Record of Proceedings

The 11th Meeting of the Permanent Committee on GIS Infrastructure

for Asia and the Pacific (PCGIAP)

Bali, Indonesia

18-21 May 2005


A. Introduction

1. This record is a summary of the 11th Meeting of the Permanent Committee on GIS Infrastructure for Asia and the Pacific (PCGIAP) held from 18 to 21 May 2005 in Bali, Indonesia.

2. The Committee meeting was preceded by an Executive Board meeting and a PCGIAP open seminar on the tsunami - "Responses made and lessons learned". The program of the meeting is attached as Annex 1.

3. The open seminar on the tsunami was organized for the purpose of raising awareness and data sharing among the parties concerned and to contribute to the Asia Pacific region, which PCGIAP serves. Ten presentations were made from five countries, Australia, India, Indonesia, Japan, and Malaysia, where diverse efforts were reported from scientific to administrative, national to global. Views and information were exchanged among experts of PCGIAP and the Indonesian authorities after each presentation. Needs for further collaboration among the member nations were highlighted. The seminar, providing an optimum venue of learning and exchanges, prepared attendees for successful sessions of the Committee meeting.

4. The members visited a tide gauge station, where the Indonesian sea level monitoring system and activities were introduced.

B. Attendance

5. The meeting was attended by about 60 national delegates and experts from 12 countries. The Committee welcomed a new member country, Timor-Leste, as the 56th member, represented by Mr. Pedro de Sousa Xavier, Director of National Directorate of Land and Property, Ministry of Justice. The full list of participants is attached as Annex 2.

C. Opening of the meeting

6. The host of the 11th PCGIAP meeting, Mr. Rudolf Matindas, Head of the National Coordination Agency for Surveys and Mapping of Indonesia, expressed his warm welcome and thanks to all members for their participation and preparations for the meeting. The full text of his address is found at Annex 3.

7. The President of the Committee, Mr. Peter Holland, expressed his appreciation to the host and to the members for their efforts to attend the meeting. In his address he reiterated the goals of PCGIAP, and called for further cooperation among the members to pursue its works of regional significance and relevance. The full text of the President's address is at Annex 4.

D. Confirmation of Agenda

8. A special country report of Indonesia was added and the proposed agenda was accepted as presented.

E. Apologies for absence

9. Apologies for absence have been received from Dr. Wang Chunfeng(China), Mr. Diony Ventura(the Philippines), Mr. Keu Mataroa(Cook Islands), Dato' Hamid(Malaysia), Prof. Pengfei Cheng(Chair of Working Group1), Prof. Ian Williamson(Chair of Working Group 3), Mr. Gholam Reza Fallahi(Chair of Working Group 2), and Mr. Ahmad Fauzi bin Nordin(Vice Chair of Working Group 3). Dr. Wang, Prof. Williamson, Mr. Fallahi, and Mr. Nordin were represented by Prof. Yang Kai, Dr. Abbas Rajabifard, Mr. Ahmadyieh Reza, and Dr. Abu Samad, respectively.

F. Report from President

10. The President gave a summary of the Committee activities since the 10th meeting in Bangalore, India, 30-31 January 2004. The full report is found at Annex 5.

11. The report reviewed the events of PCGIAP, including the 10th PCGIAP and Workshop in Mysore organized by PCGIAP Working Group 4 immediately after the 11th PCGIAP, Working Group 3 Workshop "Administering the Marine Environment-The Spatial Dimensions" in May 2004, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Workshop on APSDI jointly run by Working Group 1 and 2, September 2004, Chengdu, China, Working Group 2 GIS Portal Toolkit Workshop for PCGIAP supported by ESRI China, and most recently Open Seminar on the Tsunami on 18 May 2005, Bali, Indonesia.

12. Personnel changes were reported and accepted. Mr. Shin In-Kee, Korea, replaced Mr. Kim Young-Hwan, while Maj. Gen. M Gopal Rao, India, took place of Dr. Prithvish Nag both as a Board member and Chair of Working Group 4. Indonesia's nomination for Board membership was unanimously accepted. Mr. Bebas Purnawan of BAKOSURTANAL is to represent Indonesia and to serve the Board until 17th UNRCC-AP/12th PCGIAP in 2006. Timor-Leste is the 56th member country. The President extended welcome to the new member, while expressing thanks to the outgoing members for their past contributions.

