President Phoebe Sharp

District Commissioner Cathy Almond Tel 580486 e-mail

Rosside Farm, Rosside, Ulverston, LA12 7NR

Secretary Liz Cowsill Tel 464635

Membership Secretary Julie Newsham Tel 582244 e-mail

Tethers End, Great Urswick, Near Ulverston, LA12 0SX.

Treasurer Karen Harvey Tel 431105

Instructors Co-ordinator Lauren Wood Tel 07724590402

Team Organizers Tetrathlon / Triathlon Lindsey Wiejak tel 824927

Show jumping Hilary Thompson tel 582035

PPC Games /Quiz /Horse Care Dianne Tyson tel 467935

Dressage Julie Newsham tel 582244

Eventing Julie Newsham tel 582244

Website/Face book Co-ordinator Laura Naylor

Other Committee Members - Marian Winder, Alex Cowsill, Jo Heap, Sharon Ravenscroft, Claire Shuttleworth & Mel Roberts


Mounted rallies (in black)

These are teaching sessions and the backbone of Pony Club activities. You will be put into groups according to age and ability and are taught by qualified instructors starting from 6.00, the lessons usually last 2 hours (weather permitting). The cost for these rallies is just £5.00 and MUST be booked and paid for at least 1 week in advance so we can book the right number of instructors and sort out appropriate rides. When attending these rallies you can wear your PC sweatshirt, shirt, tie, badge, jodhpurs, riding boots or jodhpur boots, gloves and a tagged hat (come to the caravan to have your hat tagged before mounting). If the weather is hot instructors may let you remove your sweatshirts but only if you are wearing a long sleeved shirt. A list will be on the caravan telling you which ride and ring you will be in.

At the start of each rally your instructor will mark you out of 5 for the turn of your tack, pony and yourself, you also receive 5 points for attending. All these points are added up throughout the season and trophies and rosettes awarded to the members with the most points.

Open Clear round Jumping (in black)

These are fun evenings where the show jumping and the working hunter courses are set out for you to use. Heights of jumps are altered throughout the evening. The cost is £2.00 per round. Appropriate riding gear should be worn.

Clinics (in black)

We are running 3 special clinics this year, Working Hunter, Showing and Dismounted Dressage. It is very important you book for these sessions well in advance so we can organise the groups and let you know the format for the day. Cost £8.00

Camp (in black)

Every year we hold a Pony Club Camp at Cartmel Race Course, the cost for this is £200.00 with a £50 non refundable deposit to be paid when booking. Each day members receive 2 hours ridden instruction in the morning & afternoon plus 1 hour stable management at lunch time. We also have evening entertainment each night. All horses and members food is included. This camp is open to all members who are 10 years and over on the date of camp, we occasional take 9 year olds but this is at the discretion of the committee. Please make sure you book and pay your deposit by the beginning of June so we can book the appropriate number of instructors. Please note your horse/pony must be fully vaccinated to come to camp.

Mini Camp

We also hold a 1 day mini- camp for those members under 10 years of age, again at Cartmel Race Course, the cost for this is £30.00 with a £10 non refundable deposit to be paid when booking. During the day members receive 2 hours ridden instruction in the morning & afternoon plus 1 hour stable management at lunch time (lunch for members is included).

Gymkhanas (in green)

We have 2 types of Gymkhanas, Members only & Open. The schedules for these are with your programme. Correct showing gear, i.e. jackets, must be worn for competition (except for games when you can wear your sweatshirts). Entries for classes are taken in the caravan on the day so there is no need to book. Classes are £3.00 each for members. Similar to rallies points are awarded for individual classes at Open Gymkhanas and total placing for Members only Gymkhanas, these are added up and trophies awarded on presentation night.

Combined Training (in green)

These are competitions involving a dressage test and a round of show jumping. . The schedules for these are with your programme. Entries and payments must be sent to me at least 1 week before the competition. Dressage tests are available for the caravan or on the main PC web site.

Non Branch Events (in blue)

These are lists of local shows and other branches events that may be of interest to you. Entries are to be done individually.

Area Competitions (in red)

These are team competitions in various disciplines. If you wish to be in a team please contact the Branch team organisers at the front of your programme who will be able to give you more details.


