Install instruction for Excel 2003 & 2007
The 590-633 file and the S_Crops file should both be saved a folder called C:/590-633 on your hard. Once the files are saved on your computer and the link is updated you can do a “save as” and save the 590-633 to a different file name and a different location, but it will still be linked to the S_Crops file in the 590-633 folder.
In the event that you say “yes” to update the link and for some reason the link cannot be found, you can go to the “fixes” sheet of the 590-633 and click on “edit” at the top of the toolbars and the click on “links” and manually locate the S_Crops file and then link to it at that location.
Your Excel software must be set up to allow macros to function in Excel 2003 you need to click “Tools” on the menu bar then click “Macros”, then click “Security”, then select “Medium” under “Security Level”.
If you are using Excel 2007 you need click on the Office Button at the upper left of the screen and then select “Excel Options” at the bottom of the Office Button window, then click on “Trust Center”, then click on “Trust Center Settings”. In the Trust Center window click on “Macro Settings” and select “Disable all macros with notification”, then select “OK”. With this setting you will get a message, when you open the 590-633 spreadsheet, that says “Security Warning Some Active content has been disabled.” Click “options” at the end of the warning and then select “Enable this content” under “Macro” to make the macros work, and click on “Enable this content” under “Links” to make the link to the S_Crop database work, then select “OK”.
The link to the “S_Crops” database should be automatically updated, but if you want to make sure you can go to the “Fixes” sheet of the 590-633 spreadsheet and then click the “Data” tab at the top of the Excel 2007 display, then click “Edit Links”, then click “Update Values”. It will take a while for this to conclude so just wait and you will eventually see the “Status” change from “Unknown” to “OK”.