13. Cooperation with liaisons and other related international organs, including ISCGM, GSDI, FIG, and PCIDEA, continues in various forms, through participation in the meetings, paper presentation, and support to projects and initiatives.

14. Next Executive Board meeting is to be held in November 2005 in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam. Initial contact has been made for the 17th UNRCC-AP/12th PCGIAP with the UN Statistics Division, which proposes dates of 5-9 September 2006 at ESCAP, Bangkok, Thailand.

G. Report from Secretary

15. Mr. Yaguchi Akira, Secretary of PCGIAP, supplemented the President's report. The full report is attached as Annex 6.

16. A list of current Board members including Chairs and Vice Chairs of the four Working Groups (WGs) was confirmed. Twelve countries on the Board are Australia(President), China(Vice President), Japan (Secretary), Brunei Darussalam, Cook Islands, India, Indonesia, Iran, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, and Russian Federation. Appointment of Mr. Matsuzaka Shigeru, Japan, replacing Dr. Tsuji Hiromichi as Vice Chair of WG1, was endorsed. Office of Vice Chair of WG4 is to be filled due to the retirement of Dr. Kim Kyehyun from the PCGIAP activities.

17. Various liaison activities underway, notably with ISPRS, ISCGM, GSDI, and ISO/TC211 were introduced. Support was offered to the Institution of Surveyors Australia in its successful bid to host the FIG 2010 in Sydney.

18. PCGIAP web site was updated and upgraded. A template was also prepared as a reference for WG pages. Each WG is encouraged to work for an improved WG site as necessary.

H. Progress report from Working Group 1 (Regional Geodesy)

19. Mr. Matsuzaka Shigeru, Vice Chair of WG 1, gave a summary on the progress and status of the WG 1 project plans developed based on the resolution adopted at the 16th UNRCC-AP/9th PCGIAP in July 2003, Okinawa, Japan. The report is contained in Annex 7.

20. Efforts continue for enhancement of a regional geodetic infrastructure through joint observation projects, while a change of focus of the WG1 was suggested from general geodetic activities into the area of specialization and applications of the benefits achieved from the regional geodetic framework, possibly engaging other professionals. Also needs for better understanding and data sharing of the tectonic forces were strongly recognized due to the unprecedented tsunami disaster of 26 Dec. 2004.

21. As a response to the needs above mentioned, an extraordinary geodetic campaign has been proposed for the GPS and tide gauge data collection and analysis across the affected area. Mr. Imakiire Tetsuro, Japan, has been nominated as the campaign coordinator.

I. Progress report from Working Group 2 (Fundamental Data)

22. Mr. Ahmadyieh Reza, Iran, presented the WG 2 report on behalf of the WG 2 Chair. The full report is attached as Annex 8.

23. The report reviewed the progress of the major projects of Pan Asia-Pacific framework datasets and APSDI clearinghouse development as was recommended at the 16th UNRCC-AP/9th PCGIAP in July 2003 and again in September 2004 at the Workshop in Chengdu, China.

24. Participation in and support to the Taskforces for these projects from the member nations are strongly and urgently requested. To meet technical requirements for the tasks involved, WG 2 seeks partnerships and opportunities of technical training and capacity building for the members. ESRI GIS Portal Toolkit Workshop was held in April 2005, in Hong Kong, China. A workshop co-organized with ISPRS on "Service and Application of SDI" is scheduled for October 4-16, 2005 in Hangzhou, China.

J. Progress report from Working Group 3 (Cadastre)

25. Mr. Abbas Rajabifard, Australia, gave the report of the Cadastre Group on behalf of the Chair. The full details are found at Annex 9.

26. One major activity undertaken since the last UNRCC-AP was the International Workshop on Administering the Marine Environment held in May 2004 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, with an objective of gaining better understanding of the spatial dimensions of administrating marine environment in Asia and the Pacific region. A resolution was adopted recommending the members inclusion of a marine dimension in their national SDI. In relation to this a Marine Administration Template has been developed and published on-line.

27. Another important project of WG3 will be integration of built (cadastral) and natural (topographic) environmental datasets within national SDI initiatives. The project investigates problems and issues in data integration and then develops a framework model for the integration first at national level.

