Recommended Student Community Service Sites
Act 648
Increment 7
The agencies, organizations, and programs listed in the accompanying document were submitted in response to questionnaires sent to schools and community organizations. Based on their responses, the Division of Volunteerism recommends that they be reviewed and submitted to the applicable school boards for local approval as appropriate service sites for students. Inclusion of an agency, organization, or program on the list does not constitute an endorsement by the Arkansas Division of Volunteerism (ADOV). Site visits should be made to any organization or program about which the local school board may have any reservation regarding its appropriateness as a community service site for students.
ADOV will be pleased to work with approved/recommended organizations to create or enhance a student community service program to incorporate the preparation, action, and reflection components which fulfill the requirements and service learning intent of Act 648. Please direct calls, letters, or faxes to the addresses or numbers in the box below.
Donaghey Plaza South
PO Box 1437, Slot 1300
Little Rock, Arkansas
(501) 682-7540
TDD (501) 682-1605
Fax (501) 682-6752
1-800-482-5850, Ext 27540
Like previous increments, this listing contains schools/school districts as recommended community service sites. This corresponds with the belief of the ADOV staff that individual schools may be excellent potential venues for students to gain learning experiences while making meaningful contributions to their communities. As recommended previously, blanket approvals should be considered for schools with staff members who are willing to coordinate programs or projects on-site and to assure that these contain the preparation, action, and reflection components needed to fulfill the requirements of Act 648.
Finally, with the success of Youth Service Arkansas (YSA), there are sure to be additional opportunities for youth to participate in documentable community service. Mayors throughout Arkansas have endorsed the program. In addition, YSA also ties nicely into at least one of the five goals of the Presidents’ Summit on America’s Future (as carried forward by America’s Promise nationally — and Arkansas’ Promise in our own state). Please contact ADOV for information or assistance regarding any of these programs.
Data Compiled: 12/98 Increment 7