Saturday 4th April Setting up Pony Club Field From 10.00

Thursday 9th April Mounted Night Rally All ages 6.00 Start

Team Show jumping, Heat 5, Osbaldeston, Contact Hilary For details DTBC

Thursday 16th April Open clear round jumping 6.00-8.00

Saturday 18th April Working Hunter Clinic group teaching from 10.00 Cost £8.00

Sunday 19th April Oxenholme Clear round Cross Country

Thursday 23h April Mounted Night Rally All ages 6.00 Start

Saturday 25th April Area 4 Horse & Pony Care Competition


Thursday 30th April Open clear round jumping 6.00-8.00

Thursday 7th May Mounted Night Rally All ages 6.00 Start

Saturday 9th May Showing and Ring Craft Clinic group teaching from 10.00 Cost £8.00

Sunday 10th May Oxenholme Hunter Trials

Sunday 10th May North Lonsdale Show Gymkhana

Thursday 14th May Open clear round jumping 6.00-8.00

Saturday 16th May Dismounted Dressage Training Clinic group teaching from 10.00 at JulIe Newsham’s field, Great Urswick. Cost £8.00

Thursday 21st May Mounted Night Rally All ages 6.00 Start

Saturday 23rd May – Area 4 Prince Philip Cup Games

Sunday 24th May OPEN GYMKHANA 9.30 START

Monday 25th May Millom & Broughton Show Gymkhana

Thursday 28th May Open clear round jumping 6.00-8.00

Saturday 30th May Members only Gymkhana Dots Cup Day 9.30 START

Thursday 4th June Mounted Night Rally All ages 6.00 Start

Saturday 6th June Cumberland County Show Carlisle Racecourse.

Thursday 11th June Open clear round jumping 6.00-8.00

Friday 19th June Camp meeting Pennington Village Hall 7.00pm

Saturday 20th June Combined Training from 10.00

Thursday 25th June Mounted Night Rally All ages 6.00 Start

Sunday 28th June OPEN GYMKHANA, 9.30 START

Thursday 2nd July Open clear round jumping 6.00-8.00

Saturday 4th July Area 4 Show jumping, Oxenholme If interested in being in a team phone Hilary

Thursday 9th July Mounted Night Rally All ages 6.00 Start

Saturday 11th July Members only Gymkhana 9.30 START.

Sat/Sun 11th/12th July Area 4 Tetrathlon

Thursday 16th July Combined Training 6.00 Start

Sunday 19th July OPEN GYMKHANA 9.30 START

Sunday 19th July– Area 4 Eventing

Thursday 23rd July to Monday 27thJuly, Camp, Cartmel Racecourse

Sunday 26th Mini Camp.

Saturday 25th July Area 4 Dressage

Wednesday 29th July North Lonsdale Agricultural show, Urswick

Saturday 1st August Garstang Show

Wednesday 5th August Cartmel Agricultural Society Show, Cartmel Racecourse

Thursday 6th August Mounted Night Rally All ages. 6.00 Start

Saturday 8th August Members only Gymkhana 9.30 START

Tuesday 11th August Lunesdale Show

Thursday 13th August Combined Training 6.00 start

Saturday 15th August PICNIC RIDE details to be confirmed

Tuesday 18th August Hawkshead Show

Thursday 20th August Mounted Night Rally All ages 6.00 Start

21st – 25th August Pony club championships

Saturday 22nd August Combined Training from 10.00

Sunday 23rd August OPEN GYMKHANA 9.30 START

Saturday 29th August Millom and Broughton Show

Sunday 30th August Finals Day – Lakes Riding Club-Lane Farm, Kendal

Thursday 3rd September Mounted Night Rally All ages 6.00 Start

Saturday 5th September Lowick Show

Sunday 6th September ODE Oxenholme

Thursday 10th September Westmorland County Show

Saturday 12th September Members only Gymkhana 9.30 START

Sunday 13th September Witherslack Show

Sunday 20th September OPEN GYMKHANA 9.30 START

Saturday 26th September Members only Mini Cross country day 10.00 START.

Sunday 27th September RDA Sponsored Ride

BLACK Branch Rallies & other non competitive events

GREEN Branch Gymkhana & Combined Training

BLUE Events not help by the branch

RED Pony Club Area Competitions and Finals


Members Information

Lead Rein Rule

Members that are 7 years and under are considered to be lead rein riders and are eligible for lead rein points at all events. Depending of the standard of the riding of a member they may ride at a rally off the lead rein if the instructor deems it appropriate.

At competitions, gymkhanas & combined training, if a 7 & under rider & pony combination is declared off lead rein they must continue off lead rein for the rest of the season and all gain 12 & under points.

