning design, differentiated learning, moderation and assessment.
Developing strategies to support student engagement and powerful learning through using the Multiple intelligences, growth mindsets, and Tfel. / At Fulham Gardens Primary School we analyse the following data to inform our SEA, measure achievement and plan future strategies to improve learning outcomes for all students
NAPLAN PAT R Running records
To increase % of students achieving the SEA by 10%
Year F 100%
Year 1 70% =+ 10% from F
Year 2 60% = +10% from Yr 1
To increase % of students achieving benchmarks by 10%
Year 3 Reading 58% to 68%
Year 5 Reading 70% to 80%
Year 7 Reading 80% to 90%
PAT R Targets by
75% Year 3 to achieve 95+ points
50% Year 4 to achieve 106+ points
84% Year 5 to achieve 112+ points
82% Year 6 to achieve 118+ points
80 % Year 7 to achieve 120+ points
All students in the high growth range and higher achievement bands are maintained and increased. / Teacher practices are improved to better develop powerful and engaged learners.
There is a clear and consistent understanding about what constitutes powerful and engaged learners.
There is an understanding of how data might be used to inform practices to develop powerful and engaged learners.
Parents and local community demonstrate understanding of ways to support their children to become powerful and engaged learners.
All students have demonstrated improved outcomes.