mid the continuing inexorable slide into the Second World Depression, when it became apparent that Barack H. Obama is more conservative than Dwight D. Eisenhower and possibly even Richard M. Nixon, voters in Massachusetts voted in a Republican after the (needless and pointless) demise of Ted Kennedy, for want of any other alternative to Obama's party. Yet it was the party of Ronald W. Reagan, George Bush, Sr., and George Bush, Jr., as well as that of William J. Clinton, that has brought us into this predicament of rampant across-the-board highway robbery that is manufacturing poverty the way Detroit used to manufacture cars. Since the turn of the 20th century, the Republican Party has only represented the interests of a tiny special interest group: the power-hungry, bloodthirsty, and lecherous descendents of the medieval Nordic gang-bangers who had deposed and succeeded the Roman Empire and have ruled the world with an iron fist ever since, resulting in countless megadeaths to both humans and to entire species and ecosystems.

From the dawn of the 20th century through the 1970s, the Democratic Party had represented the interests of the labor unions, the membership of which had comprised a plurality of the American electorate. However, ever since the 1980s, that is no longer true. Now, the Democratic Party only represents the interests of self-made wealth and the upper middle class (the managerial class). The singular goal of this narrow special interest group is its members' social promotion to and acceptance by the hereditary Nordic ruling class described above. This social climbing has proved to be a recipe for disaster for the rest of the human species and the biosphere, as the catastrophic bailouts, health care reform, and the Citizens United Supreme Court ruling regarding campaign finance have painfully demonstrated.

Slide 47 of Consumerism noted that in the 19th century, only a small, close-knit community of teetotaling, bloomer-wearing radicals was ever genuinely concerned with the welfare of African Americans. Sadly, most radicals today no longer teetotal and no longer seek comprehensive dress reform, to the great detriment of public health, especially for women. But what haven’t changed are the size and the intimacy of this community. In a medium-sized city like Memphis, everybody knows everybody, and in a large city like Dallas, everybody at least knows everybody's organization. Progressives still comprise only 15% of the U.S. population, which will never carry the day electorally. In Canada, West Europe, and parts of the Pacific Basin, these numbers are better, thanks to the hard lessons of the Second World War and the parliamentary systems they enjoy.

Libertarians, representing middle class white males and some of their wives, enjoy a larger proportion than progressives, but still nowhere near a plurality. However, save for the disciples of postmillennial libertarians such as Ron Paul, Alex Jones, and G. Edward Griffin, libertarians tend to be too self-absorbed to form such an intimate community as progressives have. These, too, will never carry the day electorally by themselves, to their own chagrin.

It is important to know the history of the culture wars to understand why they are dated and increasingly irrelevant. This divide originated as a schism in the early Church following the events of Holy Week and Easter Season. Without the physical presence of Jesus Christ as charismatic glue to hold the disciples together, two opposing factions quickly formed. One group, led by Simon Peter and John Evangelist, maintained that abortion and homosexuality were mortal sins, but that substance usage and human carnivory were acceptable. Any practice of abstinence and/or vegetarianism, they charged, constituted supererogation. The opposition, led by Mary Magdalene and Thomas Twin, preached the diametric opposite: that human carnivory and substance usage were sins, but that abortion and homosexuality were permissible and prohibition of these constituted oppression and tyranny. Curiously, some of the proto-liberals, called Gnostics, also maintained that John Baptist, not Jesus Christ, was the real Messiah. Chillingly, the “Mary Salome” who had accompanied Magdalene to the tomb on Easter morning is the same Salome of the infamous dance of the seven veils before the lecherous Herod Agrippa I and may have been responsible for Baptist’s brutal execution, although some alternative historians believe that he was already dead at the time and that the superstitious disciples merely recovered his head because they believed it had supernatural powers. Upon his famous conversion, Paul weighed in with the proto-conservatives and their perspective prevailed. This is why the “Doubting Tom” story in the Johannine Gospel is a spurious effort to undermine Thomas’ credibility. To escape assassination by the notoriously misogynist Peter, Magdalene and a handful of her disciples fled to the Riviera in a ship that was not even seaworthy. Centuries later, it was the Left that was the target of the Inquisition and the Witch Hunts, including the Albiginsian Crusade, in which Magdalene’s ideological and possibly biological descendents in Provencal were exterminated in the worst genocide of medieval Europe, leaving the area in poverty to this very day. It wasn’t until the failed experiment of Prohibition and the discovery of psychedelic drugs in the 20th century that the Left forsook 1900 years of temperance for today’s ill-conceived drug culture. The anti-tobacco movement is the last remnant of women’s temperance. In a knee-jerk reaction, the Right in turn abandoned 1900 years of railing about supererogation for their current Nancy Reagan posture which includes reinstatement of Prohibition. Libertarians, nearly all of whom are atheists, reject prohibition of abortion, substance usage, homosexuality, and human carnivory.