Members may declare one pony off lead rein and another pony on lead rein if appropriate.

I hope that clears up any misunderstandings. If you have any queries contact me (Cathy).

Area and Inter branch Teams

If you wish to take part in any Area and/or interbranch teams please contact the team trainers ASAP so they can let you know dates, times, venues and any available training. As of this season the committee has decided that the club will pay all entry fees for these events. However, a £10.00 deposit must be given to the trainer before entries are sent off. This will be refunded when you attend the competition. If you do not turn up to the event your deposit will not be refunded.

N.B. Points are totalled from OPEN Gymkhanas and trophies given out at end of season prize-giving (rosettes for reserve and champion only). Separate points are awarded for Members only Gymkhanas, Combined Training and Rallies.

Please ensure you return all trophies for the Dots Cup Day and Prize giving in plenty of time. All trophies should have labels on the bottom depicting which cup day they belong to. (Ring Hilary)

There are still some members who have not paid their subscriptions for this year, if you are going to re-join please submit these ASAP to Julie Newsham, Tethers End, Great Urswick, Near Ulverston, LA12 0SX. These are due on 1st February 2015, after this date you are not covered by pony club insurance so cannot take part in branch events until you have paid your subscriptions. Don’t forget to ask your parents to fill in the Gift Aid Form, money back from HQ for each one completed. If anyone is not sure about them please ring Julie 582244 for clarification.

All hats must be checked and tagged; members will not be allowed to compete without a tagged hat. Hats must have the CE mark and a quality symbol, either BSI Kite mark, the SAI Global symbol or the official Snell label with number.

BSI Kite mark Snell SAI Global

PAS 015 1998 Snell E2001 with the AS/NZS 3838 1998 or

EN 1384 1996 official Snell label and AS/NZS 3838 2003

BS EN 1384 1997 number

Please come and see me (Cathy) at your first event to have your hat checked and tagged.

No horses or ponies under the age of 4 years may take part in any pony club activity.

Neither the Pony Club, nor any person on its behalf, shall be held responsible for any accidents at rallies, gymkhanas, or at any other meetings or activities, to members or their horses or ponies.

If you wish to buy Branch Sweatshirts or other Pony Club merchandise please contact Cathy

Please note there will be no hot refreshments at mid week events but we will be running a tuck shop from the caravan.



Saturday 30th May (DOT’S CUP DAY)

Saturday 11th July,

Saturday 8th August (Sponsored Sash Day)

Saturday 12th September

The Pony Club Field Bardsea. 9.30am START Note new start time

Turn out & Equitation

Class 1 Best turned out 12 & under

Class 2 Best turned out 13 & over

Class 3 Equitation 11-12 years (any normal riding bit)

Class 4 Equitation 13-14 years (snaffle bit only)

Class 5 Equitation 15 & over (snaffle bit only)

Class 6 Equitation lead rein

Class 7 Equitation 8 & under

Class 8 Equitation 10 & under

Class 9 Pairs Equitation

Games Class 10 Lead rein 7yrs & under Class 11 11 yrs & under Class 12 12 yrs & over Jumping classes Riders may compete in 2 consecutive rounds & a novelty class

Class 13 Lead rein (7 & under)

Class 14 8 & under (Lead Rein Height)

Class 15 10 & under (40cms max 1st round)

Class 16 40cms (Any Aged rider)

Class 17 50cms

Class 18 60cms

Class 19 70cms

Class 20 85cms

Class 21 1metre

Class 22 Horses (60cms max 1st round)

Class 23 Horses (1.00M)

Class 24 Pairs jumping (to be drawn on the day) Entries by 12.00

Class 25 Novelty Jumping Class to be decided on the day

Showing Classes 1.00pm

Class 26 Pony Club pony (to include small jump)

Class 27 Ridden Mountain & Moorland Small Breeds

Class 28 Ridden Mountain & Moorland Large Breeds

Class 29 Riding pony (not exceeding 153cms excluding M & M) Class 30 Riding Horse (exceeding 153cms) Class 31 Ridden Veteran

Class 32 Novelty class to be decided on the day

Class 33 Novelty class to be decided on the day

Handy Pony to be run throughout the day

The working hunter ring will be open for clear round jumping throughout the day.


The Pony Club Field Bardsea. . 9.30am start

Sunday 24th May, Sunday 28th June, Sunday 19th July, Sunday 23rd August and