Shaping the Future
Working with the Executive Headteacher to:
Create and communicate a shared vision, ethos and strategic plan that inspires and motivates all stakeholders and reflects the needs of the school and its community as part of Sheffield and in its wider context.
Translate the vision into clear objectives that promote and sustain school improvement.
Ensure that the school moves forward for the benefit of its pupils and their community.
Motivate and inspire stakeholders to create a strong, shared culture of learning within an inclusive environment.
Learning and Teaching
Working with the Executive Headteacher to:
Set high expectations and challenging targets, monitoring effectiveness and evaluating learning outcomes.
Ensure a school-wide focus on pupils’ achievement, using data and benchmarks to monitor progress in every child’s learning.
Establish creative, effective approaches to learning and teaching, responsive to the needs of the pupil community.
Ensure a culture that supports and facilitates pupil engagement in, and ownership of their own learning.
Monitor, evaluate and review classroom and assessment practice and promote improvement strategies, challenging underperformance and ensuring corrective action.
Developing Self and Others
Working with the Executive Headteacher to:
Build a collaborative learning culture within the school and actively engage with other schools to build effective learning communities and partnerships.
Develop and maintain effective strategies and procedures for the induction, professional development and performance review of all staff.
Set high expectations for all and address underperformance.
Regularly self evaluate, set personal targets and take responsibility for own personal professional development.
Support the Headteacher in the implementation of performance management systems that ensure high quality education provision.
To act as a role model for the highest professional standards within the framework of the schools expectations.
Managing the Organisation
Working with the Executive Headteacher to:
Ensure that the school and its resources are organised and managed to provide an efficient, effective and safe learning environment.
Manage the school’s financial and human resources effectively and efficiently to achieve the school’s educational goals and priorities.
Recruit, retain and deploy staff appropriately.
Ensure that the range, quality and use of all available resources is monitored, evaluated and reviewed to improve the quality of education for all pupils and provide value for money.
To deputise for the Headteacher as necessary
To undertake any professional duties of the Headteacher, as delegated, or in the event of their absence from school.
Securing Accountability
Effective fulfilment of all roles and responsibilities outlined in this document
Provide information, advice and support to the Executive Headteacherand Governing Body to enable them to meet their responsibilities for securing:
- Effective teaching and learning
- High standards of achievement
- Efficiency and good value for money
and enabling them to present full, clear and accurate accounts of school performance to a range of audiences including the Children’s Service Authority, OFSTED, the local community and others.
To assist the Headteacher in creating and developing an organisation in which all staff recognise that they are accountable for the success of the school.
To assist the Headteacher in ensuring all parents are well informed about:
- curriculum attainment and progress
- realistic and challenging targets for improvement
and to make a fully informed contribution to achieving them.
Strengthening Community
Working with the Executive Headteacher to:
Manage effective relationships with all stakeholders and partners.
Co-operate and work with relevant agencies and partners to ensure the well being of children in line with the 5 Every Child Matters outcomes.
Ensure learning experiences for pupils are linked and integrated with the wider community, local, national and global.
Build a school culture and curriculum that takes account of the richness and diversity of the school’s communities.
Create and promote positive strategies for challenging all forms of prejudice and harassment.
Promote the concept of lifelong learning and family engagement with learning through partnership.
Specific Responsibilities: INCLUSION
Responsibilities as Inclusion Manager/SENCo
- Have experience as a SENCO or Inclusion Manager in a primary / middle school (including a secure knowledge of SEN / Inclusion / Equality issues)
- Ensure the best possible well-being, progress and achievement for all pupils on the SEN register, and those who may need additional provision / support at some time
- Work in partnership with other specialist staff to ensure the needs of all the children on the SEN register are met
- Work collaboratively with outside agencies
- Act as CPLO and deal with child protection issues
- Use data to analyse and evaluate performance, and to present to a variety of audiences the outcomes from this
- Ensure that the needs of G&T pupils are met
- Responsible for developing, maintaining and managing attendance systems
- Responsible for developing, maintaining and managing behaviour systems
- Responsible for all data systems in relation to SEN, Gifted and talented, behaviour and attendance
- Provide regular reports in relation to SEN, Gifted and talented, behaviour and attendance to headteacher and governors
Resource Responsibilities for Inclusion
Ensure health and safety standards in SNU and IR’s
- Ensure the provision of a safe, secure learning environment in SNU and IR’s
- Oversee the management and maintenance of the SNU and IR’s and wider school staffing as appropriate
- Working with the executive deputy and executive headteacher on staffing and premises matters.