If one reads the entire Bible from cover to cover, its prevailing ideological perspective is not Republican Nordic supremacist nationalism but what I sometimes call socialist theocracy, sometimes call anti-libertarianism, and most often call tropical morality. This also holds true for all other scriptures of legacy world religions. Only the Baha’i faith offers a truly progressive vision because it is a product of the 19th century worldwide feminist movement. It is emblematic that I have had to name this ideological perspective because in the Western world, it is an orphan ideology without a political party or an NGO. I humbly admit that I am too ignorant about the tropical political landscape to know what political parties there might be with a tropical moralist platform. Most tropical peasants believe that all four of the above behaviors—abortion, human carnivory, homosexuality, and substance usage—are and have always been mortal sins. This economically socialist, socially conservative vision is the ideology of traditional agrarian society, of which most of its members are poor and powerless, with no connection whatsoever to the ideological warfare that dominates dismembered Church history. Anabaptists and straightedgers represent some of the more radical forms of tropical morality, while moderate tropical moralists comprise a plurality of Americans, including the majority of Rustbelt elderly, African Americans, Rustbelt poor whites, Hispanics, and Asian Americans. A typical elderly or working class moderate tropical moralist is anti-war, antiabortion, anti-nuclear, anti-gay, pro-entitlements, and anti-drug. This is why Democrats always win whenever geopolitics and economics dominate the election cycle, while Republicans always win whenever culture wars dominate the campaign. Worldwide, tropical morality represents the vast majority of the human population, save for feminist minorities forged in the crucibles of rape and family abuse who live in constant peril and often die violently at the hands of male supremacists. Both the Democratic and Republican Parties are absolutely terrified of tropical morality, because its political organization would swiftly and inevitably bring about their extinction. Libertarians are likewise terrified of tropical morality, because it opposes the permissiveness they demand on pain of certain capital punishment. The following tables offer a snapshot of tropical morality.


Geopolitics and WMD / Gender / Health care
Economics and poverty / Sexuality / Capital punishment
Labor / Reproduction / Subsidies and bailouts of business
Race / Family / Technology
Class (secular caste) / Education / Trade
Energy / Alcohol / Mideast
Transportation / Other drugs / Religion
Media ownership / Gambling / Electoral politics
Environment / Media content / Justice
Animals / End of life / Age
Gun ownership / The arts / Disability
Diet / Public decorum / Beverages
Tobacco / Feminism / Attire and personal appearance
Shopping and consumerism / Postmodernism / Libertarianism
Fascism and nationalism / Stalinism / Chinese Communism
Anti-war / Antiabortion
Anti-nuclear / Anti-gay
Pro-entitlements / Pro-school vouchers and school choice
Anti-fascist / Anti-Stalinist
Pro-African American / Anti-feminist
Pro-poor whites / Anti-Semitic
Pro-Hispanic / Anti-atheist
Pro-Asian American / Anti-polytheist
Pro-elderly / Anti-youth
Pro-disability rights / Anti-euthanasia and assisted suicide
Pro-environment / Anti-evolution
Anti-gun / Anti-alcohol
Anti-tobacco / Anti-drug
Pro-living wage / Anti-gambling
Anti-animal research / Anti-stem cell research
Pro-IT / Anti-biotechnology
Pro-single payer / Pro-alternative medicine and antipsychiatry
Anti-capitalist / Pro-faith-based initiatives
Anti-school military recruitment / Pro-school prayer
Pro-home birth / Pro-homeschooling
Pro-public assistance and social programs / Anti-subsidies for and bailouts of business
Anti-prison / Pro-death penalty for crimes against humanity
Anti-corporate / Anti-separation of church and state
Pro-labor / Pro-familial patriarchs
  • Against all sex, violence, vulgar language, hate language, and substance usage in the media

The obsolescence and moral bankruptcy of the two “major” parties, traumatically illustrated by the impasse of this historical moment, demands a profound realignment of the political landscape that will be violently opposed by the Nordic ruling class, self-made wealth, and managerial social climbers represented by both major parties. A successful realignment would look like this by mid century:



A successful realignment like this will allow the progressive vision to advance by forming a coalition with libertarians on social issues while forming a coalition with tropical moralists on geopolitics, economics, race, and the environment. Tropical moralists will also pressure progressives into reclaiming their former 19th century moral high ground on comprehensive dress reform, temperance in the broadest sense, and the actual nature and provision of health care. Libertarian followers of Ron Paul, Alex Jones, and “Mr. Griffin” will form a supermajority with tropical moralists and with a subset of progressives like me who are pro-alternative medicine and pro-antipsychiatry. This is why the medical profession and its industry are more terrified of tropical morality than anyone else. Because all progressives and most postmillennial libertarians are pro-environment, the supermajority to save the earth will be even larger. Regardless of how successful or unsuccessful the realignment is, the days of the polluting industries are numbered.

