The 16thDavid Anzaldua Memorial Baseball Tourney

Hosted by the LPHS Baseball Booster Club, Deer Park and Clear Lake.

Thursday February 25 to Saturday Feb. 27.

Dear Coaches,

Welcome to the 16th annual David Anzaldua Tourney. Just like in the past, this tourney is run entirely by the LPHS Booster Club. The entry fee for this year has gone up due to the rising cost of umpires and the loss of one of our sponsors. The fee this year will be $250. This will help alleviate the cost for the umpires and security. Please make checks out to LPHS Baseball Booster Club or to LPHS Baseball. You can mail the checks to me. Below you will find the schedule for the tourney. If there is a problem with your games, please notify me immediately. We have 3 locations this year, Bulldog Field, Jim Keathan Field in Deer Park Bob Cobb field in at Clear Lake HS. We do have tarps in case of rain and will do our best to get all games in. If you need lunches for your players, let us know and we can get you guys a combo meal at a low price. The booster club will appreciate all your purchases from them at the game. Fax me or email me your team roster for the program. The cages will be open for teams to hit prior to their game at all 3 locations. Each team will get 30 minutes to hit. Please do not allow food or drinks in the cages, and have 1 coach with them at all times. At LPHS, buses can park at the pool parking lot beyond right field. We will have a hospitality room at LPHS for coaches and umpires. Good luck to all and see you at the ballpark.

Tourney rules

  1. 2 hour time limit or 7 innings
  2. If still tied after time or 7 innings, 1 extra inning will be played. If still tied, game will remain a tie.
  3. Teams will provide all game balls to the umpire. Chase your own foul balls.
  4. No outside food or drinks are allowed, let your parents know.
  5. All tourney team will be selected by coaches and booster club.

We will have a trainer on duty. Teams will flip for home. LP will use 3rd base dugout and be home throughout tourney. Lake and Deer Park will use first base dugouts.

Mercy rule in effect, 10 after 5, 15 after 4.

Ricky Torres=713-253-6155 Chris Rupp-Deer Park HS-713-231-6009Thomas Loria-Clear Lake HS 281-635-0630

Baseball office 281-604-7679

301 E. Fairmont

LA Porte, Texas 77571

Fax 281-604-7801

2016 David Anzaldua Memorial Baseball Tournament


Thursday February 25

At La Porte HS Bulldog FieldAt Deer Park HS Jim Keathan FieldAt Clear Lake HS Bob Cobb Field

10:00amClear BrookvsTexas CityDeer ParkvsConroe

12:30pmLa PortevsTexas CityBarbers HillvsSouth HoustonClear Lake vs Dobie

3:00pmClear BrookvsPNGConroevsSouth HoustonDobievsGalveston Ball

5:30pmLa Porte vsPNGDeer ParkvsBarbers HillClear LakevsGalveston Ball

Friday February 26th

At La Porte HS Bulldog FieldAt Deer Park HS Jim Keathan FieldAt Clear Lake HS Bob Cobb Field

10:00amBarbers HillvsGalveston BallDeer ParkvsClear Brook

12:30pmLa PortevsGalveston BallPNGvsTexas CityClear Lake vsSouth Houston 3:00pm Barbers Hill vs Dobie PNG vs Deer Park Clear Brook vs Conroe

5:30pmLa Porte vsDobieSouth HoustonvsTexas CityClear LakevsConroe

Saturday February 27th

At La Porte HS Bulldog FieldAt Deer Park HS Jim Keathan Field

10:00amBarbers HillvsClear BrookTexas CityvsClear Lake

12:30pmPNGvsGalveston BallDeer ParkvsDobie

3:00pmLa Porte VSConroe