Curriculum Responsibilities for Inclusion
- Responsibility for Planning, Development, Monitoring and Assessment of SEN provision
- Responsibility for ensuring high standards of SEN provision
- To develop with the assessment coordinator a central pupil performance database for children with SEN
- To assist the Headteacher in formulating a system of performance management for all staff to include both staff and curriculum development
- To ensure that all pupils receive their entitlement to the full curriculum within a framework of equal opportunities and ensuring regular monitoring and reporting of their progress
- To assist the Headteacher and deputy in ensuring that all parents are well informed about progress and are able to understand realistic and challenging targets for improvement and to make a fully informed contribution to achieving them
- To develop extracurricular activities
Pastoral/Line Management Responsibilities for Inclusion
- To line manage SEN staff and support senior teachers
- Manage the Behaviour Support Team, which includes the Senior and
Assistant Learning Mentors, Pupil Support Assistant, lunchtime Play Leaders and the Home/School Link Officer
- To plan, manage and monitor the use of support staff in this area and across the school (as required)
- Managing PPA and absence cover for SEN
- To ensure staff carry out their roles and responsibilities in line with school policy
- To be responsible with other senior leaders for Staff development
- To be responsible for pastoral provision and the promotion of an inclusive strategic provision for pupils
- To develop and implement strategies to ensure pupil progress, to monitor, evaluate and review those strategies and pupil progress, and develop extension and out of school hours activities working with partners in education
- To act as Child Protection Liaison Teacher
- Ensure that a high level of attendance and punctuality for all pupils and work with school staff and outside agencies to support this
- With the Head, Deputy and other Assistant Heads, provide leadership for and management of whole school priorities
Person Specification/Profile – Assistant Headteacher (INCLUSION)
Qualification and Experience Requirements / How assessed- QTS (Qualified Teacher Status)
- Evidence of regular and appropriate professional development
- Experience as a SENCo in a primary or middle school
- Evidence of recent management development and of leading a team
- Evidence of recent senior management experience demonstrating a substantial contribution to:
-Developing and implementing a school ethos
-Planning, developing, monitoring and assessing the whole school curriculum
-Raising standards through systematic target setting and monitoring , including within the processes of OFSTED
-Developing community involvement
-Developing and/or leading SEN
- Successful experience of leading CPD
- Successful experience of implementing school improvement initiatives with measurable outcomes
Assistant Headteachers should be able to demonstrate their ability in:
- Collaborative and flexible leadership in close partnership covering
-Planning strategically and operationally
- Effective management, decision making and organisational skills, including:
-Consultation and negotiation skills
-Ability to delegate
-Ability to motivate staff and pupils
- Interpersonal skills which demonstrate an ability to develop and maintain good relationships with all members of the school community and partners
- Active and effective internal school liaison work, including the promotion and development of team working
- To plan and make decisions that take full account of equal opportunities
- Performance review: a sharp focus on school self evaluation, with particular regard to assessment and pupil progress
Assistant Headteachers should be able to demonstrate their knowledge, experience and understanding of:
Shaping the future
- Local, national and global trends in education
- Communication strategies both within and beyond the school
- New technologies, their use and impact
Leading teaching and learning
- Strategies to raise achievement and achieving excellence
- Strategies to ensure inclusion, diversity and access
- Strategies to develop effective teachers
- Models of learning and teaching
- Principles of effective teaching and assessment for learning
- Models of behaviour and attendance management
- Curriculum design and management
Developing self and others
- Strategies to promote self and team development
Managing the organisation
- Equal opportunities policy in service delivery and employment
- Legal issues relating to managing a school including Equal Opportunities, Race Relations, Disability, Human Rights and Employment Legislation
Securing accountability
- Relevant education legislation
- Principles and practice of quality assurance systems, including school review, self evaluation and performance management
- Data collection and analysis tools
- Performance monitoring and evaluation techniques
- Statutory educational frameworks, including governance
- Public service policy and accountability frameworks, including self evaluation and multi-agency working
- Use of a range of tools (including performance data) to support, monitor, evaluate and improve aspects of school life.
Strengthening community
- Current issues and future trends that impact on the school community
- Strategies to encourage parents and carers to support their children’s learning
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children
- Safeguarding issues
Please note that you should complete a “SCHOOL LEADERSHIP” application form for this post.
Team Impacts: An effective assistant headteacher needs to be well balanced across each of the team impact areas.
Sheffield Headteacher Competency Framework : This framework identifies the key competencies required of an effective assistant headteacher (these competencies are derived from and mapped against the Revised National Standards for Headteachers 2004)
Emotional Intelligence Competencies: This competency framework is the Goleman 1998 Emotional Intelligence Model as recommended by NCSL, it identifies the professional qualities required of an effective assistant headteacher. (These competencies are divided into social and personal competencies).
This is a leadership model that underpins all leadership roles within schools.