However, a failed realignment would look like this:



Considered terroriststhe governing classincluding Russo-supremacists,

Sino-supremacists, Latino supremacists, Black nationalists, etc.

Also considered terrorists

Amid such failure, the definition of a left-winger would be a feminist, a person who believes that women are people, while the definition of a right-winger would be a racial narcissist; a person who believes that his/her race is genetically and morally superior to all others. As noted in the postscript to The Autobiography of an Anesthetized Patient, peoples of color, poor white males, Muslims, the environment, people with real disabilities, and the elderly will be saved at the expense of women, youth, Jews, sexual minorities, and the arts. It may take centuries or millennia, or even forever, to reclaim the progressive vision, as of right now it is literally being anesthetized away. Recall how both the “World’s Greatest Generation” and the “Baby Boomers” who heroically combated nationalism in their youth all went Republican after being anesthetized!

Every citizen needs to understand that neither Obama nor Sarah Palin is the answer; they are both large parts of the problem by being marionettes for the central banks, the insurance industry, the military-industrial complex Eisenhower had warned us about a half-century ago, and the disease mafia that was the causative force of not only WWII and its Holocaust, but of 9/11 and its aftermath. Clearly, the only way out of the current quagmire is to form some sort of ad hoc third party consisting of a coalition of progressives, libertarians, and tropical moralists. It is extremely difficult to assemble and hold together such a coalition with profound differences on the usual (arguably frivolous) hot-button issues. This is why the controlled “lamestream” media continually bitches about these issues: to maintain an artificial dichotomy that has long outlived its usefulness so as to obstruct the extinction of the two obsolescent parties. This is why ASSUME THE OPPOSITE eschews abortion and all related issues. Ultimately, the coalition will be eventually doomed to split once the obsolete parties are extinct, forming three new parties that would comprise the new mainstream. However, the consequences of failing to form such a short-lived coalition will be the U.S. becoming a failed state, overrun by warring rednecks, gangstas, and south-of-the-border mafias, with Chinese Communist carpetbaggers not far behind. As the “Chi-Comms” succumb to their own ecocide, the long-term consequences, as warned in the postscript to Autobiography, will be the new millennium being dominated by tropical theocracies, which may or may not have the vision to unite against and annihilate the capitalist and organized crime entities they will profess to abhor. Regardless of the outcome, the events of the next decade as the Second World Depression continues to develop will certainly discredit Objectivism for once and for all, relegating it to the trash heap of history right next to Nazism and Stalinism.


It is emblematic that half of the postmillennial issues involve the practice of medicine.

Single payer, abolition of private insurance / Geopolitical pacifism
Cholesterol does not cause heart disease / Nuclear pacifism and other WMD pacifism
Vaccines cause autism, AD/HD, “shaken baby” / Anti-globalization (no free trade agreements)
HIV does not cause AIDS / Against all subsidies and bailouts of business
Home birth / Renewable energy
Abolition of hysterectomies / Abolition of nuclear fission power
Abolition of psychiatry / Abolition of Wall Street
Mammograms cause breast cancer / Abolition of corporations
All medical x-rays and CT cause cancer / Pro-environment
Heart surgeries cause heart attacks / 9/11 was entirely of US ruling class authorship
Abolition of mercury dental fillings / Repeal of the Patriot Acts
Abolition of fluoridation / Repeal of the Telecom Act
SSRIs cause suicide and school shootings / Disbanding of the Dept. of Homeland Security
Disbanding of NIH and NIMH / Net neutrality
Cancer, heart disease mostly nutritional / Voter-verified paper voting receipts
Pro-alternative medicine / Palestinian rights
Prescription drugs cause Alzheimer / Term limits, impeachment for Supreme Court
Trans fats, HFCS caused epidemic of diabetes / Against all public funding of sports arenas
Bras cause breast cancer / ‘60s assassinations were of CIA authorship
Abolition of tubes in children’s ears / Woodrow Wilson ordered the Lusitania sunk
Abolition of tonsillectomies, adenoidectomies / FDR was involved in Pearl Harbor
MS is really vitamin D deficiency / Recognition of Chinese Communist threat
Evangelism of diets and/or caffeine abstinence / Opposition to Mormonism
Public health aspects of environmentalism / For “traditional cats”


The differences between the progressives, libertarians, and conservatives are the usual, arguably insufferable litmus-test, hot-button issues of gender, sexuality, reproduction, religion, gun ownership, capital punishment, race, euthanasia and assisted suicide, alcohol and other substance usage, gambling, immigration, popular music, and burning the flag.

Matthias Rath, MD / Ron Paul / Pat Buchanan
Gary Null, Ph.D. / Alex Jones / Scott Ritter
myself / G. Edward Griffin / Robert S. Mendelsohn, MD*

* Deceased