Developmental Cell 15

Supplemental Data

Unfolded Protein Response Genes

Regulated by CED-1 Are Required

for Caenorhabditis elegans Innate Immunity

Kylie A. Haskins, Jonathan F. Russell, Nathan Gaddis, Holly K. Dressman, and Alejandro Aballay

Figure S1.pqn/abu Genes Expressed in a CED-1-dependent Manner Are Required for C. elegans Survival on Live E. coli

(A) Wild-type animals grown on dsRNA for vector control or dsRNA for abu genes were exposed to live E. coli: abu-11 RNAi P < 0.0001, abu-8 RNAi P < 0.0001, abu-7 RNAi P < 0.0001, abu-1 RNAi P < 0.0001.

(B) Wild-type animals grown on dsRNA for vector control or dsRNA for pqn genes were exposed to live E. coli: pqn-54 RNAi P < 0.0001, pqn-5 RNAi P < 0.0001.

(C) Wild-type animals grown on dsRNA for vector control or dsRNA for abu genes were exposed to heat-killed E. coli: abu-11 RNAi P > 0.1, abu-8 RNAi P > 0.1, abu-7 RNAi P > 0.1, abu-1 RNAi P > 0.1.

(D) Wild-type animals grown on dsRNA for vector control or dsRNA for pqn candidate genes were exposed to heat-killed E. coli: pqn-54 RNAi P = 0.067, pqn-5 RNAi P > 0.1.

For each condition, 90-140 animals were used. P values are relative to wild-type animals fed dsRNA for vector control.

Figure S2. Knockdown of pqn/abu Genes Does Not Increase the Number of Corpses in the Germline

Cell corpses in young adult nematodes fed E. coli OP50 or S. enterica SL1344 for 24 hours were counted using syto12 staining in wild-type animals exposed to dsRNA for vector control and wild-type animals exposed to dsRNA targeting abu-1 and abu-11. The graph represents three independent experiments, each of which used 20 animals; bars correspond to mean±s.d..

Figure S3.S. enterica/GFP Invasion of the Pharynx of ced-1(e1735) Animals

(A) Confocal image showing the terminal bulb of the pharynx of a ced-1(e17350)animalinfected with intact S. enterica cells expressing GFP.

(B) Transmission image showing that the lumen of the terminal bulb remains intact.

(C) C. elegans diagram was modified from

Figure S4. Engulfment Does Not Protect Against Pharyngeal Invasion by S. enterica

The percentage of nematodes with infected pharynxes when fed S. enterica expressing GFP for 48 hours was determined for wild-type and engulfment mutant animals. For each condition, 116-120 animals were used. Bars correspond to mean±s.d..

Figure S5.sir-2.1 Animals Are Not More Resistant to S. enterica-Mediated Killing than Wild-Type Animals

Wild-type and sir-2.1(ok434) animals were exposed to live S. enterica: P = 0.094. For each condition, 135 animals were used.