Team / Impacts (SHL)Creating / The Vision / Managing / Activities / Delivering / Resourcing
Sheffield / Headteacher / Competency / Framework
Analysing & Interpreting / Strategic vision and innovation / People Management / Leadership and Decision making / Organising and Implementing / Resilience / Communication and Influencing / Finance and Resourcing
Emotional / Intelligence / Competencies / (Social/Personal)
Social Awareness (SC)
Organisational Awareness (SC) / Organisational awareness (SC)
Change catalyst (SC) / Self awareness (PC)
Accurate self assessment (PC)
Trustworthiness (PC)
Social awareness (SC)
Empathy (SC)
Developing others (SC)
Conflict Management (SC)
Teamwork and collaboration (SC) / Conscientiousness (PC)
Initiative (PC)
Leadership (SC) / Self management (PC)
Achievement Orientation (PC) / Emotional Self Awareness (PC)
Self Control (PC)
Adaptability (PC) / Self-confidence (PC)
Social Skills (SC)
Influence (SC)
Communication (SC)
Building Bonds (SC) / Service Orientation (SC)
Working Together
Executive Headteacher: Chris Hobson Executive Deputy Head: Lynn Thorne
Hartley Brook Road, SHEFFIELD, S5 0JF Federation Assistant Head: Gail Kemp
Tel: 0114 2456 882 Facsimile 0114 2402 544 Assistant Headteachers: Karen Brown
E Mail : Penny Watkin
April 2011
Dear applicant
Assistant Headteacher – INCLUSION
Thank you for your interest in the above post.
If you are ambitious and want a post that will develop your leadership skills to the full, offer you enormous opportunities to work at the cutting edge of educational development and provide you with interesting challenges and career prospects, then this is the job for you.
As part of a major restructure at Hartley Brook, we are now able to offer the above post, which is new to the school and to the structure. The post will mainly be based at the Hartley Brook site. However, as a federation appointment, there will be considerable opportunity for the role to encompass development work across both schools.
Hartley Brook is in the Hartley Brook – Hatfield Federation, established to raise standards and improve provision. The senior leadership work across both schools, although some senior leaders have a greater role in one particular school. Our vision is that any school can become outstanding and deliver outstanding outcomes for its children. With this in mind, professional development, both in relation to teaching and learning and leadership, is central to what we do.
There are almost 1000 children (Hartley Brook 550) and 100 front line staff (Hartley Brook 60) within the federation. The governors want to gradually develop common systems and structures across the two schools. The executive head works across both schools on a daily basis, leading the federation in a similar way to a split site secondary school.
The executive head has been in post at Hatfield for two years and just over two terms at Hartley Brook, in addition she led the Sheffield Primary Task Force (2008-10). Previous to that she was Headteacher of Richmond Primary School and Executive Headteacher of Hodge Clough Junior School and WernethJuniorSchools, all in Oldham. She was a National Leader of Education when based in Oldham and Richmond was a designated NationalSupportSchool. The current federation executive deputies and the executive assistant head were part of the NationalSupportSchool team in Oldham and the Sheffield Task Force. In addition to running the two schools, the leadership team also provides the NQT training package for Sheffield Local Authority. As such, the team have a wealth of experience in school improvement to share with new members of the leadership team.
The governors and leadership team are looking to appoint an assistant head with drive and ambition which matches their own. Considerable change needs to take place to develop Hartley Brook so that the children there can reach their full potential. This post is essential in enabling this to happen.
Hartley Brook is based in two buildings (F1 – Year 2 and Year 3 – Year 6 plus extended schools) on one large site. Much work is still needed to improve these and the resources in them.
The post of Assistant Head Inclusion has been created to ensure that all children at Hartley Brook receive the support that they are entitled to. Hartley Brook has a large number of children on the SEN register and is also home to a Special Needs Nursery (SNU) and an Integrated Resources Unit in both KS1 and KS2, funded and well supported by the Local Authority. We want to improve the standards of SEN provision in the school and need a highly skilled Assistant Head to help us to achieve this. This post is non class based. The person appointed will work with the Head and Deputy to manage the school, and its buildings and resources on a day to day basis, therefore strong leadership and management skills are essential. They will also manage the Behaviour Support Team, which includes the Senior and Assistant Learning Mentors, Pupil Support Assistant and lunchtime Play Leaders and the Home/School Link Officer.
If you are interested in applying for this post, please contact the Executive Head (Mrs Chris Hobson) any day before 9pm on 07843694120. Visits to both federation schools are warmly welcomed.
The closing date is noon on Monday 16 May 2011 at 4:00pm and the selection process is scheduled for Friday 20 May 2011. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted by 4:00pm on Tuesday 17 May 2011. Please ensure that you provide daytime contact numbers and email addresses for your referees.
We look forward to receiving your application.
Yours faithfully
Anne Nettleship
Chair of Federated Governing Body