The 2018 QuakeCoRERfP Collaboration Plan is available on the QuakeCoRE website –
2018 QuakeCoRERequest for Proposal Application FormRFP Flagship / Special Project
Instructions [Delete these instructions before submission]
- All text in this proposal must be Calibri 11pt.
- CVs must be provided for each investigator. Please append CVs in Standard MBIE format (5 pages). CV template is available on the QuakeCoRE webpage.
- Applications must be submitted with two PDF files – a single PDF consisting of this form and a second PDF containing the CV(s). Wherever possible, please generate the PDF directly from the Word Document (rather than scanning it) to allow OCR tools to be used. Scanning the PDF file may result in delays to the contracting process. The budget should also be attached as an Excel spreadsheet using the template available on the QuakeCoRE website.PDFs should be named in the following format
- Flagship Projects
- QC_RfP_2018_“Project LeaderSurname”_“Project Code”
- Project Code:
- Flagship & Primary Thrust Area = FP“Flagship#”.” Primary Thrust#”
- For Flagship# and Primary Thrust# number see Section 9 of RfP Collaboration Plan
- Where more than one Flagshipand/or thrust are appropriate select the most relevant.
- Flagship & Primary Thrust Area CV= FP“Flagship#”.”PrimaryThrust#”_CV
- Flagship & Primary Thrust Area Budget = FP“Flagship#”.”PrimaryThrust#”_budget
- For example QC_RfP_2018_Smith_FP3.1 or QC_RfP_2018_Smith_FP3.1_CV or QC_RfP_2018_Smith_FP3.1_Budget
- Special Projects
- QC_RfP_2018_“Project LeaderSurname”_“Project Code”
- Project Code:
- Special Project& Primary Thrust Area = SP“Special Project”.” Primary Thrust#”
- For Primary Thrust# number see Section 9 of RfP Collaboration Plan
- Where more than one Flagship, Special Project and/or thrust are appropriate select the most relevant.
- Special Project& Primary Thrust Area CV= SP.”PrimaryThrust#”_CV
- Special Project & Primary Thrust Area Budget = SP.”PrimaryThrust#”_budget
- For example QC_RfP_2018_Smith_SP1.1 or QC_RfP_2018_Smith_SP1.1_CV or QC_RfP_2018_Smith_SP1.1_Budget
- Proposal submission is via theonline system, additional information is available at:
The evaluation criteria are detailed in Section 6 of the Collaboration Plan. Reconciliation of evaluation criteria and proposal submission is shown below:
Evaluation CriteriaSection of the proposal to demonstrate
Research ExcellenceDetailed outline / CVs / Links to other work
Fit with Mission and ValuesDetailed outline/ Links to other work/ Budget Justification/ Budget
Human capability development Budget/Personnel roles and responsibilities
The project will also be reviewed for contribution to Mātauranga Māori based on the information provided in the Detailed Outline / Relationship to Vision Mātauranga section of this proposal.
Project Leader’s Surname:
Project code: QC_RfP_2018_[Project Leader Surname]_[Flagship / Special Project.Primary Thrust]
Title of proposed project:
Which specific parts of the RfP does this project cover?
Primary Area
Choose an item.
Primary Thrust Area (See section 9 of Collaboration Plan):
If this project covers more than one Flagship, Special Project or Thrust Area, please enter additional areas below:
Project Investigators
[Provide the names of the project Associate Investigators (including industry representatives and partners) together with their affiliations. Delete this text before submission]
Project Leader Name / Quake
PI / Quake
AI / Quake
Affiliate / Project Leader Organisation
☐ / ☐ / ☐ /
Investigator Name / Investigator Organisation
☐ / ☐ / ☐ /
☐ / ☐ / ☐ /
☐ / ☐ / ☐ /
☐ / ☐ / ☐ /
☐ / ☐ / ☐ /
Project Proposal
Maximum total length of project abstract and detailed outline of project is 3 pages excluding references (maximum of 1 page of references) and one additional page for ‘Budget Justification’ and ‘Objectives and Deliverables’.
- Project Abstract:
- Detailed outline of project:
This section should also address how the proposed research applies, adapts or complements any earlier work, its relevance and urgency of application and by what means it is intended to address a gap in present knowledge and practices; and potential follow on research beyond 2018; References cited should appear at the bottom of this section. Indicate how this RfP Flagship project relates to the coordinated Flagship Project.
Use the subheadings below.Delete this text before submission]
Research Context:
Key Objective:
Research Methodology:
Relationship to Vision Mātauranga:[Outline the Vision Mātauranga conscious consideration and process, including a summary of Māori consultation, relationship building, researchers or capability has been considered, identified or developed in relation to this project. If no conscious consideration and process has been undertaken, please include a deliverable ‘Assessment of opportunities for Vision Mātauranga in the project area’. Delete this text before submission]
Expected Impacts:[Short-term and long-term impacts including translation to practice. These impacts may come beyond the timeframe of the funding provided. Delete this text before submission].
- Project Budget
Salaries & Salary-related costs / $
Overheads / $
Direct costs / $
Travel / $
Postgraduate students / $
Subcontracts / $
- Budget Justification:
Name / Role
(e.g. Project Leader, Project Investigator, Student, Translation partner) / Responsibilities
Resources: [Provide an explanation of project costs; outline the direct costs of the research including consumables and any travel required for the project; Note: International conference travel is not covered by QuakeCoRE project funding. Delete this text before submission]
- Project Objective and Deliverables: [Each project will have a single Objective and must have at least two Deliverables (where one deliverable is a peer-reviewed journal publication). This section will be copied into the contract if the proposal is successful and should only include 2018 deliverables. No changes can be made to the project objective or deliverables during contracting. Please see the FAQs for examples of appropriate objectives and deliverables. Delete this text before submission]
Deliverable (short description)
[Enter deliverables here. Add additional rows as needed. Delete this text before submission] / Due Date
Peer Reviewed Journal Publication
[To show advanced thinking on the novelty of the proposal, please also indicate the tentative title of the journal publication output. Delete this text before submission] / 31/12/2018
Related Research
The following two sections (‘Outline of aligned and/or in-kind funding’‘Linked QuakeCoRE research activities’) are limited to one page total.
- Outline of aligned funding:
Description of aligned activities:
Direct costs:
Personnel (salaries and student scholarships):
Name / Funding source / FTE / Cost
(including overhead and salary related costs)
Total: / $
Total aligned funding: $
- Ethics or Regulatory Approvals:
☐ / Yes / ☐ / No
If approvals are required please indicate if you have these approvals or how approvals may affect the project timelines.
This application is consistent with the QuakeCoRE collaboration agreement and has been read by both the applicant and employing organisation and it is acknowledged that if this proposal receives QuakeCoRE funding, the terms and conditions set out in the agreement must be adhered to. I confirm that all QuakeCoRE project reporting to date has been completed[1] and that all of the people named in this proposal are aware of their involvement in this project and are committed to supporting a successful project outcome.
[1]Required QuakeCoRE Reporting includes, Q1 & Q2 Project Reports, Workshop Reports, Technology Platform Reports and the Annual QuakeCoRE Investigator Survey; Q3 Project Reports are not required to have been submitted at this time.