CRN18327 ENS 4300 CRN 18674ENS5300Renewable Energy
Spring 2010
T-R --- 3:30 – 4:45 p.m. --- Room: Link E250
Version 10.3
RE Class Sessions List and Homework Assignments of 4/8/2010by Frank Leslie
Boyle, Godfrey. Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Planet, Second Ed. Oxford: OxfordUniv. Press, 452pp., 2004. (required) The “companion text” is Boyle, Godfrey. Energy Systems & Sustainability, 2003. That text is reserved for ENS4300 in the Evans Library. Reading is marked “CT:” below
If text assignment shows “*”, you must do independent research in Evans Library or by Internet (reference URLs)
Class Homework
Session DateTopic Subject Presenter Read Boyle
1T 12 Jan 1.0IntroductionMr. LeslieCh. 1: 1-15; CT: 1-49
2R 14 Jan3.0Climate Change Controversy Dr. MaulCh. 1: 10-11, 180, *
3aT 19 Jan2.0aCurrent Energy EventsMr. Leslie*Newspapers & TV
3bT19 Jan2.0bComparative PollutionMr. LeslieCh. 1: 137-139, 213, 373-375, *, CT: 519-539, etc.
4R 21 Jan4.0Fuel UsageMr. LeslieCh. 1: 9-14; 109-110, 138, *, CT: 34-54, 57-88, 93-125,,
5aT 26 Jan5.0Fuels: CoalMr. Leslie ~30mCh. 1: 7-14, 108, 386, *, CT: 157-183;
5bT 26 Jan6.0Fuels: Oil / GasMr. Leslie ~30mCh. 1: 7-14, 385-386, *, CT: 227-291
6R 28 Jan7.0Nuclear EnergyMr. Leslie ~60minCh. 1: 2, 6, 7, *, CT: 395-431;
7T 2 Feb8.0Thermal Energy SystemsMr. Leslie ~60minCh. 2: 41-86; Ch. 4, 125, *, CT: 187-218, 382
8R 4 Feb9.0Energy Conservation & Efficiency Mr. Leslie ~60mCh. 1: 6, 53; Ch. 10, 404-405, 410-411;
9aT 9 Feb10.0EROEI & “Emergy”Mr. Leslie ~20mCh. 4: 96, 140, *
9bT 9 Feb11.0Solar Energy ResourcesMr. Leslie ~45min/34slCh. 2: 18-26
10R 11 Feb11.1Solar ThermalMr. Leslie ~45min/37Ch. 2:26-63
11T 16 Feb11.2Solar ElectricMr. Leslie ~45min/39Ch. 3: 66-103
12R 18 Feb12.0Wind EnergyMr. Leslie/Dr. LazarusCh. 7: 244-249, 268-269, 291; 32sl/
13T 23 Feb12.1Wind Energy 2Mr. Leslie ~45min/23Ch. 7: 249-296
14R 25 Feb 12.2Wind Turbine SystemsMr. Leslie ~45min/52Ch. 7: 249-268
15T 2 Mar12.3Wind Turbine Systems 2Mr. Leslie ~45min/55slCh. 7: 249-296
16T 2 Mar12.4Wind/Hybrid SystemsMr. Leslie ~45min/25Ch. 7: 267-296
17R 4 Mar---Mid-term ExamMr. Leslieon 16 sessions
Spring BreakM8 March - F 12 MarchNo Classes---
17T16 Mar13.0Bioenergy (Biomass)Mr. J. Wherley?/Mr. LeslieCh. 4: 106-145, CT: 525-560; 38sl
18R18 Mar14.0HydroelectricityMr. Leslie ~45min/32slCh. 5: 148-192
19T23 Mar15.0Geothermal EnergyMr. Leslie ~45min/15Ch. 9: 342-382
21R 25 Mar16.1Ocean EnergyMr. Leslie ~45min/52Ch. 6:(tidal): 196-241, 298-337, Sect. 6.8 ocean energy; Ch. 8 (wave): 298, 315-351
22aT 30Mar17.0Energy TransmissionMr. Leslie ~45min/30Ch.10:183, 217, 386-388; CT: 371-381
22bT 30 Mar18.0Energy Storage/H2Mr. Leslie ~45min/23Ch. 10: 384-433, 406-410, CT: 379-380, 587-592
23R 1 Apr19.0Transportation EnergyMr. Leslie ~45min/27Ch. 10: 385, 406,CT: 295-327, 353-357
24T 6 Apr19.1Transportation Energy 2Mr. Leslie ~45min/34/39Ch. 1: 15-16; Ch. 10, 409;
25R 8 Apr20.0Distributed GenerationMr. Leslie ~45min/25Ch. 10: 386, *
26T 13 Apr21.0Energy EconomicsDr. Slotkin ~45minEach chapter; A.2, 410-413, CT: 477-512
27R 15 Apr22.0Energy TradeoffsMr. Leslie ~45min/14Ch. 10:384-389, 410-413
20T 20Apr22.1Student Presentations/Open TopicsMr. Leslie ~45min TBD
28aR 22 Apr23.0Legal AspectsMr. Leslie ~45minCh. 10, 413-415, websearch
28bR 22 Apr24.0Energy FutureMr. Leslie ~45min/26Ch. 10:422-429
29T27 Apr25.0Review ~two minutes per session; ~60min/71 All
Most important two minutes of each session; equations and definitions
Term Paper, Project & Presentation Due
Final Term Paper on approved topic is due Tuesday, April 20at 9:00 a.m.
Final Term Project on approved subject is due Tuesday, April 20 at beginning of class.
Presentation of Term Project (?) on Tuesday, April 20 in Link Room 250
Friday, 30AprilFINAL EXAM In Link Bldg., Room E250; 3:30 - 5:30 p.m., Mr. LeslieOn Class Session 1 through 26
(Final test date is set/fixed by university in “Schedule of Classes” booklet)
There is some basic electricity covered in the Boyle companion text on pp. 333-343.
Holidays: MLK, M1/18: Pres. Day, M2/15; break, 3/8-12; mid-term exam, 3/4; final exams, 4/30, 5/1-6
Filename: CourseRE/MiscClass/Outline/RESessions.doc
RESessions.doc1 of 24/22/19