PEHD 210 -- Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription
Muscular Strength and Endurance Testing Lab
Body Weight______Age ______
Muscular Endurance Tests / Number completed / Score using tableon p.137Curl-ups
Muscular Strength Tests / WT / Reps / Predicted 1RM / Relative Score
Bench Press
Leg Press
Left hand / Right Hand / Total
Hand Grip Dynamometer
Dynamic Muscular Endurance
Test Battery / Men / Women / Repetitions
Exercise / %BM to lift / %BM to lift / 15max
Arm curl / 0.33 / 0.25
Bench press / 0.66 / 0.50
Lat pull-down / 0.66 / 0.50
Triceps extension / 0.33 / 0.33
Leg extension / 0.50 / 0.50
Leg curl / 0.33 / 0.33
Bent knee sit-up
Total Repetitions / Fitness category
91-105 / Excellent
77-90 / Very good
63-76 / Good
49-62 / Fair
35-48 / Poor
<35 / Very poor
Based on data compiled by V. Heyward on 250 college-aged men and women
Muscular Strength Test
YMCA Bench Press test / # reps / Score from table on p. 137
Instructions for YMCA Bench-Press Test
- Place 35 lbs. on the bar for women and 80 lbs. for the men.
- Set a metronome for 60 beats per minute.
- The subject lies on the bench with the feet on the floor.
- A spotter hands the weight to the subject. The starting position is the down position.
- Press the bar upward to full extension. After each extension, the barbell is lowered to the starting position. The pace is 30 lifts per minute. Listen to the metronome.
- The score is the number of successful repetitions. The test is terminated when the subject is unable to reach full extension or breaks the cadence set by the metronome.
Steps for 1-RM Maximum Testing(from: Heyward, V. Advanced Fitness and Exercise Prescription, 2002.
The following basic steps are recommended for 1-RM testing (Kraemer and Fry 1995).
1. Have your client warm-up by completing 5 to 10 repetitions of the exercise at 40-60% of the estimated 1-RM.
2. During a 1-minute rest, have the client stretch the muscle group. This is followed by three to five repetitions of the exercise at 60% to 80 % of the estimated 1-RM.
3. Increase the weight conservatively, and have the client attempt the 1-RM lift. If the lift is successful, the client should rest 3 to 5 minutes before attempting the next weight increment. Follow this procedure until the client fails to complete the lift. The 1-RM typically is achieved within three to five trials.
4. Record the 1-RM value as the maximum weight lifted for the last successful trial.
Prediction formula for 1-RM
1-RM = Wt(1- 0.025 x reps)
Note: There are other tests that can be performed and there are other sets of standards available for you to examine. Check the sheets I have for ACSM scoring and the AAHPERD norms.