28. He also reported on the conference of GSDI-8 and FIG Working Week 2005 held in Cairo, Egypt, during 16-21 April 2005, where he attended and presented a joint paper titled "Making the SDI concept relevant to Asia and the Pacific countries-The PCGIAP Experience".

K. Progress report from Working Group 4 (Institutional Strengthening)

29. Major General M Gopal Rao, Chair of WG 4, presented the report summarizing the WG4 Workshop in February 2004, in Mysore, India. The full report is attached as Annex 10.

30. The Workshop was co-organized by WG4 and University of Mysore, where various efforts and experiences were introduced by representatives of institutions engaged in capacity building and institutional strengthening. It was pointed out that the key to develop requisite human resources in the SDI lies in building up relations and creating synergies among different organizations as well as accessibility to data sources.

31. With an objective of providing expertise and consultancy through step-by-step approach an international course on SDI has been proposed to be held at Survey Training Institute, Survey of India, Hyderabad, India, during October 12-28, 2005. The course could be continued on a regular basis for necessary updates.

L Report from the Group of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

32. The special CIS group represented by the Roskartographia of Russian Federation distributed a CD-ROM on their activities.

M Report from Timor-Leste

33. Mr. Pedro de Sousa Xavier, Director of National Directorate of Land and Property (NDLP), Ministry of Justice, presented a report on the efforts towards the national SDI development detailing GIS players in Timor-Leste, data sources and map series, etc.

34. Mr. Wine D. Langeraar, National Mapping Advisor for NDLP and Mr. Romao Guterres, Chief of National Mapping Division, NDLP, presented a report on the 2004 Census preparations and GPS field operations. Household distribution map derived from the census data was tabled. Power Point data of the two reports and the country report are attached as Annex 11.

N. Report of NSDI in Indonesia

35. Mr. Bebas Purnawan, the National Coordinating Agency for Surveys and Mapping of Indonesia (BAKOSURTANAL), presented a report on the progress and status of Indonesian SDI. In his report Mr. Purnawan cited the outcomes of the 1st stage development and plans for the 2nd stage, where availability, accessibility and standardization of the national fundamental datasets will be pursued towards the year 2009 when the SDI is planned to be operational. Power point data of the report is found at Annex 12.

O. Reports from liaison organizations

36. Mr. Akeno Kazuhiko of Secretariat presented reports received from the international organizations with which PCGIAP has established a liaison relation.

37. Firstly he presented a report received from the International Steering Committee for Global Mapping (ISCGM), describing the steady progress of Global Mapping Project, now covering 13% of the entire landmass of the earth and increasing participation of the countries and regions around the globe, 143 countries as of April 2005. The full report is found at Annex 13.

38. A report received from the GSDI Association highlighted, among other things, the success of the GSDI-8 in Cairo, linkages with WSIS(World Summit of Information Society), GEO(Group of Earth Observation), and CEOS (International Committee on Earth Observation Systems), and progress in establishing the next level committees within the Association. The next meeting will take place in November 2006, in Santiago, Chile. The full report is at Annex 14.

39. Report from PCIDEA (Permanent Committee of Spatial Data Infrastructure for the Americas) outlined the recent activities including a Special Meeting for the Development of Information Policies for Land Management in the Americas, and a seminar on ISO Metadata Standards. The full report is at Annex 15.

40. Status report of ISO/TC211 was given. It has already issued about 20 standards including metadata, quality, and spatial references. PCGIAP members are encouraged to contribute to its standardization activities and to the Data Providers Survey by its newly established Focus Group. The full report is attached as Annex 16.

P. Discussions

41. Korea nominated Prof. Kim Eun-Hyung and Prof. Cho Woo-Sug, for the office of Vice Chair of WG4, which had been held by Prof. Kim Kyehyun. The nomination was endorsed. WG4 is to be led by Chair Maj. Gen. M Gopal Rao, India, and the two Vice Chairs.

42. Pengiran Hj Matusin Matasan, Brunei Darussalam, made a presentation on the next EB meeting to be held in the capital city, Bandar Seri Begawan. The meeting is scheduled to run concurrently with the 8th South East Asia Survey Congress, ASEAN FLAG, and UNGEGN. A PCGIAP Workshop is also proposed inviting members of the other meetings. The Power point data is attached as Annex 17.