THBT the American presidential nomination process should adopt a single one-day national primary
THBT stolen cultural artifacts should be returned to their place of origin.
THBT the media should out gay public figures.
THBTDisney should make an animated motion picture with a clearly gay protagonist.
THBT upon death, everyone’s body should revert to the state for the purposes of organ donation or scientific use depending on need.
THW tax products based on their ecological footprint.
THW not give money to beggers.
THW ban elective cosmetic surgery.
THW decriminalize squatting.
THBT the EU should become a federal republic – a United States of Europe.
THBT required religion classes in schools should force students to study a faith that is not their own.
THW make votes public the day after the election.
THW move to a cash-free society using electronic fund transfers.
THW amend the US constitution to prohibit any involvement by religious organizations in the electoral process
THBT militaries in newly democratized Arab states should act as guardians of secularism.
THBT in the Internet era, citizens need to rethink their right to privacy.
THBT it is too early to fully normalize relations with Myanmar.
THBT Mitt Romney made a good choice in Paul Ryan as a running mate for 2012.
THW limit the amount that can be spent by corporations in any one course of litigation.
THBT Palestinians should accept complete demilitarization in return for a guaranteed sovereign state.
THB schools should aggressively screen students according to their ability from a young age.
THBT the UN should impose a no-fly zone in Syria.
THBT the UN should use humanitarian military intervention to protect non-combatants in Syria.
THW have harsher penalties for celebrities who commit crimes.
THBT a conscious consumer does more than a voter to make the world a better place. LOBBYISTS?
THW ban intended home births in developed nations.
THW limit media coverage of shooting incidents.
THW make Jerusalem a UN protectorate ruled by neither Israel nor Palestine.
THW allow the use of performance enhancing drugs in sports.
THW abolish the minimum wage during recessions.
THW decrease prison sentences in exchange for military service.
THW require substantial military service for all seeking the USA presidency.
THW link development aid to free and fair elections.
TH opposes gender specific prizes and awards for professional achievements.
THW not publish or broadcast depictions of the prophet Mohammed.
THBT the state should put a cap on percentage of population incarcerated.